Might be a bit buggy. Just started second chapter of African campaign and got gunned down, now the game crashes every time I try to load the last checkpoint.
Hey! Welcome to TA and sweet sig! Oh... My.... Gosh... Only 11 hours til it hits the U.S. Woohoo! Augh... I missed my 666 post. dang it...
this is a instant buy for me, and for all the haters, if the graphics are that important to you, buy a damn PS3 and ignore the iphone
Thank you yeah I can't wait for this one either. I enjoyed the first one which I'll probaly play through today. This will be a great addition to MC:S and COD not much of a NOVA or Eliminate fan (too many power ups) but both are great games, just not my style.
But if graphics were THAT important, the PS3 wouldn't be good enough. You would need a good computer.
I don't know... There isn't a computer screen out there big enough that it could rival the clearness and size of my PS3 and HD projector. Huh.... So no new impressions?