Bound By Blades - A Four Square Fantasy Action RPG inspired by Monster Hunter

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Zethyn, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    #1 Zethyn, Jul 26, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019

    The Game

    Bound By Blades is a Four Square Action RPG inspired by the Monster Hunter series. Inspiration is taken from the core concept of slaying bosses, harvesting loot and upgrading your gear.
    Our combat system features a 4 corner standpoint grid for player movement with the boss centralized. This was designed originally for mobile, to remove the clunkiness of having virtual buttons and joysticks, while instead focusing on intuitive controls through taps and holds only. The game is also fully supported on PC, with support through controller, mouse, keyboard and any combination as you choose.


    While movement is limited to the four corners, you instead have a wide variety of actions you can perform, from quick attacks, charge attacks, combo finishers, blocking, dodging, running and healing - you'll need to choose the right actions to survive and slay the beasts known as the Ilcyon. Limiting movement allows us to incorporate a lot more abilities into a limited control platform without adding an unnecessary struggle of controlling your character.



    Of course you'll need a place to rest and recover, here in the Town of Tumbra, you'll be able to talk to Eldros and Finny to learn the lore of the land, or set off to visit the Blacksmith or Dreamland.



    Forge new gear and upgrade it to withstand the ferocious attacks each new boss will bring.
    Each piece of gear has its own visual style, based on the boss you slayed for the materials.
    The runes grant special bonuses rather than direct stat increases. Haste runes increases your speed overall, Mirrored Medal gives you a chance to reflect on defending an attack, and Guard Stone will auto dodge for you on a short cooldown! You'll need materials harvested from the boss to craft the initial piece, along with wood and stone from Dreamland to upgrade it.



    In Dreamland you can harvest rocks and trees for valuable resources you need in upgrading your gear. You'll also be able to restore your potions for battle here too. In order to harvest more materials, you'll need to time your swings!


    Challenge Bosses

    In our demo we use varieties of our bosses as Challenge (Ex) bosses, these have varied abilities with new functionality while retaining the same animations. They also incorporate the enrage status which puts them in a frenzy, launching a barrage of attacks in haste with increased projectile speed and damage.

    Gallow Ex
    Gallow's Fireballs now are aimed at standpoints directly,
    splitting into perpendicular projectiles attacking the adjacent standpoints!

    Skullako Ex

    Skullako gains new abilities like the Slime Clock -
    with each slimeball leaving a trail behind, you must run fast to escape!

    Mittux Ex

    Mittux traps you by shooting his minis onto adjacent standpoints,
    and you must fight your way out before he annihilates you with his charge beam!

    What's Left?

    A lot. Our game is not focused on story, or a singular playthrough, but instead on adding 2 player cooperative multiplayer and a robust End Game Dungeon system combining Slay the Spire/FTL map with Diablo 3 Greater Rift's player difficulty tiers and gear. Adding online support, a wide variety of new bosses and variations, 2 new characters, AI partners, a light story and pets to top it off - we're still early in this endeavor.

    Our Goal and Where to Track Our Progress
    We're looking towards Kickstarter coming this September to help fund us on our journey.
    And we're slowly sharing the Early Demo through sign ups on our Discord too!

    Discord you can join here!

    Website and Newsletter


    Steam Wishlist

    Youtube Channel with Dev Updates
  2. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    love the artwork. combat system looks unique and interesting, but i dont know i will like it or not. let's see when the game is release.
    Zethyn likes this.
  3. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Thank you! We've got awhile for full release, but we'll be releasing our demo publicly when we launch our Kickstarter later in September.
    redribbon likes this.
  4. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I spent some time writing out our planned features for release and detailing out what's in our demo we'll have for Kickstarter.

    This includes talking about the 2 Player Co-op, End game system, and some concepts for the new character Guren!


    Check out the post here!
  5. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Dev Video Update 17 showing demo gameplay, and announcing our Kickstarter later this month!

  6. Tinsel

    Tinsel Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    This game is going to be great. I really enjoy the limited beta right now. My only suggestions would be to tighten up the hit box detection, and the graphics surrounding the moves (both yours and enemies). I frequently will take a hit when it looks like I should not have, and other times when I’m sure I’ll take a hit, I don’t take one.
    Zethyn likes this.
  7. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Thank you so much for the feedback! If you can list which attacks feel off to you I will definitely check them out - I think the trickiest one beforehand was Skullako's Slime trails, and I've already adjusted that to be more opaque to help clarify that trail will damage you too!
  8. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    hey, this game looks really good!
    Zethyn likes this.
  9. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Thank you! If you're interested in trying it out, the demo is available now on our Discord
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  10. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Our Kickstarter is launching on September 25th!
    After 2 years of development building out the Bound By Blades demo and polishing for all of the amazing feedback, we are ready to hit Kickstarter!

    Spread the word and prepare, as we have an awesome trailer, demo, and Kickstarter page full of beautiful art and gifs for you to check out!
  11. Ekin Sanv

    Ekin Sanv New Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    I'm intrigued. There's a wholesome vibe into it.
    Zethyn likes this.
  12. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Thank you so much!
  13. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019

    • Improvements to make the game feel more responsive with quicker actions all around
    • Perfect dodges now reflect back projectiles
    • More impact on strong attacks and hits, with screen shake and hit freeze
    • Boss 4, Talys functionality shown off with temp art, as well as her concepts and final art for later
    • Mac and Linux support as well as more controller support added in
    • Talk a little about the upcoming redesign with a roguelite system inspired by Slay the Spire
  14. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    I thought this was canceled
  15. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Nope :) Only our Kickstarter was cancelled as we weren't going to reach our goal, but everyone on our team still wanted to continue development to finish and release it even with limited funds. So I sold my car to provide funding, and we're working on a Slay the Spire roguelite design to lessen the amount of features and development time. We're already 2 new bosses functionally complete, and starting on the roguelite system next. Our goal is to release in late 2021.
  16. Zethyn

    Zethyn Member

    Jul 16, 2019

    • The second playable character, Guren is now in game!
      • An agile bunny archer from the Fangorian Tribe
      • She has a pet wisp that carries charge for her strong attacks
      • She’s able to attack while running
      • Her quick attacks build up charge into her wisp
      • Her quick attack finisher is a multi shot, hitting 3 targets at once
      • Her strong attack can build up to 3 charges for a very strong blast

    • Talys fully animated and ready to chomp on some Bound
      • Talys is fully in game now with her own music fit to a metal snake that she is
      • Attacks include Flame breath, bullet hell, and more!

    • Details on the Dungeon Map System and plans to use it as our End Game System
      • Breaking away from the roguelite design we were aiming for last update, we’re holding this for the End game system
      • We show the prototype map with a full roguelite system, start with no gear and battle bosses to collect each piece.
      • Lore like events that give multiple options, each with multiple outcomes to gain or lose items, equipment and more

    Join our Discord for more frequent smaller updates!

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