Snail cannon is useful if the need arises to defend more than 1 spot at a distance from base. I don't use it so frequently, though.
Even though it has two, it shoots half as fast as Gunner, effectively making SC's DPS the same as Gunner. You should read my post from the previous page, to see how I debunk everything.
You should read my post on the previous page to see just how useful Snail Cannon is. Spoiler Hint: It's not
145 gets you a lvl 5 gunner, which does 11 dmg, has 700hp, long range 125 gets you a snail cannon, which does 3 dmg(x2), has 1000hp, med range I actually just spent a few minutes testing this arrangement. Both weapons side by side. They fire both at fast rate. A lvl 5 snail cannon costs 475(!!!) does 11 dmg(x2), 1400hp, long range, fast ...I will agree, at that level, it is pricey. 22 dmg, though, is pretty amazing, especially if then buffed by ant or whomever. I think some light armor piercing would do the trick, or as the numbers show, it would be overpowering to ramp up the dmg too much. 4 lvl 5 gunners = 580 parts, 44 dmg, 2800 health 4 lvl 1 snail cannons =500 parts, 24 dmg, 4000 health What is more important? I am asking seriously, not facetiously...
When using field mouse's radio jammer ability I think it's called on the bugs that spin with the fork and knife while they are spinning they become invinceable for the duration of the skill idk if someone mention this b4 but it's still not fixed
The hungry bugs are always invulnerable when spinning... Melee attacks are blocked (if you can get close enough), and ranged fire is repelled back.
Radio Jammer doesn't stop Hungry Bugs from spinning if they are already within their washing machine of death cycle. It should, but it doesn't for some reason. Either way, it's easily avoidable anyway. Well, as long as you aren't sandwiched between the washing machine ant and an obstacle... or worse.
I think it would have been very interesting if there was a cap on star abilities you could buy. As in: you could HAVE more than, say, 200 stars, but you could only spend 200 at a time on perks. I can buy all the ranks of all the abilities, so that entire game element is no longer interesting. Yet, I still have 5 more regular heroes to achieve. Alternately, it might have been cool if the right-most abilities were REALLY strong, and REALLY expensive. Which you could do without even adding any new perks. Each row seems to have one or two really awesome abilities. Maybe consider moving them to the right and making them 10/15/20 stars each or something ridiculous.
Anyone notice if the mercenary camps are toying with us? I've seen a war slug going for 4250G or 5000G, but once my wallet was fat enough, it was off the list. Maybe mercenary availability changes with time, but I swear several time there were units that went unavailable once I hit their price point.
I just checked myself and, in fact, you are wrong. Even though no one is certain if SC shoots half as fast as Gunner, what IS certain is that SC doesn't shoot faster or as fast as the Gunner turret, that's why SC is a terrible option. Until Foursaken makes changes, Snail Cannon is the worst ranged turret. I'd take the level 5 Gunner over a level 1 Snail Cannon in a heartbeat.
Ok, now I'm invested in this... ...yeah, after about ten minutes now of watching the two guns work, while playing you are correct, it fires at less than the same fire rate. Not 50%, but only Foursaken could bring that info to the table. Another factor that is not listed is the reload time. The gunner fires for about 15' secs, then reloads for 6ish seconds. The snail cannon fires for 40ish seconds with a 6ish second reload. So, if the SC fired at 0.7 fire rate of the gunner, weighting that more to the slower side... For 100 seconds, the SC would fire 60 bullets to 100 for the gunner. But, you then factor the reloads. Gunner 15 reload 22 restart 37 reload 44 restart 59 reload 66 restart 81 reload 88 restart 103 reload... 110 restart 125 reload 132 restart Thus, the gunner loses 42 seconds in 132 seconds of firing, almost a third. Snail cannon.. 38 reload 45 restart 83 reload 90 restart 128 reload 135 restart You lose 14 seconds in 128 seconds of firing. It is still reloading at the 132 mark. Phew, almost there but I love doing math... SNail cannon fires for 114 seconds, gunner for 90. At a .70 rate, then, the snail cannon fire about 80 shots. The gunner 90 shots. So, it shoots at 90% of the gunner over 132 seconds time. When would this Happen? Later rounds for sure. Mass Melee bugs. So, what I think this would do to the previous stats, then, is this... 4 Lvl 5 gunner, 44 dmg, 2800 hp, 580 parts 4 lvl 1 snail cannons, 21.32 dmg (0.90 of 24 dmg), 4000hp, 500 parts So, the question still is, is the rate of hp to damage most important? You are spending more for higher damage capabilities. I really don't know, but this interests me a great deal because this applies across all games... Should you invest more in tank ability or strike ability for defense? EDIT: ALSO, if that fire rate is anything higher than .70 of the gunner, even 10% more, it fires off MORE shots per the time frame than the gunner, which would then raise the DPS avg over time. I am working on papers now so I am not going to do the math... I would add I mostly build autocannons, snipers (now, especially with lower cost) and armories if I am using the Honey Bee, who I just unlocked. It really is a mixed bag for me on capture of strategic locations. I've since tried both methods, but the problem has been the round I have been in, since the Tier of enemies is significantly different at Round 5 as it is at Round 15
Mercenary lists change by random as rounds pass afaik. Maybe it changes after a set game time, but the lists are randomized.
According to what you researched, Snail Cannon has: 1) More ammo capacity, therefore less reloads 2) Twice Gunner's base health 3) Dual Cannons 4) More than twice the DPC (damage per clip) These upsides are pretty small if you ask me. Now let's look at the downsides: 1) Costs more than 3 times than the Gunner turret. 2) Shoots less faster than the Gunner 3) Has the same DPS as Gunner These alone account for the suckiness of the Snail Cannon. Conclusion: Snail Cannon is a bad option, especially when there are better ones.
I was thinking about a FOURTH tier of an upgrade. As you may have noticed, there are 8 columns, and every 2 columns the price increases: 1st and 2nd column: 1/2/3 3rd and 4th column: 2/3/4 5th and 6th column: 3/4/5 7th and 8th column: 4/5/6 That's why I think the next tier should be x4 the value of the third tier. For example: 1-2: 1/2/3/12 3-4: 2/3/4/16 5-6: 3/4/5/20 7-8: 4/5/6/24 Since the fourth tier costs more than the other 3 tiers, the bonus should be larger, but not that large: Durability: All heroes get an additional +5/10/15/25 max health. Warrior: Melee heroes deal +2/4/6/10% damage. Barter: Decrease the costs of mercenaries by 5/10/15/25%. Reinforced Plating: All turrets gain +5/10/15/25% heavy armor. You may ask yourself, why does the 4th tier cost so much? Why is the bonus so little? That's because a lot of us have a lot of stars and it wouldn't be fair to just go ahead and buy them all. The total cost of stars needed to obtain all the upgrades is 336, without including the 4th tier. With the 4th tier, the cost increases to... ...912 stars!!! I'm pretty sure that none of us hasn't reached that mark yet, and if they have, then it's probably an extremely small number.
Snail Cannon stats: .33 cooldown, 3 (x2) damage, 1000 hp, 50 light armor, 650 range Gunner: .2 cooldown, 3 damage, 500 hp, 550 range Snail Cannon does more DPS, has more range and is MUCH more durable (its also the only turret with armor) - for cost, it won't beat a gunner turret in raw damage - however, cost is not the only factor you need to weigh. In a scenario for example where you need to take and hold a strat point, a snail cannon can be a great choice because of its survivability. It can especially be useful in versus or skirmish where holding strat points are even more important. That being said - is it overpriced? probably.
4 lvl 1 gunners.. 12 dmg, 2000 hp, 150 parts 4 lvl 1 SCs.. 21.whatever dmg, 4000 hp, 500 parts That is the actual data for comparisons of lvl 1s. I would say, early on, lvl 1 gunners are a much more viable option. But, if you want to reach later levels, where the challenge steps up... Players don't run lvl 1 gunners.. Do you? I would want to have some more potential as in my previous post the gunner lvl 5 vs lvl 1 snail cannon is more if an accurate comparison, unless we are really discussing early round defense... I would rather have a lvl 5 snail cannon than a lvl 5 gunner as the health, damage, dpc, etc. is greater. It is expensive, but if you are having an excellent run you will be shrewd with resources and be able to afford it... But, there are better late game options than both gunner or SC for sure! Especially as the base gets surrounded, as the enemy is pumping out 200dps with multiple sources of attacks... So, Is better killing ability or higher health better for base defense? What heroes you operate would also affect this. Ant and Termite buff dmg and range, not health, with their abilities... Anyway, interesting discussion. I do believe some armor piercing or a slightly pitched up dmg would not be a bad thing... I believe it is not necessary, though.
Foursaken really made the Snail Cannon sound like an awesome option, what with the light armor, the better range, the better everything. The only thing that bugs me (no pun intended) is the COST. I still don't know if paying 125 parts for 50 light armor, more range and more DPS than the gunner is worth it.
Nope. Not worth it. IMO, it goes like this: Autoturret is the best, followed by Gunner, Sniper, and Flash bulb turret. Bug banner is good if you have one of the two or three decent ally-spawners. Cannon is okay, but still underpowered. Shroom turret is fun, but more fun than useful. Laser turret doesn't do enough damage to justify the cost. Then there is the Armory and Slime House or whatever it's called. They blow. Then there is the Snail Cannon, which is a great option if your finger slips and you're doing your best to put a silver lining on your mistake.