Watchlisted, will buy it as soon as ep2 is released, and I can finish the story in one playthrough. Looks awesome though.
Might be a bit of a weight: "By the end of the year" and I don't think he was talking about iOS there. Of course, that makes the move to wait more justified in a way, but it's more patience than I have.
So it's 10 dollars for the season pass, or just episode 1? If it's the latter, I don't understand the pricing strategy, since this is a 2h game, and The Cave (a complete game) is priced 5$.
I agree, i'm a bit disappointed with very short games. 2 hours, you just have time to sit, play and hop it's finished.. Quality is important, but 2 hours is so short!
It's a £20 game on the PC for the two episodes, I really don't think we're getting a bad deal at all. Same price as a cinema ticket for a similar timeframe, only you can replay this.
I do know that the PC version of the game, on Steam, will have episode 2 as a free update when it is released. However, it appears, from the app description, that episode 2 for iOS will only be available as an IAP once it is released, rather than as a free update.
^ Yeah but how often do we get to give Tim Schafer money? Just finished downloading and installing. Think I'll curl up with it later though... headphones on, lights out...Shafer goodness...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
I want! But ugh, only a couple hours of game play. I've been following this game since the crazy kick-starter promos were released. I know people will poo-poo me but it seems expensive for very a short game. I'll probably break down and buy it later.
Same here. I've loved playing The Wolf Among Us and Republique, but I wish I didn't have to stop between episode releases. Of course, I realize developers can only produce content so quickly. That said, I'll probably hold off for now. Double Fine - you guys rock for bringing this to iOS. Thanks much!
Tired of the cinema ticket comparison being thrown here and there for no logical reason. If you read again you'd notice I wasn't criticizing the price at all. HOWEVER I was asking the reasonning behing bringing a fully fledged and complete game like The Cave at 5$, and slapping a 10$ price tag on a 2h prologue of an unfinished story, with later episodes (which may or may to come) also priced the same amount possibly.
The Cave didn't have the anticipation behind it that this game has. This is the first adventure game in 16 years from the guy that brought us Grim Fandango - one of the greatest adventure games ever made. The Cave came from a similarly renowned developer, but felt like a side project in a genre unfamiliar to him and with considerably less polished results.
Very fair point (I'll be getting Grim Fandango's remake on Vita day 1!). However are the majority of people with iPads really aware of the developper? Grim Fandango is an old game that the current generation doesn't recognize at all + people will look at the description and think "oh another point and click game". So it's very risky of them to have taken this direction. Kinda like 868-Hack did with much success. Will see how this fares in the long run.
I might have agreed before E3, but Grim Fanango has received as much press as any game I've seen, all without so much as a screenshot. That's more representative of the press than the public, I suspect, but it helps. That and the historic Kickstarter campaign and success of the Steam release. I think it'll do fine.
Speaking of the joyful celebration of Fandango at E3, I think it has more to do with the fact Sony killed the Vita during this E3, so the Vita community was jumping on every little thing that came their way (I even saw some people brandish Tetris as a saviour for the device), and nobody expected a game from this calibre to be given a shot on Vita. To return to this game, I think I'll wait (as I do with episodic games) to see how future installments, are received.
It is not 2 hours. I am not sure where that number is getting thrown around. Perhaps if you played it before or are using a FAQ for the answers(which defeats the purpose of adventure games). Think more in the 4-6 hour range. It is a great game and I am a huge supporter of REAL game ports to iOS.
Ahh, Grim Frandango. One of my favorite games ever! And ironically it's apparently the game that sunk the point and click genre. Screw it, I'm buying Broken Age, cost and length be damned!
That was easily one of the best developer description write ups I've ever read...I should know, I've read like 4.