You made a score that would be extremely difficult for any other guy. I hope you never played this game, then I would be the 1st
Don't know. That would only be a max 20 point gain right? E: Btw guys, if you didnt know already, there is a public score list in krolis' sig, I just updated my scores there
Help Can you give me a spoiler as I cannot figure it out for the life of me! (this is the bricks for level 9)
I assume this is about level 9? Spoiler After you hit the second bullseye platform, jump onto the higher ledge and jump from the very left of that edge to land on the large green pipes
Can anyone tell me where secret location is on level 32?? I know it's an invisible Block but I can't find it Thanks
At the very end (before u jump down, through the rocks), u jump onto the highest (platform), and then all the way to the right. If u jump far enough, u should land on the cube
Ur just jealous cause women wont talk to u I didnt have time to play yesterday, was on road all day, and in evening i was busy watching football and drinking beer
The women don't talk to you, either. YOU talk to them Football: so you will stay behind for the next 4 weeks (or until Luxembourg is out)?