Strategic location quests severely limit the number of heroes and hero combinations that can be reliably brought into endless mode. Something must be done to alter this creativity-killing mission; however, replacing the current "timer-reset" with a "timer-pause" would make strategic location quests far too easy. The most difficult quest in the game would be transformed into an easy round. In order to procure a balance between the aggravating current difficulty of these missions and the "easy breezy" difficulty of a "pause system", I suggest a thirty second rewind system. Instead of a simple timer reset or pause, the clock would roll back thirty seconds before pausing (stopping before then if the full rewind would raise the countdown to a number above its original status). This system would encourage players to persevere through the difficult mission, while still punishing any foolish mistakes.
Interesting thoughts on take and hold objectives... we'll see what we can do. Unfortunately in general, real time multiplayer is just not very popular on mobile games in all but only the most popular (usually free) titles. With most mobile games peaking only for a week or so and then quickly tapering off, the user base and multiplayer community pretty much mimics that as well - even moreso with more "hardcore" games like BH2 and H&C.
i see... i realize for farming of new heroes, it seems that rushing missions are faster than doing endless, how are the rest of you farming?
Unfortunately is the word. When a Foursaken game does finally connect... I remember some epic Block Fortress battles.. some fun coop in H&C.. but unless we organize a community effort of "Bug Heroes Wednesday" or something, I just don't think it will (or should) be a big effort anymore You really even need voicechat on mobile, which I remember NOVA3 having, but that was hit-and-miss usually. Maybe by iPad7 or Surface11 we'll have a perfect system I guess reading this comment, then, you guys are looking at maybe one final balance patch?
Advice on TD 19? When you are surrounded by Centipedes getting buffed on round 5... its ridiculously fun, but I can't seem to get it. Any advice on what you all have done to be successful?
Flash Bulbs help incredibly againt Centipedes and Ladybug Docs. Spread them out so that they can cover the entire map, but with enough spaces for damage dealing towers as well.
Honey Bee OP It is no secret that this game needs some major balancing in the form of hero reworks, but one hero manages to stand out from all of his other broken counterparts: Honey Bee. Honey Bee (as you probably all know) is a summoner/pet type hero. His main ability, commrades, gives you (when fully leveled up with a max'd out foodstash) one, free uber-tier'd horde type bug to join your ranks. The point of HB is to keep this uber-tier'd bug alive long enough to create a gigantic horde of creeps, which will dominate EVERYTHING in their path. One can tell just by looking at the leaderboards that HB is probably overpowered. Almost every high level position (including mine) is occupied by a honeybee. A few weeks ago, I earned a spot on the leaderboards with spider/pillbug. I made it to round 31 at kitchen on normal difficulty. This accomplishment took a lot of work. I had to learn when and when not to jump into a battle with spider, when to bring pillbug out for backup and when to use my invisibility cloak to get out of a hairy situation. I felt like game was very difficult. Recently I unlocked HoneyBee. On my second endless game with the hero, I picked hard-mode at kitchen. I made it to round 38 and flew past the levels I was having trouble with when using spider (They passed so quickly and effortlessly that I didn't even notice I had beat my old score until round 35). I went from the 70s on the leaderboards, to the 20s, and I feel like I don't deserve my spot. The problem with HB is his snowball potential. Once he has a few bugs up, they will group together and become almost invincible. As the rounds progress and the enemies get tougher, the friendly creeps will grow in number, eventually covering every part of the map. This is why HB is overpowered. While other heroes rely on player skill and synergy with towers/other heroes to reach high rounds, HB relies on pressing his first ability whenever it is available. I suggest you rework HB's kit, giving him a bit individual power, while nerfing his comrade ability significantly (longer cooldown or worse bugs). He seems almost a necessity to any player, who wants to take a high possition on the leaderboards, and in a game centered around user options, that is not healthy or fun.
Its cooldown is already very long. His minions die, and suddenly he's helpless for quite a while. Any longer and it would be really useless and boring to wait for. I already don't like using him because of his massive cooldowns. I'd prefer something else be done, if anything.
Perhaps a longer cooldown is the wrong idea, but you must agree that he needs a rework or at least a nerf.
Yes, I guess he does need work. I'm not that familiar with how powerful he can be. Like I said, I don't really like using him. Long cooldowns on his offensive abilities. Maybe make his summons worse but a bit less cooldown, I don't know... I'm bored controlling him, he can't do much himself. And his minions keep getting killed quickly when I use him, so I really don't like the idea of waiting even longer before he can do something. Later rounds destroy everything.
I'll admit he isn't very fun to use, but you shouldn't be losing your summons very often early game. Do you upgrade your foodstash instead of turrets? I can usually reach high tier helpers very quickly (too quickly IMO). Are there any really fun and effective heroes? Termite and Bee are so boring, but they dominate the leaderboards XD.
Thanks... I actually got this done last night with just putting ALL gunner turrets! I added two snipers, the two turrets to the right of the stash... THEN tonight I took out lvl 20 in I think my 3rd try lol. I don't think I could do that again I used Flashbulbs, mostly gunners and some autocannons in spots like the single turret to the far left of the stash... A couple of other TD maps would be nice, but Foursaken has moved on to Phantom Rift, unannounced game #1, and unannounced game #2 that is Heroes & Castles II
It's official. I have acquired every bug, bought every legendary, and have over 1000+ stars. One can say that I ruined my game experience, but there's no other way to give money to an awesome company. With multiplayer rarely being an option (damn you GC), it's safe to say that it was money well spent.
Fantastic game... So, , when and if Bug Heroes 3 comes, we'll have a three bugs-per-squad mechanic, right Foursaken?
Hey there Foursaken, just decided (and actually found out how) to register and let you know that this game is amazing! I've loved your work, from N.Y Zombies, to Sky Gnomes, to Heroes and Castles, even to Block Fortress: War. I've gotten as far as getting all the non-legendary heroes, and I'm still playing. Can't get enough of your work, I still have the games I bought from you guys, and I play them time after time. Speaking of, if you are still planning an awesome update, if you can manage to fit in a small tweak in the Hero Scroll section, it would be great if we can adjust the scroll's level to our liking, dependent upon the current Hero we are configuring. I like the idea of having a way to customize our hero's playstyle and capability through external modifiers, but I was also wondering if it's possible to allow a more flexible customization. Others may agree, others may not. Ideally, though, it would also preferable to have a balanced Hero, one not necessarily having a high stat at one aspect, but primarily not having a negative stat in any aspect. Level 3 suffixed scrolls are perfect for the job, when partnered with the appropriate suffix-less scroll to counter the penalty... Assuming you have it at level 5. Assuming the circumstances, a level 5 Health Scroll and a level 5 Speed scroll provide no penalties, but if you are to use any of the two Level 5 Poison Scrolls you have, you will be left with a penalty on either stat, even using the level 5 suffixed counterparts of the Health Scroll and the Speed Scroll will still leave you with a stat penalty. Furthermore, heroes with a slow rate of fire like Beetle and Termite can make effective use of a level 5 Poison Scroll, however, heroes with a high rate of fire like Slug and Field Mouse can also use a level 5 Poison Scroll, but the high penalty and likelihood of poison would be a liability, considering that their high rate of fire can compensate for a lower level, yet more suitable Poison Scroll. If poison can stack, however, then that'd be great. Tl;dr, If you think it's all right, could you please add a feature that can freely adjust our Scroll's already unlocked levels separate from each of our heroes? That will allow more variety and hero builds between players. Better yet, if you're currently developing a game with a similar mechanic that customizes and balances characters, having a similar option would be great. Thank you for the hard work so far, Foursaken. We can wait, we know your updates are worth waiting for. Take care and have fun doing what you love doing.