It has turned into a wait unfortunately, but we're all in the same boat here... Soon as Apple approves, we'll get it out to everyone! Thanks for your patience!
It's not only hiccups with the submission system. I'm afraid the App Store (Spanish at least) is not as fluent as it should. Maybe Apple's tampering with servers to get iOS 7 ready and this results in slowdowns in the app store.
I have no problems receiving updates for all my other apps except B&C. Today I even had two updates for the same app! Figure it out apple! Edit: UPDATE IS OUT
Update is now live! Shotguns, Germany, and Bomb Defusal! Have at it! It took a while to get approved due to the deluge of iOS 7 updates. Apple was crazy (and understandably) busy. Just for reference, if you guys don't know, Google has no review process for Android apps. Android is probably going to get updates first due to that, but it doesn't mean we love iOS any less. Please bear with us when this kind of stuff happens. We definitely appreciate all fans and devices on an equal level.
Updating... still updating... I thought Apple was going to make them all what they call delta updates nowadays? It feels like I am redownloading the whole Breach & Clear app again...
The wait is definitely worth it. The new maps provide a very different type of strategy not seen in the 3 core settings.
Strange but the update isn't coming through for me? Edit, I had to find breach and clear click developer info then click breach and clear and it let me update then? Strange as that's never happened like that before. Sorted now anyway.
Glad you guys are enjoying the new maps so far! Have any of you had a chance to play bomb defusal yet? It definitely changes up the way you have to think and play Breach & Clear - defusing the bomb causes you to have to play defensively rather than offensively, which works out pretty well. Quick tip - shotguns are incredible for bomb defusal defense.
Oh hey! Update is live everyone! This is what I get for playing GTA V and going to sleep last night; you guys beating me to the punch . Germany! Shotguns! Bomb Defusal! Stupid hard enemies in Germany! Dat FREE feeling! Hope you all enjoy!
I've just squeezed in a couple of rounds (in between GTAV ) played the first Germany map and a round of bomb defusal in Afghanistan. Love the new content, the bomb missions have just doubled the size of the game! And the Germany map looks pretty cool being a forest type area. Looks like a brilliant update and can't wait to get into the bomb missions properly (might take a few days though with GTAV being out )
I played one round of bomb dispersal. It was amazing how exposed my guys were as I was only covering forward as usual and these two Tangoes come in from my two breach points. Are Tangoes spawning from breach points going to be in th original terrorist hunt mode as an option too?
Lol, yes I know how addicting GTA V can be, played for seven hours straight yesterday Update is awesome. I'll post more detailed impressions later
We're thinking about adding a radio-equipped enemy type that could call for backup in that manner. No promises, but it might happen!
Gosh dude, that first Germany Terrorist Hunt mission is intense! So many guys! I look forward to snipers being added as usable weapons? Maybe? Please? Because if a shotgun is great defense for the close quarters maps, the sniper is perfect for defense in the open maps (Germany mostly)
We're definitely not going to rule anything out! I can definitely see an accurate, powerful, long-range weapon coming in handy for some of the more open bomb defusal maps. We'll look in to the possibility!
Does this game have iCloud yet? I deleted it a while back to make space and wait for updates. Don't wanna get back into and lose my progress when I have to make space again.