Universal Breach & Clear - (by Gun.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Ok - realizing stars are all about time is changing how I play and I am progressing now. I'm basically positioning and moving to cover every room on the map as quickly as possible. Could be faster if I used a UAV so knew which rooms I could skip.

    BTW, is this how real ops work? Go as fast as possible? I was playing slow and deliberate but couldn't earn more than 1 star that way.

    I am getting 3 stars now and the game is fun. If it wasn't I wouldn't bother posting here for help :)
  2. Morgan01

    Morgan01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2013
    #402 Morgan01, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    From what I've played, to get four stars, you have to get through the map in 2 rounds. In later mission, I have found it to be 3 rounds for 4 stars. It's all about speed and efficiently.
  3. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Found what may be a minor bug, or I'm missing something.

    When I finish a level and tap through to the next level, I don't see a way to use a UAV. I have to quit and activate UAV from the Mission screen.
  4. themightytruk

    themightytruk Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Programmer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    When setting up the rating system, we thought about what metrics would be good measures that we could see improvement among players in. The two that made the most sense were time taken and damage taken.soldiers down. We played through each mission to find what kind of times we could get on each difficulty to get a guideline in setting the star ratings. To get 4 stars, though you not only need to get a good enough time, but you also have to get through without any of your soldiers dying. To get 3 stars, the time required is less, and there's a little more leniency as to how many soldiers can be injured and this is how the rating system works as the stars earned goes down. There's essentially a time based rating that gets decremented based on how many soldiers died and how injured they are.

    To get the best rating, you not only need to progress quickly, but you can't be careless and rush at the same time, since you may lose soldiers.
  5. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #405 GregB, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    Thank you for the explanation. I'm eager to try a higher difficulty. On beginner, my guys seem to face little risk so I don't need to be careful. I'm glad there is an easy mode though :)
  6. storyofalex

    storyofalex New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
    I deleted Bastion to make room for this, got to say it's looking like it was worth it.
  7. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    #407 Greyskull, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    You had to give the Canadians the most balanced stats, huh? And...no offense...but shouldn't the Navy Seals have stats as high as anyone? Yeah, I know that would take some of the fun out of choosing your squad...

    On update, you NEED to make the squad name entry box bigger. I had to resort to "Task Force Navorrone" ;).
  8. MightyRabbitJosh

    MightyRabbitJosh Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Programmer and Designer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    Holly Springs, NC
    Replay is our highest priority for the next update, which will be submitted on Wednesday - hopefully it will be out by end of day on the following Monday. Along with instant replay, I'm going to try and get YouTube integrated, so you can post a playthrough online.
  9. runliketurtles

    runliketurtles Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    That would be amazing. I do like the game. Just a few things (no replay the biggest) temper my enjoyment a bit.
  10. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    I thought the golden gun was free until the first update. I see it costs 500 coins. Considering the game crashes on my ipad mini when attempting a mission, I doubt I will HAVE any coins UNTIL the first update. I told myself not to get this, what with an early adopter bonus. Should have listened to myself.
  11. revolverblue85

    revolverblue85 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2012
    Just wanted to repost this as I've finally seen another mini user with the same crash problem as mine
  12. Crzychkn

    Crzychkn Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Utah, USA
    #412 Crzychkn, Jul 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    I think I have found a bug, and want to see if anyone else notices it as well or if it's just me.

    The volume for sound and music isn't actually respected until you go into the settings. Go into settings, change the volume . Exit the app, come back in, and the volume for both is maxed again, until you go back into settings. (The sliders will stay where you put them, but the volume itself actually changes)

    Also, are there plans to add multi-tasking? I am constantly in and out of apps, and with no multi-tasking it makes it hard to play on the go.

    Edit: I see now there is multi-tasking, but I have experienced sometimes when leaving the app (maybe it's for a longer period of time than just a few minutes) that the game has essentially "restarted" and I've lost progress on the mission I was on.

    Thanks for the awesome game devs, well done!
  13. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    It's actually 1000 haha... Not that that helps. You can always try turning off ur ipad and turning it back on, making sure there are no other apps running in the background, or if it comes down to it, reintstalling the app. And I don't think minor bug fix updates count so if they send one in to fix crashing before a content update you should be alright.
  14. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #414 Rip73, Jul 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2013
    You guys are really in this for the long term.

    Its great to see the interaction.
    But its great to get an indication of the long term commitment.
    Which basically means we can never delete this when finished at its current state because you guys are gonna long term support it with content updates.
    (Insert appropriate mr. Burns gif)
  15. Vellrath

    Vellrath Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
    Nor was I trying to imply that your company was insensitive. In fact it seems like you all have got a pretty big fan base already due to putting out a solid game. Everyone appreciates your feedback as it show that you care. I extend sincere Congratulations.

    It's just that there are SOOO many developers jump on the bandwagon of a definitive good guys vs. bad guys narrative. Usually, very pro western and anti-whomever the west considers a "terrorist" or "enemy combatant." Unfortunately, not many have the minerals to tell the story from the other perspective.

    Some of you must admit, it would be a fun mission to breach the heavily fortified offices of some major news network to recover top secret documents revealing that it's all propaganda, to reveal the truth that war is a racket. Lol (as stated in the book "war is a racket" by Smedley Butler, the most highly decorated marine in history) anyway, thanks for your reply, and I hope you can consider seeing the other side of the coin for a possible sequel or iap add-on mission pack. Good luck!
  16. Vellrath

    Vellrath Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
    As a side note, of course I don't mean to say it'd be a good idea to sympathize and tell the story of a psychopathic, mass-murdering lunatic "terrorist" by defenition! Never. I only mean to say that I, for one would like to see a story that explores the grey area, who's the real terrorist? Could evil be closer to home than we think? Deus Ex (original) explores these concepts in a cyberpunk settings and is considered one of the best games of all time! There's no reason why such issues couldn't be addressed in a current day military conflict, scenario. It'd definitely get some publicity too, that's for sure!!
  17. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    Please don't mention the original Deus Ex. I'm likely to engage in a conversation that will accidentally keep me up all night. :)
  18. Nothin99

    Nothin99 Member

    Jul 4, 2013
    Game is extremely fun! But has a major bug, after trying to change the difficulty on any mission te game crashes, and it just crashes out of nowhere sometimes. I have an iPhone 4S. (I can't wait for multiplayer update :D)
  19. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Awesome. It's great to see committed devs who listen to their fans.

    I don't usually compare devs but IMO the best example would be Kaalus, the Survivalcraft dev. 22 updates and counting, all adding huge features and expanding the game in various ways, tons of commnuication with his community through the game's offical forums and blogs, the majority of additions derived from fan suggestions

    From what I've seen so far on TA, you guys might just become my new favorite devs :)

    Still loving B&C btw
  20. drach

    drach Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Argh. I couldn't hold out any longer. Hope it's worth it.

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