Just downloaded the game, and it is currently installing. I'm siked for the multiplayer, but I'm even more excited for the Campaign. I just hope gameloft doesn't drop the idea for co-op. Anyways, after reading through over 15 pages, this game sounds great.
Good game guys. I just am really crappy at this. Im gonna make this my last game since I have to sync some stuff. We really need a chat for this. BTW: This is the best online FPS for me. Better than Eliminate and NOVA. Yes, I just said it. Better than the two.
I just found out that you can get inside the building on Normandy map. With 2 guys by the door and 1 sniping up the top, your team is virtually invincible .
Whilst I agree that this is a far better game than a lot of folks are giving it credit for, it does have its downsides. I'm surprised so many people are complimenting the sound - for the most part it's great but mounted guns (especially on jeeps) sound like pea shooters! Overall though, a great game. I like the more cover based gameplay (as opposed to NOVA) - I think that's maybe why some people are hating on it a little.
Me. Without a doubt. I'm the best! Well, I'm gonna stop playing this for a few so I can sync some music and a new build of a game I'm testing. I'm loving the cover system, as opposed to many who seem to not like it. While it doesn't have some layer of polish that NOVA had, it's an overall better game. I don't think it'll catch on AS much as that one did, and I'm glad if that's the case since that means less chance of hacking. I got a weird glitch while playing. I was taking cover behind a wall in the last few seconds of the game, about to get a kill, and all ov a sudden I got stuck inside the building. It was weird... I'll post a screen in a few. That's why I killed myself at the end. And we NEED a chat. Who's going to make one?
same here...i was playing normandy and i got stuck in the wall so i had to throw a gernade and kill myself to get out and yes we need a chat
Anyone have any idea what the dog tag collecting is for in multiplayer? There is a dog tag icon on the top left of the screen. Once you kill some people you get dog tags and when you get a certain amount you can click onthe dog tags and select 3 optoions. Does anyone kow what those options do?
I think you can call in reinforcements and stuff. Can't remember the specifics of it, but it's like killstreaks in COD.
Has anyone tried mutiplayer domination yet? is it good? is this game better than mc: sandstorm online as I found that a bit crap online tbh.