I'm not playing this on mobile. I already have it on 360. The game is practically perfect in every way. To anyone playing this for the first time: Allow yourself to become emotionally invested. Caution: This game might make your eyes a little sweaty. To anyone who's already played this: Don't spoil ANYTHING
Did you update to iOS 9.1? That sounds like the issue I was having with multiple updates over the last couple weeks. 9.1 includes a fix to "apps not downloading for some users".
The graphic has downgrade from console version, more blur texture and the two boys have no dynamic shadow. But it is still beautiful for a mobile game. I hope that the developer will update some better graphic setting for 6S and high end Android device as mobile GPU is so powerful now.
Thanks for the heads up ! I have it working now and wow this is some game its simply stunning and engrossing !
Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel I've played a bit of Brothers on PC, but the controls on the ipad feel way more natural to me.
Not that this needs more positive feedback but I've played through the PS3 version and then replayed the levels where I needed to do certain things to finish all the triphies in the game. I didn't have much trouble with the controls or puzzles once I turned my brain on. This is one of the most logical puzzle adventure games I've played... to the point that it was a little on the easy side (though I had to play some areas a few times or more to figure out what I was doing wrong). My iphone isn't up to snuff for this version, but really this is the kind of game you play fully then try your best to forget so one day you can play it again and enjoy the ride.
Is anyone having issues in chapter two that you can't proceed further? There's a part where both the brothers jump on a horizontal bar and take it down through a number of tunnels and around until you fall on a stone bridge that collapsed. (This is after doing the horizontal jump on the three hooks). I jump and put the brothers on the bar and nothing happens!
Can't wait to dig into this one. Damn backlogue from hell chalked full of such good stuff. Not enough hours in a day. Lol
Wanted to enjoy this but the controls are absolutely ridiculous. Trying to move little brother and he won't move and he just starts talking in the imaginary language. I know when up you hold down on the control stick (action button) he does an action with whatever is around him but what I'm trying to say is it's a pain just moving around
I tried it and couldn't even get the cart onto the bridge. I went back to the PS3 version that I got last year from PS+ and immediately sat down and played for almost an hour easily. I'm glad I bought it to support the devs, but it looks like I'll be playing this one on PS3. Much easier. I can't seem to get the dual sticks to work on iOS but had no problem on PS3.
So what language are they speaking?definitely not engliah right?can't understand what was happening is that intentional or a bug?