Universal Bug Heroes 2 - (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. GR3NADE

    GR3NADE Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Czech republic
    Awesome idea :)
  2. I would add... When they are in proximity of you... Like healing at the food stash.

    It really would take away and make it almost too simple to leave Pillbug at the stash and just keep turning on his abilities, but if you had aphid right beside you, you wouldn't need to keep switching to him to activate his buffing abilities, or army ant, etc...
  3. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Yeah, FM left it out for this reason exactly
  4. Bookmark

    Bookmark New Member

    Sep 15, 2013
    1) The scroll gem doesn't seem like good value IMO. Even assuming you get a 100% chance of getting a scroll (which you don't) you are looking at something like 116 games to play before you get your money's worth.

    2) Also really a suggestion for Foursaken.
    I'd love to have the option to turn off the screen shake effect when attacking/fighting. I don't know how feasible this would be, I just find it really distracting on certain bugs.
  5. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    This. My iPad 3 ran the previous version without a hitch, but this update brings the framerate way down.
  6. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Not sure what is going on, but Local coop TD is literally unplayable with an iPad mini retina hosting. It's a slide show for the client, but at least they can move. My Garden Beetle winds up stuck in place unable to more than occasionally turn.

    I know it is supposed to be more graphically demanding, but TD plays fine in single player, and we play Vs. and regular Co-op all the time without a hitch, but try and do Co-op TD and nothing to do but quit out of the game.
  7. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The new update really changes things, especially with the cheaper upgrades. Sniper turret used to be terrible, now it's a very nice addition to your base, especially once you get it up to 120 damage, which one-shots a lot of bugs.

    I also really like the bulb turret and the laser turret. The laser is too expensive, but its range is amazing. the Flash bulb does a remarkable job of clearing mobs sometimes.

    In Endless, you're best off with a mix. Flash bulb is not good against the streams of dragonflies that sometimes trickle in, but great against slug hoards and clusters of fleas, flies, and spiders.

    I usually go with 1 Gunner, 1 Autocannon, 1 Flash bulb and 1 Sniper as my default, upgrading based on what's out at the moment or what I think is coming that round
  8. Sieghart

    Sieghart Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    The only thing I could think about Foursaken not wanting to implement this is because they want you to keep switching bugs or HUD overload. If it ain't either of those two, then make this happen 'cause it's a really useful idea.
  9. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    They want you to switch to both bugs during a game not just using one
  10. Sieghart

    Sieghart Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    I believe I did say that.

    Don't get me wrong, it's a completely valid argument not to implement it. That's why I wouldn't be bothered if they don't do anything 'bout it (which could be the most possible result).
  11. Unkindness

    Unkindness Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    I know right. I have an ipod touch 4 and the game now runs noticeably slower after they added the new TD mode. Cant even play endless now. I sure hope they fix this in the future update.
  12. captainfalcon255

    captainfalcon255 New Member

    Apr 5, 2014
    Fousaken_Media something happened to my game. It somehow glitched and gave me all the characters. How do I restart the game to fix this? Plz help
  13. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    In settings at the bottom of the list is an option to restart your game from scratch
  14. captainfalcon255

    captainfalcon255 New Member

    Apr 5, 2014
    I tried that but you need a code to enter for that.
  15. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Holy **** I just noticed there was coop TD
  16. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    It's really hard, plus the lag is unbelievable.
    But have faith, for the creators of this game are none other but FOURSAKEN MEDIA
  17. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Okay, I've been at or near the "endgame" for a while, now. Wanted to drop some faves on yas and see what other people are enjoying playing.

    (note: I do not have Termite, Ladybug, Roach, Slug, Waterbug, Stinkbug)

    My top 5 favorite normal heroes:

    1) Worm
    He's just plain fun. His abilities are varied and strong. His heal is great. He can guard like a champ, he has innate piercing, and once you load up on Speed scrolls, his weapon really starts to shine.

    2) Pillbug
    He's a mobile turret that's more reliable than a turret. His abilities are all good. He is fairly bad second-follow bug, but easily the best base guardian, and he's a decent-enough main hero. His speed is a problem, and he needs some piercing scrolls / equips to really work well. Also, his Coolant is nearly required. But if you want to level up a lvl 1 bug, he's your best second pick.

    3) Aphid
    He is less fun with the nerfs (I'd have strongly preferred Foursaken left the heal portion of Combat Mediation and reduced the buff portion, as he already has a buff, and a tactically-interesting heal abilities is ALWAYS a strong game mechanic). Still, his movement and attack speed makes him fun to play. And you gotta love his cute little sensei voice, grasshopper!

    4) Bumblebee
    Strong! Fast attack speed! Interesting abilities! What's not to like? Well, his upgrades, for one. And using him right means a lot of toggle-fiddling. And his lack of armor is a real issue. Still, Berzerk is crazy strong, and can make for some high-stakes boxing matches.

    5) Moth
    Crappy damage! Slow speed! Slow attack! Ugly face! But four of the best abilities in the game, the most fun piece of equipment (Spellbook), and the coolest-looking attack in the game. Mainly, though, her autoheal makes a great traveling companion to any bug with decent DPS. Just don't pair her with a tank or you're going to survive long enough to die of boredom.

    My five least-favorite bugs:

    1) Cicada
    This is a really interesting bug that's fun to play. I love his stealth, he has tactically fascinating abilities, and he is SERIOUSLY underpowered. His weapon is poop. His rate of fire is runny poop. His speed is that of poop. You get the picture. Please, Foursaken...make his gun or feet do what guns and feet should do.

    2) Black Widow
    Good speed, good damage, one great ability...fragile as a paper snowflake. No piercing. No armor. Low HP. But mostly: not a very interesting set of abilities, imo. Why would you play him if you have Aphid? They have similar power levels, but Aphid has a much higher fun stat.

    3) Fly
    Fly used to be one of my most loved heroes. Now, with a cap at what...SEVEN?! banditos, he's a pushover. His Bandito ability is actually broken, in that pumping it actually makes him nearly impossible to play because of the limit. And yet, it's really his only great ability. His others are ho-hum. On the other hand, he has a great voice, fun flavor, and the banditos are at least better than his mediocre little pistols.

    4) Crab Spider
    ZOMG! you say? Well, zomg away. I think this character is not only unfun, he's weak. His only use is to camp out and pretend to be a yummy piece of food that's really hard to chomp up. AKA he's a lure and that's about it. The problem is the balancing mechanism of his taunt/breaker. The speed debuffs are so extreme, he ends up being, imo, unfun as a result. Do not like.

    5) Army Ant
    His abilities almost entirely revolve around his summons, which are weak. He rarely gets more than a few cavalry units out. There's almost zero reason to pump the ability, which has a long CD. His movement and attack speeds are not great, his mallet is not good or interesting. But mainly, he's a hero designed around his summons, and his summons need rethinking. I suggest changing the summon to a different bug type that travels better and isn't quite as unwieldy as the cavalry units, and also making the ability produce 2 units at rank 3. And/or reducing the CD. As it stands, he's really only good when paired with Honey Bee or Fly, and still not particularly.

    How about you guys? Which bugs do you like? And which am I missed that I simply must have?
  18. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    My favorites are Ladybug and Crab Spider
  19. It is a fun mode. Level 13 is killing me right now! I am slowly digesting Bug Heroes like a fine steak, enjoying the unlocking of characters. Enjoying the long list of mission options now, so we can go at our own pace. Going to drop some dough I think to get to another Legendary besides Field Mouse, don't know which one, though...

    So.... what's up with you guys? Looks like Android is a huge step for you, probably why you all have been so quiet... these other two games though... hmm...

    I said H&CII + another new IP, but I'm beginning to wonder, why get off the Block Fortress gravy train? Block Fortress II featuring all the War races, plus some other new stuff like a real main quest or... BF:Quest... BF:Racing. Now that would be fun, karting around as the Engineer or the Brute hahahaha.
  20. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Next 2 games are both new IPs ;) Hope to have more details soon... I'd say they're both over 50% complete.

    You know, we definitely could just keep pumping out Block Fortresses, but our goal as a game development studio was never to "just make a profit." Don't get me wrong, having some success is great, but first and foremost we're going to spend time making games that we WANT to make. The only time we'll do a sequel is if we think its truly justified with a bunch of legitimate, cool new ideas that we're genuinely excited about. We're definitely not going to force the issue just to make a buck :p Mind you, that's not to say you will or will not see another Block Fortress, but we don't have anything in the works right now.

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