There is a 'camera' icon in each portrait for your team. Tap it at any time and you'll be able to see the 3D camera.
Read somewhere back in July there's an update for renaming of squad members and "wait" option to delay for throw and go tactic . These are already in the gams? Dev?
Hey... so if this isn't kosher, let me know...but we have been working rather heavily on a PC/Mac/Linux version of Breach & Clear, and are looking to get it pushed through Steam Greenlight. If anyone is a member there and would be willing to help us out with approving the game, we'd appreciate it! PC content is going to be pushed to mobile as well
JCho, you and I have very similar taste in games Breach & Clear is fantastic, but there are only so many Mann hours that I have in a day to play... more like Mann minutes!
I bought this at launch and haven't really had enough time to dedicate to playing until just recently.... but OMG! The amount of customization is awesome, and just the way that the game's mechanics work are outstanding. It kind of reminds me of Ravenmark with the whole, plan everyone's moves and then watch everything play out aspect. I'm sure this is answered somewhere in the thread - but if the extra Russia map pack levels are of decent size, I'll probably wind up snatchin that too. I'm still not very far in though - only at 28 Stars - so it's still pretty early on for that. =oP Anyway... just wanted to join in on the ol' conversation... I guess... late as I can be...
I'd say if you like the normal maps the Russia ones are a great addition, they have an almost golden eye feel to them.
UPDATE WITH 4 DLCS!!! Wow... I really did not expect this one to get this much post-release support, but the developers have completely blown me away. THANK YOU!!
Man, these guys have done a fantastic job of supporting the game. Every time I think I've finished it, they come out with something new and I jump right back in. Excellent job to the team, thanks a lot.
Thanks a bunch for highlighting this game, I nearly forgot about it! I haven't played it much but plan on redownloading and giving it proper attention. Great to hear the developer still supporting it!
Sweet! New update! Can't wait to download it. Are the DLCs all paid? They're not showing up in the inapp section of AppStore