6055729382 1. Start up the game 2. Go to "Social" 3. Click on "Special" 4. Tap on "Get a Metal God" 5. Enter the code 6055729382 6. Go to "Gifts" 7. Collect your Metal God 8. Go to "Units" 7. Go to "Fuse Unit" 8. Select the character you want to level up 9. Tap on an empty slot and select Metal God 10. Fuse and level up!
My code: 5180640324 I log in daily and always give gifts. I also keep my 4 star characters as my leader.
Add me for metal god Plz add me my id is :975214773 I send gift daily and have 5 star hero as a leader
Rare metal god Use my code to receive a rare metal god: 5930069135 Very active i play everyday and give gifts as well Feel free to add and let's have fun!