OK, I think I've answered most of the concerns in the thread so far. I'll try to check this thread throughout the day to answer questions/concerns. I'm at our publisher's mercy when it comes to discussing forthcoming additions to the game, though, so try and keep me out of trouble by not asking for anything too specific with regards to future content. (And please look to the previous page for a bunch of posts from me, I might already have an answer out there to address your concerns or feedback)
Usually it's midnight on the nail for me. Sometimes even then apps will not show with a normal search but I can find them by searching for the devs name instead.
Yep, that's what I use as well. Sometimes the links on the front page of the thread works as well, but not all the time. The devs with a huge list of games are the hardest because you have to scroll all the way to the end and the new is literally the very last one. Funny how the little things can annoy the impatient mind.
So in the descriptions for requirements it says ipod 4th generation but it also notes that the ipod 4G is not supported. Will the iPod 4G work even though it's not supported? Thanks for the info.
Don't think so, but frick that would be so frickin' awesome. There really is nothing that holds a candle to Jagged Alliance in the app store right now but it's nice to see more quality tbs games being churned out... Still excited for tonight and haven't read one concern regarding gameplay that's giving me any hesitation to purchase tonight
It's not supported looking by the post in the upcoming thread Never trust the requirements info on iTunes devs are not allow to change that info always read the description first
No, the iPod 4G was crashing on the menu when we were developing the game. In order to circumvent that the game now redirects anyone on an iPod 4G to a screen informing them that it does not work on their device. It's all we could think of to keep iPod 4G users from getting too frustrated, and it at least gives you a clear idea that you'd need to get a refund ASAP. Unfortunately Apple does not let developers specify the devices a game works on, so the official Apple compatible list is only a good thing to go off if the game's description doesn't say anything to the contrary.
Woah Canada's what? JTF2? Never heard If it, that makes me interested and wanting to do some research!
If it's any consolation we played a ton of Jagged Alliance 1, 2, and Back In Action as research while we were designing Breach and Clear. In the end, I don't think much of that rubbed off on the final design, but we are big fans of Jagged Alliance! Maybe some of the inspiration will shine through? Other games we looked to for inspiration were Rainbow Six (the guy who helped me start Mighty Rabbit was actually one of the founders of Red Storm and a designer on the original R6!), Full Spectrum Warrior, Sabre Team (old DOS game), X-Com (new and old). Oddly enough, we didn't really look at Frozen Synapse much. We were aware of it, but it wasn't until after the game got to the state it is in that we realized how similar it was, haha. We actually came up with the base concept for the game play after looking at a presentation on room clearing from a SEAL trainer. The presentation just showed all these room configurations with units, lines, and vision cones - the game play was derived directly out of that.
Not needing any consolation, no worries Great research material you noted and feeling very positive about this game! You've already turned me into a loyal fan from Saturday Morning RPG so I have no concerns with you or your quality. Honestly hope this game proves much more successful for you
Is there a zero dark thirty scenario here?Hehe...I really like that movie... And if there will be a speacial seal team six squad..Those are gona be my main boys...