For me my fav parts are the controls and watching your turn play out, "I love it when a plan comes together" I'm not a big fan of the customisation as there's so much I get lost trying to pick what's best so I usually just go with the default (my SAS guys are using the default weapons) But I do like seeing you plan work out also the stand offs where your both behind cover exchanging fire. I'd love to see this kind of mechanic made into a full game similar to "full spectrum warrior" which was one of my fav ps2/Xbox games.
My favorite aspect of Breach & Clear is the way it makes you think tactically and how it pushes you to anticipate how the enemy will react to your actions. You constantly have to choose between several different ways to attack, especially in the hardest difficulty, when the enemy AI is very aggressive. In short, I love it because it makes me think.
My favorite part of Breach & Clear is choosing your angles. That's basically the "do or die" part of the game. Where you choose to look is where you could clear a room or get killed, it's all about anticipating where the enemies are and that's where I get the most fun out of it. As opposed to automated aiming which would take all the challenge and excitement away. Keep up the great work!
Hi, My number one quality I am enjoying is the level of involvement and support shown here by the company. The game has been fun too. This was posted, not for the giveaway but just to show my thanks. Winning would be kind of neat too. David
I love how easy it is to get in a quick game on the game. Good load times, responsive controls make it easy to play one more game. Thanks
My favorite part is the tactical play, which I think fits under the design? Haha. I love being able to plan out what I'm going to do and customize my squads load out to fit the job, and something about that just makes me feel all tingly! haha. My other favorite part is the devs! They're super communicative with the players and they drop hints to new content and they listen to what we have to say and then act, you guys rock!
My favourite aspect of Breach & Clear is the whole spec ops versus terrorists thing, plus they use somewhat realistic guns. I really enjoy these kinds of Rainbow 6 types of settings. Plus the controls/interface are clear. There is never any doubt about what my guys are going to do, or how to get them to do what I want, unlike in another game... Waiting eagerly for more missions and mission types. iPadwillpayformoreIAPmissionsandmissiontypes.
I haven't tried Breach & Clear yet but really like RTS & TBS style games and feel that iOS is the perfect platform for them. Have had an eye on this since it came out and would love to give it a try. Really cool that there is a Rainbow Six type game for mobile.
Android Launch coming on September 5th. Our full presser: Images are on our FB page:
iOS will get the updates around the same time (specific launch date is up to how long the update approval takes.)
So Friday came and went with no news about the "contest" they said they were having. Can't win em all I guess.
Winner's have been PMed for reaching out to us about their favorite parts of Breach & Clear! Don't forget, we have Android launch this week!
Yes I won. Thank You!!! Worth the wait I'd say And that update looks awesome. I knew they don't flake out like some other companies out there..