Foursaken Media must be withholding the update. There is no way it's been "in review" for 24 hours. And the fact that they browse these boards but don't post anything is only more evident that they won't talk about this. They probably have legitimate reasons for this, like getting their advertising campaign up and running. This is probably their last chance to make a lot of sales and they won't squander it because the game was reviewed early.
he's probably leaving that possibility out assuming the update wouldn't get rejected by apple (rare? especially with a skilled crew like foursaken)
I know what happened guys. They finally finished and went to celebrate and get drunk and laid. Let them enjoy themselves. There will be plenty of bug heroes soon enough. But Jaime, I am getting anxious
Yep. It's not a review problem or else they would have told us. But Jamie's keeping quiet so we know something is up.
while we are waiting... how do you think grasshopper's primary weapon is upgraded? being that it is his arms and legs...
Seeing as Jamie isn't on top of this, just wanted to say no, we are not holding it back. It will be released right when it is done with review, and at this point it is still "In Review". Not sure why it's taking so long, but I figure it's got to be the thing mentioned earlier -- it gets marked in review going into the weekend and won't make it out until Monday. Just thought I should put the speculation to rest!
Holy crap! I have been really busy with kids and coaching their teams and haven't had time to play bug heroes for a couple weeks or look at the forum and I peek in and holy crap! This update is insane! I cannot wait to purchase every single pack the second it's available. These are the most deticated Devs I have ever seen. Man I hope it drops soon.