Universal Bug Heroes 2 - (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    One more thing: Is Beetle's passive ability actually called "Passive", or was that just a placeholder that was never changed?
  2. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Seems to me that it's a placeholder.
  3. kenneths

    kenneths Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Anyone can share the video of how they go through more than 20 rounds in hard? Any map is ok. I just cannot go farther after 19 rounds in kitchen. In the 19th round, there are total 4 war snails in the map. I was using honeybee and moth, I just cannot handle these war snails...they easily killed my war snail, giant war slug bumblebee warior...
  4. kenneths

    kenneths Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Finally get passed to round 44, I lost just because my 7-8 war snails could not come back on time to save my base. Just one enemy war snail can destroy my whole base. For my base, I installed 4 bug banners, and just leave Pillbug to guard...

    Not sure if the pic can be uploaded, let u guys see how cute of my war snails :)

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  5. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    Any news on any update? FM haven't replied here for a while. Probably too busy on the 2 new games. But still, adding legendary heroes could bring them profit becouse of their cost (cough, Scorpion hero)
  6. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012

    They're also busy porting to android
  7. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    The iOS version is bugged right now. I'm still getting "capture 3 strategic locations" and some other bugs
  8. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    My scrolls are still ordered wrong.
    I don't think I got a response yet unless I missed it... But I still think I might have overdone it with how many times I've asked about this. Sorry. :eek:

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  9. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Maybe you should switch to Termite.
  10. Right.. Slugs weapon does not hit bugs right next to him as well.

    Also, want to add... I've noticed several times when calling my partner back, he goes backwards but at a snails pace (pun intended)... Not always, but I'd say 50% of time.

    Scorpion would be cool.... A couple more TD maps..
  11. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Gamer of War's Suggestion Post 2.0

    *More health for Bug Banners, Armory, Slime Quarters, etc.: I think that since utility turrets have no defense of their own, they should have at least double their normal health.

    *Cutdown of "Capture 2(MAX!) locations for 2:00+: This means that these tupe of missions shouldn't be nearly impossible to complete. Anything above 2 minutes has to go.

    *When playing Honeybee, no siege bugs as spawns: Do I need to say more?

    *Ladybugs available in Mercenary Camp: Prices should be pretty high, because even though they're defenseless, they can turn the tide of a losing battle, at least 2000 coins PER unit.

    *More scrolls!: I've been thinking of a crowd-control like scroll. Good for melee bugs.

    *Buff the Laser turret: It has less penetration than Sniper, and even Autocannon! Damage is pretty bad, health is average. Cost is highly expensive.

    *Overhaul (rewrite) the bug turrets (Armory, SHQ) or just flat out remove them: They are THE worst turrets in the whole game. Shouldn't the rule be that the more expensive a turret is, the stronger it is. Unless they spawn War Snails every minute, I won't even THINK of buying one.

    *Buff Ant's Shoulder Turret: 2 damage per bullet is horrible for 750 coins. Pillbug's Shoulder Cannon costs 2000 coins, but it's better than his default gun.
  12. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    #2772 AndrewH.96, May 7, 2014
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
    The Repel Scroll is sort of the crowd-control scroll. It has a chance to repel melee bugs and deal damage to them. However a scroll to give a chance to hit multiple targets would be useful too.

    Laser does not need buffed. Whilst it is weaker and has less piercing, it has practically infinite range and hits multiple targets. If anything were to be buffed, I'd say it should be its rate of fire, but even then that isn't necessary.

    And what's the point of forking out 2000 coins for a ladybug when you can buy a Greater Healing Potion for 350 coins?

    I agree the spawn turrets need a buff, but yours is a bit overpowered. A War Snail every minute? Get four level 5 Slime Headquarters and you've already won a game. High scores wouldn't be due to skill, it'd be due to whoever can afford the most War Snails.
  13. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    The difference between a cc scroll and the repel scroll is that you don't have to get hit for it to be effective.

    Laser is just ASKING for a buff. It costs 150 parts and is weak as heck. It's the third (or second if you count Armory) most expensive turret in the game, and yet it's the third worst, after Armory and SHQ.

    The point is not just for yourself, it's for your ALLIES, in case you forgot what ladybugs do.

    Ok, that was a bit OP, but it was an example nevertheless.
  14. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    Laser may be weak, but it's range and multi-hit ability make up for its low damage. Even if it was buffed, its abysmal rate of fire would still make it a below-average turret. Increase the rate of fire and it would be substantially better.

    I had forgotten that. I rarely play as summoner heroes, and never used spawn turrets. Even still though, heroes like Army Ant are capable of buffing allies. That's Army Ant's whole purpose.
    I've seen people being told to simply use Termite to get past difficult rounds. Like many others though, I don't like using Termite. He's too dull. But I accept his turrets make things significantly easier. Likewise, if you want ally buffs, use Army Ant or Moth. They help your allies greatly. Ladybugs verge on being too powerful. I imagine you've seen rounds where several ladybugs heal enemies. Things get hard. If a player had a handful of them, they could easily beat tough enemies simply because of the ladybugs.
  15. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    I don't have any idea how that happened! x.x

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  16. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Laser's main use is line control, which is almost entirely useless in regular games because enemies tend to form in crowds, not lines, and the laser's hitbox is incredibly thin. Simply buffing its fire rate won't help it too much in regular game.
  17. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Doublepost, but anyone else notice Gyrocopter is way the hell up outta the screen in its Bugapedia entry?


    Bothers me that I can only look at the underside and main cannon of it.
  18. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #2778 Intendro, May 7, 2014
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
    So it needs increased fire rate and a wider laser.
    It definitely needs increased fire rate.

    I noticed that a while ago... and forgot to mention it. :eek:
  19. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Looks fine to me

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  20. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Even though this bug is minor (no pun intended), it's still pretty annoying.
    (In case you don't get it, the ladybug is following my Termite.)

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