Almost at my first 100 gems... which hero should I unlock? I want to unlock Ant, since he was one of my favorites from the original BH, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Thoughts?
I'm probably not complaining about a thing you think I am. The problem is the skirmish can be finished that soon (and still get THAT reward).. It is obviously something like exploit
Personally, I think forum quality is directly proportional to moderation quality. I would find pretty welcome a three-strikes rule or something similar.
I now usually go Aphid and Pillbug but I'm pretty sure Bumblebee and Pillbug would make a very good combo. If you have pillbug I usually equip scrolls that only have a speed debuff as he's usually almost always at base.
Anyone have a Let's play? I would love it! Also, Take a look at this! If y'all can see the conversation, they said, " Definetly can say anything right now But noting is impossible" most likely meaning "Yes" for another BUG HEROES game!
Creating a subreddit... That's dedication. Hopefully it grows and will be a great place for bug lovers
Sorta depends on your pool of champs. Generally, you'll want Crab Spider or Pillbug or Slug. Crab Spider is THE tank. :0 You're just not gonna kill him and he has a taunt toggle that makes all attack directed to him, allowing you to essentially use anyone else without having to worry unless they're long ranged. (You can use champs that go ham like Bumblebee with his damage toggle) Pillbug can defend wherever it is very, very well. Once you get a shoulder cannon, you'll be shooting 20+ damage for every shot and with the precision upgrade, he'll melt anything close. He's special because he doesn't need armor pen as much as others; his shoulder cannon does enough damage to melt through or something. Slug is great because he has a healing thing that you can buy. He can also eliminate groups of small bugs, and can lazer sniper with his third ability. You'll also blow through every single 'kill their base' mission with the same move. I swear the only thing he lacks is speed and range because his second ability allows you to tp back and forth with your ally to a spot. Great for grabbing food and eliminating groups as well, because they'll get sucked in. Your Q also does massive amounts of damage and lasts for a really long time. If you place your Q well, it will kill anything that goes through. I was lucky enough to get Slug as one of my first characters. He's just really versatile and doesn't rely on potions. Oh and also Aphid can be quite good too. He has a whole bunch of auras, but requires you to micromanage with his second skill. Most of the time, switching to him for quick assassinations are good enough, as he can do a one hit chi shot thingy to kill stuff. Great for the ladybug shield generators. Aphid and Slug are gonna have a hard time with the Dual Machine Gun Snails though. Dual Machine Gun Snails are what Pillbug is when he gets shoulder cannons, and pillbug lasts longer. :0 Pillbug has insane deeps. Ant however, is also quite good, but he takes a while to get started. With maxed weapon, he's a mobile mini pillbug with good tower boosts, insane range, and global presence. He can heal towers, give armor, teleport and even Protect against all ranged attacks. Like I said, it only works when you have the light armor to heavy armor mastery, a ton of gold and some experience though, as his early game is easily beaten by a few maniacal fleas.
So what your saying is pills bug is the best among those?I'm looking for a nice bug to go withy crap spider to take down people using legendarys in 1v1. I'm thinking slug,stinkbug,ant,pillsbug?suggestions?
CraB *ahem* spider is not very good against humans, imo. Pill bug is okay, but I think Worm, Fly, Aphid, Moth and Bumblebee are all better choices. Hell, I think Beetle is actually really strong. His abilities are fun and very powerful. I have no idea what that dude is talking about re: having to micro Aphid. You don't. At all. Pill bug is actually not that fun, since he's best as a mobile tower. His abilities are fine, but also not terribly fun. (again imo)
I got what he was saying about micro managing aphid. His second ability - the one that makes him take less damage, but lose one hp per second. You need to turn it on when there's a chance of taking damage, then off again when you're just running around. I really like pillbug... he is sort of like an extra (mobile) turret most of the time, but sometimes I take him over and activate his abilities to clear a crowd away from the base. That's always fun.
I think beetle is the best tank out there. His health goes insane with upgrades and amulets. His abilities are great. And with an amulet he can heal himself. His damage is not high but it's not a problem.
I think slug would be the best, but for going with Crab Spider, Pillbug/Ant would so better. Or even Aphid. Slug doesn't have enough range to synergize as much with Crab Spider as Pillbug/Ant. Stinkbug is sorta lukewarm. He's great and all for armored bugs and such, but he doesn't do well when you leave him by himself, because he's requires the constant use of abilities to be effective; his auto attacks aren't enough. He has a slow fire rate but does good damage. You can use him with Crab Spider, but again, Pillbug is more versatile. Stinkbug has an aoe self explosion move that poisons everything around it, an auto buff that makes all autos explode and poison (really good), a shot that drops a puddle of poison/slow that kills things (also really good), and a cyanide blast thingy that deals %health damage, meant for killing thos massive giant centipedes or war snails. He's excels, but is not good at taking out crowds when left to ai, and also has more downtime killing crowds compared to pillbug. The way I play usually requires me to solo as one person with the other bug being like a support. This means that bugs like Slug or Stinkbug that require lots of ability usage to be used to their full potential are better for leaders than say Pillbug. From the bugs that I do have, (Aphid, Butterfly, Crab Spider, Ant, Pillbug, Slug, Stinkbug, Cicada) I would wholeheartedly recommend Pillbug, as he's great at both positions, and fills in the holes that Crab Spider cannot fill.
Aphid gets beat up a lot. If you leave him by himself, he'll get wrecked by those dual cannon snails, and you need to go to him every time you want to chi slash, and activate the buffs. His Martyrdom also requires you to manage, unless the bug you're using can kill lots of bugs too. I dunno, I never succeeded with Aphid when I had him following me. I always had to be him to succeed. And plus with pillbug's shoulder cannon, you only have to give him a health potion every like five rounds. Lol yeah, compared to pillbug, you can literally just press all three top skills and go back to your other bug. XD
If you are looking for a support hero to back up your preferred main, it is hard to find any as supportive as Moth. She is a splendid complement for *any* hero, thanks to a combination of heals (several passive, as well as one active), cooldown reducer, protective AoEs, a highly disruptive attack, and a powerful crowd control ability (Silence, no creep attacks/abilities or enemy hero abilities for 10+ seconds, possibly one of the best abilities in the game). Basically, put her in front of the base and have her act as a disruptive and healing turret (you will heal just by being near her, especially when she attacks and heals all nearby heroes for 8 HP per shot), and just switch to her for active heals, protection and crowd control in times of crisis.
That's the legendary I main. One strategy that helped out was to drop mushrooms whenever you can near your base in the early rounds, and leave them alone. Once you get into the later rounds, shaman has some trouble with stopping power if your two spells are on cool down. Grabbing two or three of full grown shrooms help immensely, especially in the enemey base and strat location missions. One problem is multiplayer coop... you'll get some folks that'll grab mushrooms wherever they see them. I don't mind sharing them, but use them when you need them. Also perhaps throw in a bug banner for the mushroom creeps to help slow down enemies while you take them out (if you can spare the extra turret). Also health potions are lifesavers. If I'm on the other side of an arena, low on HP, and need to take down a base or protect a strat... don't hesitate to drop 150G on a health potion. Usually I lose matches when I'm waiting to respawn. If siege cannons are the culprit, putting up a shielder turret will keep you going. Just watch out for ranged units chipping away at it... once it gets low enough, the siege cannons will drain away your base. Good luck!
Thats what ive been doing. 1 flash bulb, 1 shielder, 1 autocannon and a bug banner for my stash. I plant most of the mushroom near the base and also plant some randomly around the map whenever i can. Fungal zombie are really helpful but by round 15 its gonna be really hard to build up an army of them since the giant war slug can one shot a bunch of them. Stickbug is not too good on his own imo, without his creeps he has nothing to buff. And btw what equipment do you use in him?