Broken Sword - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered (Universal) $6.99 ->99c -Dec 16th-

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by goiMot, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. I bought it for a buck, too, and I was plenty happy to. I was really surprised to see them giving it away for free. Aren't there enough people willing to pay a buck for this great game?
  2. violentv

    violentv Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    #42 violentv, Dec 25, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
    As I mentioned in an earlier thread.. It is more about being suckered into paying for a game during a 'sale' when the developer had probably already decided to make free just before Christmas.

    edit: oh I mentioned it a few post ago on this thread =/ . So... Confusing to have 2 threads about the price drop on this game.
  3. GunRoseCigarette

    GunRoseCigarette Active Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    just got it free, thanks!

  4. How do you know it was planned? Maybe they weren't happy with the sales they were getting at 99 cents.

    Anyway, I played through the game over the weekend. Hadn't played it in so many years, since I played on the PC. I forgot how long, and entertaining, it is. No one should complain about getting this game for a buck. Especially if you never played it before.
  5. kiancheong

    kiancheong Well-Known Member

    hmmm, sale and free aside, anyone knows how to unlock the Black Screen of Death achievement?
  6. foxmulderino

    foxmulderino Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    liked the first one, preferring that to this one...anyway a good game also this second chapter
  7. Gunlock

    Gunlock Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    Price drop - $0.99.

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