Universal Breach & Clear - (by Gun.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Thoughts: I play it for 3 hours straight till 2 am. I have summarized some opinions below (most of them are likely to be mentioned by somebody else):

    1. The flow of the UI has a lot of issues to me. Before mission, I have to jump back and forth to get my gears, equip them to my team, do some mod and then go through 2 levels of menus to select the mission. Worse, if I just go straight to another mission, I do not have the change to upgrade the equipment of my team. Of course, it can be done as long as I can jump across various menus and back to play the next one.

    2. The market equipment screens, there is a “next page” button for more items of the type, and swiping left or right goes to another category. I guess for iOS user, swiping left/right could also mean going to next page of the same category. Or may I suggest swiping up/down to scroll through items of the same category instead?

    3. There is no way to “sell” purchased item accidentally purchased/over-purchased.

    4. As far as I can tell, there is no way I can scratch my entire play and get a fresh start.

    5. Can somebody please kindly explain why so many items take $100 or more from my game pocket which does nothing in terms of attribute change? All zero modifiers, man!

    6. As for the post mission page, there is no indication why I get 3 stars instead of 2 or whatever. This is exactly why I do not like the Angry Birds series (and like Cut the Rope instead), because I do not know how much I need to improve to get more stars, which are vital to unlock stuff.

    7. As for the game itself, apart from, no replay for each “phase” (which is a must for WEGO system, especially to those who has been poisoned by Combat Missions for too long), as suggested in another post which is excellent point, there is no way to directly remove the entire move. I find one can issue a “hold”, then “half-speed”, and then “normal speed” to clean up the entire path. Apart from blaming my fat finger, the use of pop-up menu is recommended.

    8. Aside from the clumsy move system, I find there is no way to arrange the order of entry of your men during “door assignment” phase.

    9. Ah, about giving order, there is no indication which “class” of solder you have selected and you better name your team members in a more creative way to remind yourself what they do best: say Sergeant Drawfire Magnet, Specialist James Bond (for intelligence officer i.e.), or Corporal First-aid Kit. Ah, I just come up with a good name for breachers: 37mm PAK

    10. I suppose replaying a mission just completed would ignore all the items spent, but it is not. So the replaying of a mission is not exactly a time-machine thing.

    11. I notice that I have bought some lock-picks but never been able to “equip” them, and I do not notice any particular effect for the time being. Nonetheless, as in the opening sequence of every mission, kicking open a door is always the sure way to enter (ref: the film Sneakers)

    Query: I am wondering if the mod attached to a weapon, is there anyway to remove them for upgrade or later re-use?
  2. MightyRabbitJosh

    MightyRabbitJosh Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Programmer and Designer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    Holly Springs, NC
    Yep, Sabre Team was one of the first games I played when we dove into B&C. That and the Jagged Alliance series.

    For those requesting perma-death, I have ideas on this that I would love to implement and bring into B&C (maybe in a hardcore mode?). The more people request this, the more likely our publisher will go for it. :D
  3. ThePraetorian

    ThePraetorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Producer/Community Manager
    We'll take your considerations into account, the UI was a huge challenge for us, so hearing these comments is appreciated!

    You are correct, there is no way to sell back items. We are currently considering a solution to this!

    Also correct. We are again, considering something to allow a change for names...though a 'clean slate' is also up for consideration. Doubtful we'll let users go back to Level 1, but stat and class changes could very well occur.

    We offer most with stat changes, but many items are meant to be cosmetic! There are users that want everything to change stats, and then there are users that just want their guys to look a 'cool' way. So we have to find a balance that gives options to as many people as possible!

    Yessir, that's something we're looking to users for their feedback on how they feel about that. It does take a somewhat simplistic route, but general rule of thumb is dont get killed and see how fast you can do it ;).

    This is sort of where the 'real' aspect of the game comes into play. We're working diligently on a replay system to show you what happened, but originally the process of development wanted you to learn from mistakes and start to pick up on the gameplay and user control. That's currently being tweaked to be more friendly!

    The game requires a Press-and-Hold method, more than a simple tap, if you try that, it should help with the move system.

    As for the door assignment, it's a small thing for most users, but in the Breach Selection screen, you can swipe each teammate to stack to your liking ;).

    We do want users to draw their own associations, but we're definitely working on something to help even more users rapidly identify the things your asking for!

    Replay is more 'I want to play that again' rather than 'well, that didn't work, I want everything back.' Your concern has merit, but due to the shortness of missions and the rather generous economy, it wasn't honestly considered. If we hear more rumblings on this, we'll definitely take a look!

    Lock-picks, Defibs and Breaching charges are universal, you don't actually equip to a shooter. It's something that people have brought up, so we will be looking internally at better displaying this information.

    When you have purchased a universal item, you'll see the item show up as an option for any door that can use explosive breach or lockpick and a short cutscene will go when you use it!

    Say you are in the workbench with a rifle and you put an optic on a gun. Simply go back to the optic category and hit 'None.' The optic will be removed and will be placed back in your inventory!

    Hope all that helps and thank you for your feedback!
  4. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    #324 Ausar, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2013
    ThePraetorian and Josh thanks again for all the info

    Since the menu is a common issiue i will wait for the update to fixed at least i know that is not the 4S

    i'm hoping the hardcore could be something real, so if your soldier die you would have to recluit a rookie

    maybe this is just me but i notice that is easier to get the 4 stars on normal difficulty that on easy

    Edit: A squad like the Tier 1 soldiers from MoH could come is everything goes well? since i'm most clueless with military stuff dont know if Tier 1 soldiers are something just made for MoH
  5. MightyRabbitJosh

    MightyRabbitJosh Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Programmer and Designer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    Holly Springs, NC
    We've got an awesome solution for this in the works! Worry not.

    Makes sense, we'll look into that!

    We'll probably implement this soon - looks like you're the second to request it. We had it on our minds prior to launch, but it never got in.

    We'll see about getting this added to the "Quit" menu.

    Most of the $100 0 stat items are starter gear for all the teams. We wanted all teams to start even gear wise, but also wanted other teams to access that gear if the visuals appealed more. We made them $100 because we didn't want people buying insane amounts of $0 items, if that makes sense. :)

    Absolutely agree with this. I'm hoping to rework the after-action report to better telegraph ratings.

    The undo button at the top left (circular arrow) will retract placed movement nodes. This allows you to remove a path if you tap it multiple times (once for each action you performed on the path).

    Tap on a door icon (the floating letters at the start of the mission) for the detailed breach screen. You can actually drag your soldier's portraits to arrange the breach order. This also shows their class and allows the use of lockpicks and breach charges (you can also do a shotgun breach here).

    We're going to add class icons in a future update - should solve this issue.

    I think this goes hand in hand with the "quit" thing.

    Definitely check out the detailed breach screen to see additional breach options.

    Yes, drop into the workbench, choose the gun in question, drop into the proper attachment category and then choose "NONE", this will unequip the current attachment and let you put it on another gun.

    Hope this stuff helps! Thanks for the feedback - keep your eyes out for updates as we will be constantly implementing stuff based on feedback. We will special thank forum posters whose suggestions we use. :)
  6. MightyRabbitJosh

    MightyRabbitJosh Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
    Programmer and Designer at Mighty Rabbit Studios
    Holly Springs, NC
    Took me forever to write that last post only to realize Ben beat me to it. Definitely make sure to read both, there's important info in mine about the detailed breach screen and the undo button.
  7. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    Josh something that i just remenber when you finish a mission if you press the continue button i think it should just go to the next mission instead of showing each soldier so you have to press continue 5 times, the soldiers only should show is someone gain a level IMHO of course
  8. ThePraetorian

    ThePraetorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Producer/Community Manager
    That screen progression is being worked on. You'll only see the guys that level up in an update, rather than all 4 every single time.

    Yeah....working to streamline things!
  9. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Coming Soon?

    Will the Hostage Rescue and Bomb Defusal be free or an IAP? I hope free or else I will sort of feel like this app is a bit more of an IAP model which is what I was hoping it wouldn't be. Please advise!
  10. ThePraetorian

    ThePraetorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Producer/Community Manager
    We'll have a mix of DLC add ons and free updates. What those are exactly...remains to be seen.

    They will be fairly added, you can be sure of that!
  11. Pocketnova

    Pocketnova Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    Well, I may have missed out on the gold weapon, but this game looks awesome! Reminds me of Frozen Synapse combined with Xcom (NOT A BAD THING!)
  12. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012

    The gold weapon is in the store and for the looks of things it's going to be there until the next update
  13. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Promises, promises. I'll believe all these changes and tweaks when I see them. Otherwise, B&C is meh ok but nothing to write home about. Am finding mild enjoyment tho.
  14. ThePraetorian

    ThePraetorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Producer/Community Manager
    Promise is all we can give! We'll keep you updated, but we're glad you are enjoying it for the most part!

    Care to elaborate on things you'd like to see changed? We're wanting to know what we can do!

  15. Pocketnova

    Pocketnova Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    Oh, my mistake. Thought it was only for day one (day two, really) buyers. Thanks for clarifying!
  16. PCKid

    PCKid Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
    Game Player
    Western Australia
    Problem mission three op cold saber. Made all four enter area A. Cleared that no problem. One terrorist. Entered two into area C and two into D. Two in area D settled behind desks and one got 50% damage but no hostile in room. Moved in room C and lost a soldier dead again no hostile visible in room. Is that a bug or did they run in shoot him and then leave by another door too quick to see?
  17. ThePraetorian

    ThePraetorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    Producer/Community Manager
    Do you have a screenshot at all?
  18. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    @Devs: I'd appreciate if you can put a "bought" tag in the one-time IAPs. It's weird to see the "buy" even after having bought the 4 of them. Thanks
  19. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    So, I'm really enjoying this game! I've never really tried a tactical military game like this before, either, so that's something.

    I do agree with a lot of the suggestions being put forth so far, such as:

    - Being able to watch a replay of what just happened. Quite often my guys die and I can't see why because I was watching a different dude.
    - Cloud saving! I don't care if it's through iCloud, Google, Facebook, whatever. I just want to play on my phone when I'm on the can at work!
    - Better advanced tutorials. Maybe add voice over or text to those videos, or just scrap them and add more interactive tutorials instead. Being new to the genre, I'm hopelessly lost on how best to approach most situations...
    - Clarifying the requirements for each star rating on a mission.

    All that being said, can someone give me some tips on how best to play? Usually I enter a room at half-speed and get to the nearest cover, putting waypoints along the way to make sure my dudes get a good sweep of the room on the way. It seems to work okay sometimes, but other times I end up wounding a few guys.

    Also I basically ignore all my dudes special abilities because I don't have the faintest idea how best to utilize that stuff. I know the advanced tutorials would help, but they need some work I think, as I said earlier.

    Anyway, overall I am really liking this one. Works perfectly on my iPad 2 and is tons of fun. Back to the game now! Hopefully Walter Sobchak, Gob Bluth, Neil Tyson, and Jessie Pinkman are ready...
  20. Defard

    Defard Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
    Hi Guys
    For me this feels like half a game at the moment. Without a replay, way to time (and coordinate) my mens actions and change facing before I go into a room (I may just be doing something wrong on the last point) its difficult to take it too seriously.

    The UI is a bit rough around the edges in places, there doesnt seem to be a way to undo certain actions (Grenades for instance) without selecting another character and going back to him again.

    The armour/guns/mods screen could do with some indicator as to how it compares to base (Rifle 1 = + 4 Aim -2 Mobility compared to Rifle 2). I realise that you may have to rethink the interface to accomodate this as different characters can have different weapons/mods etc. You may wish to look at the 'RPG shop' approach (with the characters listed and their equipment stats).

    All that being said I would still urge people to buy this as a few upgrades down the line this could be excellent, and updates will only happen if the devs get the cash to do so!

    The key to delivery is the passion of those behind and around it. As a kid I remember sending Bug Reports to the Gollop brothers for Laser Squad and its expansion pack (ZX Spectrum Fact Fans). Their next game.... X-Com... created a genre (Though for me it started with Rebelstar LOL)

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