Hey all, we updated. Why? BECAUSE WE CAN. THAT'S WHY. Most of it is paid DLC, but we've added new weapons in for free! Again, Free content: - All the new PC weapons (the SMG, LMG, Sniper Rifle, Noveske N4, and the LaRue OBR) Paid content: - Frozen Synapse DLC (Five new maps, new team, and two new weapons) - $3.99 - Colombia DLC (Five new maps) - $1.99 - KSK DLC (New team + associated gear) - $0.99 - Spetsnaz DLC (New team + associated gear) - $0.99 Hope you guys enjoy! We've been busy with Steam's version and now we want to get back to mobile players. You've all been awesome to us and we hope you continue to enjoy!
Ipad 2 & this game is crashy. Got in 3 missions & loved it. Now. Boots me out despite clean hard reboot & reinstall. Frustrated cuz i was digging it big time.
Older devices seem to be crashing for users, particularly the iPhone 4/S and iPad 2. We're going to be pushing a stability update soonest and we'll be tweaking the weapon stats for the six new guns added. That was an 'oops' on our part. Looking into it right now!
Frustrated! UGHH!! The screen rotation is locked and does not rotate....this kind of stuff really irritates me from a game that has this much support and has been updated many times. There really is no excuse for these types of things being overlooked and not properly tested. The main problem is that when you have a case on your iPad and you have to flip it upside down because the screen does not rotate then that puts the headphone jack on the bottom left and its in the way....besides the fact that I can't use my case upside down so I have to take my iPad out of the case just to play this game. Having said that I do appreciate all the work and support for this game...it's a great game and I'm loving the Frozen Synapse DLC! It's really too bad we don't have asynchronous multiplayer... Thanks again to the Devs and Publisher!
No crashing issues here (or with XCOM for that matter)... Might just want to accept the fact that your device is outdated (the developers should also re-evaluate their supported list)... But as for rotation lock, I completely agree. I remember how frustrating it was when I owned an iPad (iPad 2 actually...), and had to take it out of the case to play comfortably with headphones. It's not as bad on the phone, though I don't play with headphones as often on the smaller screen either, auto rotation is never something that should just get overlooked. ** edit** Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, but with the way that games are getting more and more CPU intensive on the iOS and the fairly big jumps in hardware with each device generation, there comes a time when you just have to accept that your device might be outdated, and will have a hard time playing a lot of newer games. But I feel that you coming here and stating that you're having issues is very valid, especially since the iTunes description clearly says that the game is playable on an iPad 2. Are you, by chance, jailbroke?
Unlocking the achievements doesn't really work properly. I see a lot of achievements in my list that I know should be unlocked. Is there any chance of having this fixed? I did unlock the hidden achievement today, it was a little funny and completely random. It was sheer luck to unlock it.
Breach & Clear is free this weekend guys! We've turned 1 year old and we've done an update for the game to fix some bugs and done as much optimization as possible for players on older devices (oh the joy of working on a larger title...) Hope you guys enjoy! Please rate if you've got things working, we've been doing our darndest to get as many people playing as possible! Android users: SKU change is permanent for price change like that...so we couldn't do it this time. We did set the price to $0.99! Hope you all enjoy!
Also, we recently updated the game with improvements to stability if any of you guys were experiencing crashing. I can't guarantee all the problems are fixed, but the game should crash significantly less often. In any case, at a price tag of free (this weekend only), there is no reason to not download it and try it out! About the free promotion: the price will return to $3.99 on Monday. Grab it now! It's unlikely we'll be doing another free promotion like this.
Congratulations on the anniversary, great game and always very good support and updates too. Thanks for a great game.
Just got the game. I'm enjoying it. Anyone have any advice on guns to get? The menus are kind of intimidating...
I downloaded the game, purchase the first soldier using 1000, and then what? I can't even start the game, I only have 500 bucks left and can't afford the second solder.
No, that purchases your squad. Then you'll go through the squad creation screen four times, once for each soldier. At the end it will ask you to confirm that those are the units you want. After all that you can start playing.
This is a great game so I would like to thank the developers. My question is that, will there be a next update,if yes when do you think? I'm asking because of space issues,like most have mentioned we need icloud,i dont want to lose my progress. keep up the good work guys,cheers! This part of the forum is dead lol I assume the game is also dead in the eyes of the developers,deleted it. Has been a great ride tho,great game.
Anyone trying the game again now? there seems to be a no-music bug. Checked the settings to make sure the music volume wasn't down.
Doesn't look like this is getting updated. Anyone have a suggestion on something similar in this genre that might scratch the same itch? Thanks!
Buy it and xcom and never update to 11,lol. Doorkickers,frozen synapse,war of the zombie,aliens versus humans,hunters 2,star chindy,x-mercs,kotor?Might as well put Cataclysm - dark days ahead in here but: 1) You can only control 1 character. 2) NPC companions' AI is very far from perfect. But despite this game requires a lot of strategy,that is if you don't want to get killed ramming into some gas station while mowing all the zombies with your death mobile that packs a punch with it's turrets or stealthily in COMPLETE darkness (you can't see jack except for your own character) get into some camp infested with bunch of zombie hulks,pick some important stuff and get the heck outta there ASAP. I remember that there was one more tactical game,it also had multiplayer,forgot it's name.
That might be my best option. I don't have an ipad so Door Kickers is out, i'm hoping that DK2 is iphone friendly as out of those you listed that has been my favorite so far. Thanks for the suggestions, some of those I haven't played so I'll try them out.