Hmm, haven' gotten to level ten yet with the Honey Bee General, but is the combat equipment worth it?
My highest score on endless was actually with honeybee together with pillbug. Its essential to equip comrades equipment and other buffing equipment like his defense for it buffs allies damage. Dont forget to set up a bug banner, it greatly helps
Honey bee is great! The trick is to have bug banners(usually i keep them for stratigic points) and actually walk with your army,the extra damage the creeps get when honey bee is around is helpful. I generally get the equipment where the creeps get +35 armor,but honey bee is good for only single player,as in multiplayer he does not spawn proper units.I.e, he still spawns gnats and fleas at level 5 ability
Can we see more mercenary options in the future? It would be really cool and probably easy to add right? Personally I would really like to see things like: Slime Support: 2 slimes Medical Team: 1 ladybug medic(healer) + 1 ladybug doctor(buffer) Siege Force: 1 siege snail (or) 1 giant centipede Air Force: 1 cyrocopter gunship Firepower(alternative): 2 armored army ants Bomber Squad: (2 or 3 or 4) roach bombers and 1 bug hero (that you can't control but attacks stuff like in skirmish mode, it can be done right?) Also I've noticed that the Bumblebee Sergeant's damage is lower than the regular Bumblebee. Is that intentional? Or maybe you its displayed wrong? Finally, why are there no scorpions in this game? They were my favorite enemies from the original game .
I would definitely think, if there are future bugs in, that Scorpions would be on the list, both as playable characters and as villains. That's a word we don't use enough in society.. villains I'd like to see some other environments as well, hopefully a couple more.
I don't get this. I never, EVER get anything beyond fleas and gnats, even at level 5, in single player. That's why I think Honey Bee sucks, basically. Round 10+ in Endless, at level 5 ability, he churns out armies of tiny bugs that get destroyed very quickly. single player i spawn giant war slugs,pack roach,war snail,etc..only in multiplayer I spawn gnats n fleas :/
I'm fairly sure you need to upgrade the stash to the appropriate level to spawn the appropriate tier bugs with honeybee.
Really? That seems harsh. That means you have to spend gobs and gobs of nuts and bolts just to get his ability to do what it says it does? :/
Okay, after a bit of testing, I'm fairly sure you're right. That begs the question...are there other abilities whose effects are linked to the upgrade level of your stash...?
All this blew my mind. Honeybee is definitely more interesting now. Doesn't look like it affects the bug holes though. My first thought was whether the ally spawn scroll was tied to food upgrades. Hoped that at level 5, my 240 second spawn would get me a war snail and such. Will have to test more but I think I just got plains fleas.
Thats weird. Last time i played i spawned a wide range of bugs, even got the ladybug that casts a shield around allies, and other ladybug support, tht was tier 3 comrade skill. He can also spawn a giant spider, those firefly bombers and maniacs.
Played coop with a friend today, both playing honeybee just for the lols. After upgrading the stash to about tier 3 I spawned a shielder ladybug, and another time spawned a ninja spider. He spawned a war slug (just the little one), but after upgrading the stash to level 5, I spawned a war snail and he spawned a pack roach. Conclusion: Level of stash directly affects the spawned bugs from honeybee's comrade ability. The appropriate level stash seems to be required to spawn bugs. Eg. Level 5 for war snails. Note that having a level 5 stash does not guarantee getting the bug you want, although I doubt anyone will complain about having a war snail on your side.
In three games of testing, so far, I've only seen three Tier 5 spawns: war snail, giant war slug, meat-mallet bee, and a big-ass cockroach. The snail is the best, but the slug is great, too. Cockroach dies pretty quick, it seems? Anyway, be careful about spawning in Tier 3/4 as if you get one of the summoner ladybugs, you'll probably end up playing at 1 fps.