So I've got about 230 diamonds. Should I spend it on scrolls, a banner, or save it for a legendary? Also, how do you level up scrolls? Just keep making new ones?
I saw the first 1 or 2 players are incredible, they can play living room hard very good, the first playing is even using field mouse and servive more then 20" rounds, how can they do that? How can they go thru the mission of holding 2 strategic points? They will be lots of enemies in around 1x rounds and you do not have enough spares to build turrets, how can they survive?? Do you guys have any good strategies??? Thank you.
Nice evaluation. I don't mind black widow all that much; would probably swap her out with the water bug. Any legendaries that you recommend? I've only been using stickbug and looking to get another.
For banners, I got the star gem and the scroll gem and don't regret it. With star gem, by the time I got a bug to level 10, my next one unlocked. With scroll gem, you get a steady flow of scrolls coming in. So now I only save diamond for legendaries. Right. Gaining duplicate scrolls increase the level. You do not level up scrolls by using them.
Actually, I have a question regarding the Star and Scroll gems... Is it after every game you get free stars and scrolls? Do the games have to be at least up to a certain length/rounds? I weren't think that you get anything if you start a game and purposely die in the first round? :/
Agree with all of them except army ant. I agree he isn't good when paired with a lot of heroes, but his true strength comes when he's paired with honey bee as you said. Suddenly you can heal allies up to 10hp/s with bug banners and buff them up to insane damages, give them armor with lead the charge, heal them with his passive, and again buff them with honor smash. And don't use cavalry because it just limits honey bee's spawning capabilities. They're a great party together. He also does decent dagame to multiple enemies and really knocks them back if you upgrade him. Great for smashing fleas, grubs and dragonflies. I find he's also good in pvp with his knockback and abilities like honor smash and lead the charge. Overall, he is one of the best heroes to pair with honeybee, along with moth. As for widow, she's really good in skirmish/pvp with her sneaking, teleporting and critical damage capabilities, but other than that she just starts to get weak on higher rounds of endless. I think they should add some armor piercing to her. That's how it was in the last game, and just look at those blades! Also from the ones that you don't have, I'd say termite is the only really good one. Stinkbug and ladybug are decent. (I have all of them.)
No, you have to last about 5/ 6 rounds on endless. I know definitely if you quit after going into 7th round, you will get the star bonus. I'm guessing the scroll bonus applies the same. Edit: Applies to all the missions as well. Regardless of the mission reward, you'll always get the 2 star bonus.
I noticed on the Star gem, it says it needs 6 rounds completed, (and) missions. Anyone know if this means you could get a scroll after completing any mission? Or the mission would have to go up to 6 rounds as well? Okay, thanks for the info ! : ) Now, thinking of throwing in money to buy te scroll gem
I can't seem to find anyone on matchmaking for any game mode whatsoever. :c I haven't directly invited anyone on my Game Center friends list and played with them though. lIs anyone else experiencing this? D:
Just one note on the scroll gem... unfortunately it does not guarantee 100% a scroll after every game, like the star gem does. But it does come close. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say about 75% of the time you get a scroll. Still enough to make it a great buy.
If you want to delete your save data, delete the game itself. Then install it again from iTunes on your computer, or by downloading it again. This works with any game (assuming you copied it to your computer for iTunes, or assuming that it hasn't inexplicably vanished from the App Store and from your previous purchases). You can get a scroll from Skirmish mode (which can be won pretty fast), so I think there's always a chance with the scroll gem. Speaking of the scroll gem, I think Endless should be made guaranteed to win a scroll at some point considering how long it can go.
What about slug? All of his abilities are pretty good (I'd like to see any other character teleport between the kitchen benches and allow their ally to tag along) and with speed scrolls and a stun scroll he is actually really good. Plus, his overcharge destroys everything.
If the karts moved like characters in the BF universe, they would make sharp right and left movements lol. Bug Heroes racing, now THAT would be a blast. Would work better on a console, though, I hate to admit... I have not had many pleasurable experiences with racing on the iPad It would not have to be even a kart racing mode... just a 4 player, run around the map and hit certain checkpoints thing. Obviously, Slug and other slowies would be in their own division. Use all the abilities to stop the other racers... I don't know, it could be a fun thing
If we're talkin' spin offs, I think a Bug Heroes game like Battlefield or Starhawk would be cool. Imagine a garage or bedroom with flying bugs in the air like planes and bugs on the ground like tanks, soldiers, etc. Of course there'd have to be a nice layer of RPG/strategy on top to be a FM game. : )
Haven't played with slug that much (he's level 6), but I don't find him that good. Just my opinion though, perhaps he just doesn't fit my play style.
Is the game more laggy for any ipod 4g users after ladt update? For me every mission lags, big or small even tho it didnt use to before update