Hey BigRhinox! In addition to the awesome strategy guides some of our user have made, we've also got a bunch of changes in this update that should help you out a ton (and ALL "noobie" players for that matter )... Easy mode for one has been made MUCH easier: heroes will be extremely cheap to revive (225 gold for a level 0 hero, to only 825 for a level 20 hero), meaning that making mistakes won't matter as much bc you should easily be able to buy back dead heroes. You will also earn much more gold in Easy (it was actually a huge oversight on our part... currently in Easy you fight less enemies, but you don't earn any extra gold, meaning that in fact you earn LESS gold overall in easy >_< This was also inadvertently making Hard easier then its supposed to be, since there are more enemies you could earn a crap load of gold very quickly). And finally there are a bit less enemies you'll have to deal with in Easy. Overall, Easy should be closer to that mode that you just play to have fun or to last a really long time. I'm sure some scores and rounds will be quite insane once the update goes live, but I figure the Easy leader boards really aren't that important... Easy is just for those people trying to figure stuff out and have fun.
Will the new enemies show up across levels or are each level specific? For example, in the kitchen level is it possible that all 50 enemies appear if you play long enough or will it be limited to only kitchen specific villans?
I'm sorry but people already asking for "all three for cheaper" really annoys me, I know maybe not everybody has a whole three dollars but come on stop trying to cheat the devs out of all there hard work.
This, and you should have stopped there No, not everybody has a whole three dollars, heck, heck there are people in the world struggling to feed entire households on less than that amount a day, but the blunt truth is that if you somehow have an iOS device that you didn't rob/steal/find, you could pay the $3, period, no excuses, no hardship stories accepted here: You have an iOS device (so barring you being in the rob/steal/find category, we know you're not the equivalent of a subsistence farmer trying to feed your entire household on <$3/day) and you have access to this forum (which means you have regular internet access in a reasonably developed corner of the world) so, at worst, you could skip a single lunch (and many of us would probably benefit from that every now and again anyhow) and have enough for all three packs. Besides, the initial game for $1.99 was already a huge steal, spending another $3 for 6 new heroes and 3 new areas is just bigger larceny, as the first set of content is already worth $5, so getting all the extra content should be making people very happy and very grateful, not into the equivalent of panhandlers in Calcutta. I'll be buying all three packs as soon as they're live, and if they turn around and make them free the next day, I won't be complaining
Well, there are some reasonable excuses here and there. I was unable to purchase anything that's not free because of where I live until I created a US iTunes account and started getting friends to order iTunes gift cards for me from various websites. So my iTunes credit is precious, but Bug Heroes is worth every penny, even if I have to pay $3 for each pack.
I hate to ask the question again... But how will the updates show up? Will I have to search for the updates using search? Or will it show up automatically in my updates as normal updates do? I'm confused as it will be a pay update(perfectly fine with me- great game), I just want to know how to seek these updates out, thank you.
It will show up like a normal update implementing the new content along with the bug fixes, tweaks, etc...
I couldn't have agreed with you more. Well said and well put.. Stop being cheap people. Stop thinking everything needs to be .99 or Free.
Every update for an app must be free to download; but upon downloading it, it could provide nothing except an option to but IAP. Of course, Bug Heroes provides a lot more than that in this update.
Is there a certain time that apple cuts off for the night? Or could the update cone at 12am CST? Or do updates going via apples approval status only during normal business hours?
Apple approves updates at all hours of the night. But when they release them is fairly random. Sometimes at 11 PM US east, sometimes at 6 AM, at midnight, ect.
You took my spot at one, Rain =( . Very nice using bettle nonetheless. Watch this update take a full week.