lord-sam, the problem with this mission is that the lock cursor never turns red on the tower guards. That means I can't shoot them down, after shooting down all other enemies. So, I'm just there wandering from side to side looking for a position as to where the cursor turns red. Like I said, I just feel like its a glitch. I've read problems in other missions like the Jeep one in Tunisia,or the balcony in Normandy. I too had problems there, but those were solvable. It was a mater of just being smart and pay attention to detail. However, on this closing act mission, I just feel something's wrong with the game. This shouldn't happen. I mean, I've been stuck on this for def more than two weeks. Actually stoped playing for a week because I thought it was a glitch. Btw I'm playing on Normal and auto aim is off and only auto leveling is on.
You have to restart the level from the beginning from the start of the level so you shoud say restart level and loose whatever progress you have. Now when u start stay as far as you can as you shoot the tanks and everything else. You cannot die and then when u get to that tower you will be able to shoot it like other ones. Good luck
Ok, I've followed Hg's direction and completed the mission. I just want to recap and make the situation clear for any other users struggling. It was in fact a game glitch. Here's the deal, you have to complete the whole tank mission in one go, even though you go through saved checkpoints while doing it. The mission is actually fairly easy. But if like me, you died after the airstrike comes in, you are stuck on a game glitch loop. You won't be able to kill the tower guards and will always be taken back to the saved checkpoint after you die. In order for you to kill the tower guards, you must reset the Closing Act - Germany mission and start again. After I did this, and reached the doom point again, I couldn't believe it when after just taking down 2 tanks I could take down the tower as well.
Maybe they should release a free online multiplayer. Or what most people suggested- free online multiplayer (like Eliminate) and have DLC levels. I heard it would be hard to do but maybe worth a try. They would probably make more sales (?)
That's actually a great idea. But the thing is that ELIMINATE has a lot of RPG elements to it, which makes it successful as a stand-alone Online MP game. On the other hand, there aren't any RPG elements to BIA2's Online MP, which would make it boring pretty quickly.
what does it mean on the loading screen when it says you can get reinforcements if you earn enough dog tags?
In Online MP, you can choose from three reinforcements by pressing the 3rd circle on top left of the screen.
This game sucks, it has no character and it plays like a 90s FPS :\ I don't see why you'd want to play this game when you could just play FPS on the PC.
bought the game today. campaign is great, but there is quite a lot of lag on my ipod touch 2nd gen(jailbroken). multiplayer is pretty fun, but i got spawn killed about 50 times in my first game. EDIT: and the sniper is pointless because it took me 5 shots to kill someone with it :/
i dont really understand how to use the reinforcements. Nothing happens when I click on them, except for X's popping up since I use up all my dog tags. What do each reinforcement do
Something does happen when you click on them - each icon spawns a guy that stands in a fixed spot on the map (you might have to look around for them once you spawn them, but they're there, and they always spawn on the same spot on the map depending on the map and type of reinforcement. The red X's pop up even if you have enough dog tags for multiple guys because you can't spawn multiple guys at once, gotta wait for your first reinforcement to die first) The cheapest reinforcement is a guy with a rifle, then a guy with a sniper, then a guy with a rocket launcher. They just stand in that fixed spot and shoot at anybody that comes near - they don't move or anything. They're pretty easy to spot because they don't move and they have no name associated with them (If they kill someone, it says player X was killed by Allies/Axis and vice versa). They're kind of a gamble in games with close scores because they're easily killed, so they might end up hurting you more than helping.
I wondered what thar people were! I thought they were just people who couldn't be bothere to play! Haha