Universal Bug Heroes 2 - (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. GreenAlex96

    GreenAlex96 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Hope they get around to adding some more content sometime. There's a lot of potential for new stuff, especially when it comes to more bugs :)
  2. DarkPDA

    DarkPDA Active Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Bug heroes 2 is out on android

    I buy again, foursaken deserves
  3. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Thanks for the input and kind words! As it is right now, I believe there are versions of most scrolls where they have no weakness but offer lower advantages, and also versions with a weakness (but a higher advantage). It should be balanced currently so that you have that flexibility of which to take (assuming you have all the scrolls) - a more balanced hero, or a more specialized one.

    To be honest, we would love to add a bunch more heroes and content, but we put in a ton of extra time making the starting 25 heroes, and BH2 just hasn't been a huge success for us - its difficult to justify adding more heroes when the majority of players haven't even unlocked all the current ones (via our analytics)! We wanted to make sure to add at least one large content update (which we did with the TD campaign), but again, the feasibility of any further content updates is probably unlikely at this time >_< I'd still like to get around to doing a minor balance update (maybe a slight Cicada buff + a Honey Bee nerf), but not sure when that will happen...

    tbh its always hard to find where to draw the line when updating games. We're a small team, so if we're updating all of our older games, we're not making new ones. More importantly, we definitely feel like our current library of games are feature complete and offer a good amount of content for their price - and I hope players agree! - so at least we don't feel bad moving to new projects.

    Thank you for the support! Android has been surprisingly strong for us so far, so we'll continue to catch up with our previous releases until we are releasing future games simultaneously on both devices at the same time!
  4. mw1

    mw1 Active Member

    Aug 30, 2013
    Can ios do multiplayer with android?
  5. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    Good to see you around again guys. So BH2 is not as successful as BH1? I hope you'll get some money from BH2 from android so it will make you add heroes :p
  6. I hate hate hate seeing such an epic game that I am still playing and unlocking stuff with, learning new ways to play, etc. is unsuccessful for the bros. I preach the good news of this game and all the bros work, as well as games like Starborn Anarkist (what an awesome game), OTTTD (feels like a Foursaken game, with some great genre-mashin :))... It is truly a bummer to see such amazing games on iOS get lost. Glad you guys went ahead and pulled offed BH2, hope Android will do well.

    Any Amazon AppStore in your future?

    What are these analytics? You can see I still don't have the moth yet? ;)
  7. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Our analytics tell us every single thing you've ever done since you've installed BH2 :p

    Seriously though, BH2 isn't a flop by any means, but as our company as a whole has done better since Block Fortress & Heroes and Castles, the production cost of each game goes up, which means it has to do better just to break even. Also, Bug Heroes 1 for ex didn't have to do as well because some of us were still working part time for FM. Now, all 4 of us are full time (have been for a while now), so again, games just have to do a bit better to break even, much less make a profit.

    In the end, we have realistic about this industry as indie developers. We love to make games and its very much a passion for us, but on the other hand if we're not careful with how we operate as a business, we won't be able to make anymore games! We (and I'm sure many other developers) HATE to even have to think about things like monetization and stuff like that, but its a necessary evil of being in this industry and surviving!

    Anyway, probably more than anyone cares to hear about, haha :p

    Oh, and not sure about Amazon. There are a few reasons why its not quite as easy as releasing on Google Play Store.
  8. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    This game is absolutely amazing, I hope you guys make the money deserved! I've boughten most of your projects. You guys make great games.

    Can't wait to see what's next from you guys!
  9. GreenAlex96

    GreenAlex96 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    It sucks that the game hasn't been doing so well :(

    Wish you guys were able to expand upon BH2 and BF:W more, but so long as you guys are developing awesome stuff; whether it's new titles or updates, I'll be happy XD
  10. Chiller ONE

    Chiller ONE Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    Surprised to hear BH2 wasn't a success, I thought it was immensely popular. It was even featured on the App Store front page a couple of times.

    I can understand though, if people downloaded this game when it was free and then never spent any money.
    I myself stopped playing because even weeks after release the multiplayer was still not working properly, there was unbearable lag and players would disconnect all the time. Releasing a game with broken multiplayer is guaranteed to piss people off and a surefire way to lose players.

    Still I'm sure the next Foursaken game will be a hit. I'm looking forward to Heroes & Castles 2!
  11. Phantom Rift is the officially known one. Look it up under the upcoming games, looks like a hit and new IP!

    H&C2 is the unspoken one in the distance ;) Soon, I think.........
  12. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Actually, one of the things we've found with all of our games, and seen in many other iOS games as well, is that there just aren't a huge amount of people that play multiplayer at all on mobile (in our games, we see less than 10% of players boot up multiplayer even once - in other words, even if mp performance was terrible, most players don't even care for mp enough to ever even see that). Typically, the multiplayer games that seem to do the best tend to be non-real time or "soft" implementations of "multiplayer" (like clash of clans for ex), or games with a big name behind them (such as Hearthstone). Not saying there aren't any good mp games on mobile or that they don't or can't exist, just saying it doesn't seem to be very common - and you really need a huge install base to have an active mp community.

    As for mp performance in BH2, you're right, there were sporadic issues - that is unfortunately just the product of not having our own servers. With GameCenter/without dedicated servers, we have a lot less options for how to handle the mp, and it ends up being a very up and down experience - many players could play all day with no issues one day, and all day the next with huge lag... but even still, as with H&C, most players stuck to single player.

    As far as BH2 success, again, it didn't perform badly, but it wasn't a "hit" either. The main thing I was getting at is that with the amount of content we initially released (most people haven't even unlocked all the content currently available), combined with the games moderate success, its hard to justify adding extra content, even if there are still a lot of cool ideas.
  13. What would be fun is, one day, to see you guys write up some post-mortem stuff on your games, for aspiring creative folks and game developers. What did you cut, what didn't work that you tried, etc. Screenshots of failed experiments.... its extra work, but would be interesting if and when you get a spare moment ;)

    Could be good info on blog section of your website or something ha :)
  14. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    Don't worry about money from me - as long as your games are premium, I'll instabuy everything :) I guess it was not a good idea to make BH2 free. And I believe your opinion about multiplayer is what it is becouse you have had "bad" experience with it but believe me I was very enjoying mp with friends (Yes, there were a few issues with mp, but that's another topic)
  15. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    I guess we won't see at least 1 new map anytime soon but...I am cool with that.This game is just awesome,a masterpiece and nothing else to say.Foursaken you are my favorite AppStore company.
  16. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    They're working on 3 other titles right now.
    Get pumped.
  17. GreenAlex96

    GreenAlex96 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Had some wierdness in updating the game (an issue with ios, not the game.) Once it finally updated, though, all my progress was wiped, and downloading from icloud does nothing ;_;
    What can I do??
  18. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    There there, it'll be alright.
  19. GreenAlex96

    GreenAlex96 Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Actually, I got in touch with FS and they were awesome enough to get my stuff back :D
  20. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Well, I guess god does exist.

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