Loving the replays so far, but is the whole game replay still coming too? I think you guys talked about YouTube integration also? : ) Love this game!
Ok, I have one question and one thing I would love to see added. If you are playing, say, the standard difficulty and you Beattie mission, if you choose "next mission", does it keep it at that difficulty? I was wondering if for the movements you might be able to choose "duck", which maybe improves accuracy and/or reduces the chance of being hit? I love the update so far! Great work!
So I couldnt get into this when it first came out but I fires it up after the update and wow! I am loving it!
Turn replays?! Excellent. Looking forward to spending some time with this now. Thanks for the update!
Got to update. Fantastic! Thanks for putting the gold gun into an IAP. It's rare that devs get into this amount of detail for customers
i have a question, soldiers don't get experience points when they don't kill? I have a medic that does a lot more than breach and clear, shouldn't he be awarded experience points too?
Go to the loadout screen located under your squad's faces and tap the block that displays gun stats for whichever soldier you would like to equip the gun to.
We shall see....but I have no promises on whole mission replays...perhaps down the road . When you hit next mission, the difficulty remains the same. As for movements, we had discussed 'duck' and other movement options very, very early on with the game, but decided against it. A lot of the movements and actions you perform are based off real world tactics and strategies; you won't see guys in a direct action situation crouch-walking or anything like that. I'll defer to Josh on that, but I will say it's unlikely we'll see it soon. Glad to help! Our teams at Gun and MR believe in interfacing with you guys, even when we get yelled at. It makes our game better, it keeps the progress going and it strengthens the industry as a whole, one step at a time . We have XP modifiers in place for a number of things. You'll notice the Intel guy gets more XP due to his perks. The kills, damage and damage taken stats all play a factor in how fast your guy levels up.
It's possible, but it wasn't as easy as getting the single turn replay in. In order to do full mission replays (and make them look good) we'd have to figure out a way to stitch multiple turns together. You'll notice that if one of your guys moves for the whole turn, he'll stop at the end of his path. If he moves again in the next turn and you replayed that he would stop and then start again, which would look kind of jarring. It's certainly possible to get full mission replays in, it's just a much bigger task than the single turn replays.
Your medic will actually get experience every time he heals someone on your team. He'll also get experience for kills, but I'm pretty sure he gets an equal amount for healing people or reviving them.
The after action report should be overworked, so that you can see what you have to do to get a better star rating. And i hope that we will see different weapon classes in a upcoming update.
What type of gun do you guys use and what attachments do you have on it? I use an AR-15 that shoots fast and is pretty accurate :3 I use these attachments Angled Grip SU-231 Reflex Sight Compensator Muzzle IPIM MILSPEC Trigger Surefire M300A Short Stroke Gas system
Ahahah this guy's a fast shooter..and loud too :T I decided that a beefed up (damage wise) Mk 17 isn't going to get me anywhere and since my team has a pretty high accuracy stat (75-80?), I went with this build :3 Attachments: Pistol light SU-231 Reflex Sight Enhanced Foregrip IPIM Short Stoke Gas System Match Trigger Went with a compensator because I didn't want to leave that slot empty >: On the side, I know someone said what the stats actually do somewhere in this thread, but I was wondering if that could be added into the game itself? Asides from that, loving the game here! Keep up the great work devs!