Are you implying that Bug heroes isn't already considered sci-fi? I mean Bug heroes is a game about bugs with guns,lazors and even magic.
HEY FM Bros! Congratulations again for your work. The new update is amazing, so I bought some gems to support new features. PS: Please add, in your next update the two songs from the original BH, or if you can, add more songs to vary.
@brothamannp I saw on the ol' tweet land that you're calling the next games to be a new space game and H&C2 Well, I called it first But I'm not 100 percent sure it will be H&C2, I could see something like H&C Quest (or some other spin off) being made, because that seems to be a pattern, haha. Although it does seem more likely that it will be H&C2, as their questions about characters for a new H&C game in the H&C made it seem like they were going the sequel route. I just hope they didn't take the Bug Heroes 2 route, and instead made the characters more customizable (this is all hypothetical). I also think that the space game will come before H&C2
Really thought that this latest update would've put Bug Heroes 2 back into the App Store's Best New Games section. But alas, I see Apple is still riding the Boom Beach gravy train. I'm sure that they would keep that game in the new games section for eternity if they could. That's the problem with the App Store. Give all the praise to "games" that offer ridiculous amounts of IAP while the real games (and real talented developers) are left to fend for themselves through word of mouth. But I can't hate on the App Store too much right now because there are some real quality games coming out lately. Thanks to the community here at Touch Arcade finding the diamonds in the rough is a lot easier than it would be otherwise.
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping anyway. I still hold out for my Mario Party/Smash Bros genre explosion of all the Foursaken games rolled into one But, seriously. I am still having such quality time with BF:W and this game. I still haven't completed either; there is a ton to unlock... no hurries, in fact, for a new game(s). I wonder how well BH2 and BF:W are doing for them financially? Plus, I loaded up Block Fortress yesterday awhile, H&C a few days ago... I seriously do not play any other games much at all. Glory to the Pixel King last night, just because its so easy and fun to get in to.. I also was playing Dead Effect and Hero Siege but... a wife, two kids, two jobs, a Masters AND another baby due in a couple weeks takes up all my nerd time
Very infrequent poster here, but thought I'd compliment the game for its incredible depth in gameplay and content while I ask 2 different questions: 1) Does the scroll gem work with every mode? (Missions, endless, tower defense, and co-op.) If it does, that would mean I'd have a chance for a scroll after every mission I complete and every level I do in TD, correct? Just wondering, because I find the scroll gem the least 'cheaty' of the banner cheats, and it'd be nice to have a different kind of reward occasionally from simple playing. 2) This one's more for Foursaken: Would it be possible to add an option to make your AI partner bug's skills visible and touchable on the left side of the screen? This way you could use their abilities without switching to them. This would be useful on occasions where you really need to control one hero, but need your partner's ability to support you at the same time. Just an idea
I know in the previous update it worked in Missions, Endless (I think yes), and Skirmish. Considering the bottom three gems work in multiplayer and let you submit high scores, those aren't cheats. And the idea on the other hero's abilities is good. Would be nice if there was at least something that shows that all their abilities are available again without having to switch and check.
Congrats on the 3rd baby! Good luck juggling everything; not sure how you do it with classes too. We just had our 3rd too; definitely limits the gaming time. Only time left to play is late night; good luck trying to find a coop game after 11PM!
What are everyone's favorite turrets? So far mine is the Autocannon. Seems to be a good all-around turret.
For endless and mission modes I like the Autocannon the best. But for the TD mode I like the Gunner turret with a few Autocannons spread out. The Autocannon fires a little too slow for my liking in TD mode.