While that might be true, it doesn't actually counter my argument, which isn't about "choice of platform" or where to play it, but rather the actual game experience; the existing limitations for the iOS version are unfortunate but also beside the point. As far as platforms go, however, I think it's also quite likely that the majority of people visiting this site do so via computer at least some of the time, and I'd warrant a guess that many also game on them. Discussing what people "probably want" is a fruitless exercise in assumption, however: I know there are certain games I'd grab for my PC instead of/as well as for my iDevice if a PC version exists. People can play BS on whatever system they want, but if they want the game the way the designers originally intended it to be seen, that's the non-DC version. A person can certainly personally prefer whichever version they like, but it is a fact that the DC has deliberately dumbed-down gameplay, shoehorned new sections that don't mesh at all well with the original story, and excised content, which Steve Ince has acknowledged was a compromise for a younger market, and which has also been picked up and commented on by pretty much anybody who has reviewed/compared the two. Whether you consider these to be issues or not is a matter of subjective personal taste. Gods know we certainly have enough "picky" people on these forums that I think it's entirely fair to let them know that there are two versions out there in the ether, one being the original game and the other the revised DC that was explicitly streamlined for Wii and DS gamers. I might prefer one while you prefer the other, but our own personal preferences are largely irrelevant to the provision of that information. As for the games themselves, right now GoG is offering the DC/remastered versions of BS and BS2 for PC, with the original versions also included as a free bonus, for $2.99 each. That said, none of the above has stopped me from owning both games on my mobile device.
While your statement about playing it as intended is the "original" is true, there are several things you are not taking into account in your thinking. The Director's Cut is actually an ENHANCED version of the original. It is available on several platforms even PC. It was made to ADD to the experience. In fact some people complained it was simply the original with too many cut scenes and made playing the game feel like watching a movie. Here is from the Broken Sword series Wiki: Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut The Director's Cut is a remake of the original Broken Sword by Ubisoft, and was released on the Wii and Nintendo DS in March 2009. The game includes extra story elements and settings dealing with Nico and her investigation of a murder and the truth about her father. It also features hand-drawn illustrations and animations by artist Dave Gibbons. The game uses the Wii Remote and DS stylus respectively to deliver both point-and-click styles and new puzzle-solving elements specific to each platform. In January 2010, the Director's Cut was released on the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPod touch. A PC release was announced simultaneously and was finally released on September 2, 2010 on various digital distribution services. In May 2010, a version with higher resolution graphics and a digital comic was released for iPad.
The thugs and the train are definitely in the iOS DC version, since I experienced both, IIRC (a bit more nebulous on the train, but thugs are etched crystal clear in my memory, because they felt so arbitrary and unfair). I seem to remember those too, so they are likely in. Also, there is no shortage of non-critical hotspots with amusing commentary. Granted, some may be gone, of course, I wouldn't know. But I didn't think that there were noticeably fewer of those than in BASS iOS, which, I think, has been pretty faithful? No goat or lion though, IIRC. Personally, I liked Nico's sections (apart from that sliding block puzzle) and new graphics, so YMMV. I also have to say that I discovered P&C adventures as a genre on iOS (my first ever was Flight of the Amazon Queen, which at least back when it first came out was completely faithful, just wrapped in bare-bones SCUMMVM emulator, BTW) and I fell in love with them, but when I tried a couple on my desktop, I enjoyed them markedly less. It is the whole playing anywhere anytime thing, IMHO. Playing these games on desktop just feels duller to me, and getting stuck is much, much worse, since I don't use hints/walkthroughs. They also look uglier on the big screen. So, I certainly wouldn't blindly recommend to people who enjoy playing P&C on iOS to just pick PC versions instead .
A while ago.. Broken Sword DC went free at GoG and I grabbed it. But I didn't see the option to play the original version! I guess I will just have to play both versions and come to a conclusion myself. lol. My main issue with most modern adventure games is that they feel like a whole bunch of never ending uninspired puzzles strung together by an equally vapid plot. I hardly get to see extremely plot driven titles like The Longest Journey, Syberia, The Last Express and Dreamfall anymore.. if the gameplay in the DC edition is more streamlined and the narrative stronger and more developed, I think I might enjoy this version more. Btw... I don't know if it has been mentioned on the forums before >.> But Funcom announced in October that there will be an iPhone port of The Longest Journey.
This is an fricking joke. Why put this game up for sale and then make it free a week later??!? They're getting a negative review for this regardless of how good the game is.
I guess I lose this time. As others mentioned, annoying to put a game on sale, then make it free. At least its only 0.99 and the game is still great though.
Does it matter? It went free on GOG, not on the appstore. Different stores, different platforms. Why are we complaining again? At 99c, this is already a steal.
Oh man, why must you inform me about this? I just bought the game on a sale, am 35% into the story, it's an ok game but was kind of regretting the purchase and now it's free? I'm disgusted really. That buck could have gotten me another much better game on the ea sale, etc. :/
WOW... i was gonna buy it earlier today... decided to hold out and this happen?! :O FREE?! :O... this will piss off a lot of people
I personally don't think any EA games are better than this. lol.. I bought Dead Space after months of listening to people ranting about how good it is. I immediately noticed things like tiled/reused objects and extremely poor collision detection. 'Small' things like these are really effective in killing off the immersion factor and thereby massively impacting(negatively) the overall gaming experience. However, I dislike the feeling of being suckered into buying this game at 0.99 when they probably have already made the decision to make it free just before the Appstore freeze.