Universal Bug Heroes 2 - (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Damage aura or "Magic" is an aura that forms around your hero, which buffs nearby allies, be they creeps or heroes, the % that the scroll gives.
  2. Don't know if you noticed, but it's 85 parts now :D good job, thankful for developers who listen and respond!
  3. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Sorry guys for the radio silence!

    So, now that the game has been out a while, what would people like to see balanced? I've seen a bunch of balance wishes but its a bit hard to track them all down throughout the thread - post your thoughts in one concise reply!
  4. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    I'd say the game is pretty well-balanced as it is.
    Cicada is in need of some buffs all-round. He'd be the main one to get a buff.
    Roach could do with a speed buff to make him more effective as a part-finder. It's not necessary though.

    Aphid is the only character who needs a nerf, I'd say. His attacks are strong, fast, and he seems to have great armour piercing, despite it being 0.
    And Chi Slash with Combat Meditation is just deadly.
  5. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Aphid's already been nerfed a while ago. I don't think nerfing him again is necessary, tbh. He seems well balanced enough as is to me.
  6. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    He was? I haven't noticed a difference. To me he still feels stronger than other heroes. Mainly due to the amazing rate of attack he has.
  7. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Yeah. He had a massive nerf to Combat Meditation. Instead of it healing 25% health at level 5 (as far as I remember.), it now heals 8% health at level 5. He did have a nerf to something else, though I keep forgetting what the other nerf was.
  8. While you all were on your secret endeavors, we had some regular discussion about Cicada. I feel, as many others do, that there is just some THING weak about him... needs more power, or a quicker firing rate or... something... read back through the last 4 pages and you'll see some great suggestions.
  9. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    I see. I only ever use Combat Meditation against hordes of weak bugs, so that's why I may not have noticed the difference. Enough HP is usually recovered to fully heal me after a wave of fleas.
    Still, when combined with Chi Slash it decimates enemies. Even after that nerf. It's just too powerful to me. Perhaps Chi Slash could damage Aphid for a fixed amount, or a fixed percentage of max HP? It's incredibly easy to turn a potential loss into a victory simply by using the two abilities when Aphid has low HP.
  10. Gamer of War

    Gamer of War Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    #2730 Gamer of War, Apr 29, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014
    Gamer of War's Suggestion Post

    Here's what I suggested (copypasta) for Cicada.
  11. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I seem to recall Cicada's grenades not doing much damage in comparison to his bayonet swing. Maybe look at his grenades' power too?
  12. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    It always does 50% of Aphid's remaining HP when using Chi Blast, and Combat Meditation procs after a kill. Simply using Chi Blast + CM against small bugs gives you a little or a huge amount of health back, depending on the number of bugs. That's why you get so much health back, and your views on CM+CB combo.
    imo, you should use it more on big bugs though.
  13. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    I've just faced the most horrific round yet.

    Capture 2 Strategic Locations for 1:30.
    Sounds easy enough, but I faced a new combination of enemy: Firefly Bombers and Commando Fleas. I was destroyed. The shotgun blasts stunned me, then the bombs blew me to smithereens. No matter what I tried, I couldn't outmaneuver the enemies.

    Try to dodge, then run in with Roach? The backlash explosions from the Bombers took a a good chunk from my health, even with extra armour.
    Try to blast from afar with Moth? She's just too weak to take them all out.

    Then there's the fact that the Bombers blow up my locations within a manner of seconds.

    Any tips on how to survive this round should it come up again?
    I love using Roach and Moth, so suggesting to use different heroes isn't useful to me.
  14. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Try putting on Light Armor and Self Repair upgrades for your Turrets. Respec all upgrades if necessary.

    If that don't help, then you'll need a good ranged Hero, or merc bugs to help. Moth's only use is healing, support, and silencing enemy heroes (Which in your case is absolutely useless).

    For Roach, try the skitter ability. Combo at Fleas first, then Bombers.
  15. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    All my upgrades are maxed out.
    Turrets take care of them all easily, but then there's still the problem of them destroying any strategic locations in less than 10 seconds.
    Were I to use someone else instead of Moth, who would you recommend? I'm thinking Pillbug with Shoulder Cannon. I've used him before, and he's pretty good. But then Roach becomes a lot weaker without Moth's support. She works really with him as most enemies can't get through his armour faster than she heals him.

    Except for Firefly Bombers.
  16. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    I tend to always go out with Beetle and Pillbug (latter with Shoulder Cannon and Precision Shells), but I recommend Pillbug or Ant. Ant makes a great support unit for Roach when put on Follow as Shield Generator stops every projectile thrown at Roach. Beetle makes a great tank when he has... Beetle Hide, I think? Or was it Armor Plating? (Truth be told, it's actually Armor Plating I'm thinking of.)

    Sometimes Army Ant can do good, but that's only if you play offensively and makes big use of Honor Smash and Lead the Charge, which can be problematic to micro, especially if using Moth.

    I don't really know what heroes you have unlocked, so I can't really say much at all yet.
  17. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    I'll give Ant a try. I've not used him very much in this game yet. I hadn't thought of the Shield Generator either!
    How about Slug or Worm? I love Slug with the Stim Cell Pack, and Worm's Bomblets is one of my favourite abilities of all.

    I have all heroes except Fly, Crab Spider, Ladybug and Mantis at the moment.

    Also, if you ever fancy doing multiplayer, just send me a PM!
  18. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    I don't have a favor of Slug, so I can't really say, and I don't have Worm at all. Worm might work, but he has incredibly low health, so the Flea Commandos can destroy his face.

    Crab Spider's too much of a no-brainer. I just use him on defend x Strat Points with Line Breaker and Taunt just to distract everything that comes close. Hey, at least it takes the frustration out of doing them, plus free afk stars if you got something like high level Gunners/Snail Cannons on those points. Ladybug... eh. I don't like her as much as I used to in past games.

    And I also don't like Multiplayer. For some reason, I have very high lag when I play online with co-op or competitive, and I use a 30mb/s Time Warner connection. Playing literally right next to my router doesn't help crap either.
  19. AndrewH.96

    AndrewH.96 Active Member

    Feb 12, 2014
    Worm has low HP, but he can regenerate it pretty quickly. And his Burrow Bomb lets him escape dangerous situations.

    My multiplayer varies greatly. Sometimes I get a great connection, and it runs almost as fast as single player, but sometimes it lags way too much. Not sure what my connection speed is.

    What's your opinion on Waterbug, by the way? I've heard he can be great if used properly, but I can't get the hang of him. His weapon seems underwhelming, the only ability I really like is Pirate Ship Salvo, and his unique equipment is a bit disappointing too, I find.
  20. Myndflame

    Myndflame Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Ah, right. Forgot that he has a teleport ability.

    That's weird. I consistently get crap-ass lag. It's disappointing to me, because the multiplayer would feel great. I get the exact same issue with Block Fortress: War as well. Even more strangely, this doesn't happen with older Foursaken games, like the original Block Fortress, and Heroes and Castles.

    I find Waterbug to be really situational. He has crowd control, like Army Ant, Beetle, and Toy Robot does, but his weapon is mainly for piercing armor and doing (somewhat) reliable damage. He is a bit ability-dependent, though, as far as I see, but his hook can take food and Spare Parts from a fair distance away, which makes resource hauling far less of a hassle (and sometimes dangerous) endeavour. It can even humorously (and usefully, I should add) grapple Bugs, giving them a defense debuff, and also holding them, kinda like a praying mantis just a second before it pretty much devours a bug. (Real life here, as if it isn't obvious enough)

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