Bounce On 2: Drallo's Demise (by Team Phobic)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Spent an hour trying to get the TP icon on 1-14. The jump seems to hit a wall from the right, is it just a matter of more perseverance? Or is there a way to get that ninja rope back?
  2. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    That's a tough one! I can only give you one hint: you have to be on the "Perilous Gems" key.
  3. baldy9

    baldy9 Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    #63 baldy9, Mar 29, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
    Really loving the game so far, killed the first boss but just rattling my way through the first world getting all the keys and coins.

    One thing I am missing from the first bounce on is the gold medal challenges. I spent ample time once I had completed the first game to get 100% and I really enjoyed going against the clock. It's a shame these don't exist in the second game, I know about the plus+ leadership boards but it doesn't feel the least not now...maybe I will become more accustomed to it in the future.

    I was thinking about how the medal system could be implemented into the new game as bronze and silver medals don't really work on the new one as some levels don't have gems etc. and the keys show you have completed a level (replacing bronze I guess). What I thought of was different coloured team phobic coins. Such as, if you complete the game within a set time (like gold medals in bounce on 1) you receive a gold team phobic coin. You could also add another coin (black?) for completing the level without dying.
    This would then give each level a red, gold and black coin to collect and give many more hours play time.

    Sorry if this post sounds negative, Bounce On and Bounce On 2 are my favourite games on the iPhone for sure and they are definitely worth buying if you have still not bought them yet.

    Oh and I would certainly pay for additional worlds through the in-app system.

    Keep up the good work :D

    EDIT: Also any possibility of adding 3 saves like in the first one? For when other people want to play.
    The music is as good as ever too.
  4. Golden Boy

    Golden Boy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Financial Manager
    You know what? I don't remember where it was at. What sucks is once you get them all, you have no marker of any kind to remind you where the TP coin actually was.

    I included a picture for proof that I did collect all of em'.

    Jonas, it would be nice to have some kind of marker after collecting the TP coins. I've collected a lot now and for the life of me I can only remember where one was at.

    Could an update bring this request?

    Attached Files:

  5. Mag

    Mag Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I'm halfway Soosiz, Rolando and Giana Sisters and want to get Rolando 2 after, but... damn... this game looks good. I'll probably buy and finish this one first :p
  6. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Thanks for that juicy piece of info. I was trying my heart out on the lucky massive jumps on the first two levels. Fun ... but not for an hour ><.

    Up to 96 keys, now I have to go to 3-12 :(.
  7. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    Just wait till you get 100 keys and get to try 3-14... It took me 45 minutes my first time through o_O!
  8. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    Great idea, we've added it to our list :)
  9. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    We've gotten quit a few comments about the medals and have been thinking about solutions. Thanks for the ideas!

    As far as multiple save slots, you can use multiple Plus+ accounts and that should work.
  10. galaxygrrl

    galaxygrrl Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    #70 galaxygrrl, Mar 29, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
    I remember that one. Let me know if you want me to tell you.

    Can you add the ability to change the ball color after you start to your list. I made my purple, but now i miss the little red guy.

    Oh, I miss the medals too.


    Wow, you got all of them. I'm humbled. :)
  11. xFinch713x

    xFinch713x Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    I'll probably end up getting this... but after I beat BO1 which I have still yet to do. Along with all the other platforming games i have... it may be a while :\
  12. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Thanks. It was pretty easy after the revelation of needing to be on Perilous Gems. I had had my suspicions about that wasted space already, I had just decided it couldn't be that level because where I felt it was on the other two was covered with the content of Perilous Gems - apparently it was further over than I thought. I still won't get that hour of madly jumping back lol.

    A shame, I was hoping that the ninja rope on level selection screen would be world-specific so I would now have it for world 1!
  13. galaxygrrl

    galaxygrrl Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    Hi all,

    Just wondering where the really hard levels are in this game - like the black levels in the last game. I have not played all the levels yet, but looking for this 1-17s and 4-15s from the last game. :)

  14. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    Most of the levels that are in the "bonus" world are a little harder. These will have a door icon on the key select menu. 3-14 is a crazy hard level at the end of the game. 3-12 is also pretty tough. I don't think we put anything crazy hard in world 1.
  15. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    To my mind the levels in I think 1-13 (or similar), 2-13 (or similar) and 3-12 are at least in part way above and beyond the relative triviality of 1-17, 2-14 and 4-15 from BO1. But they don't manage to do it while keeping the game fun :(. They capitalise on the infinite lives system in BO2 and it's more just a matter of ramming your head against it enough times to get lucky with timing.

    Essentially anything with 'fireballs' in the title pretty much sucks. When you're glad just to finish a level so you never have to do it again, it's not ideal imo, and I never had that in BO1.
  16. galaxygrrl

    galaxygrrl Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    San Francisco, CA
    Oh, OK. Yeah, I don't like the immortality thing here that much. I like limited lives and finding the extra lives. I so see why TP did it this way, because they gave you an extra life anyway way before the really hard parts in BO1

    Hoping I don't feel that I ramming my head against the wall in those. I forgot about 2-14. I really liked that level. It was one step down from 1-17 and 4-15 and I thought it was really fun.
  17. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    Yeah my main dislike of the infinite lives thing is that it opens doors for actually needing infinite lives. I'm sure you'll be fine though lol.

    One interesting thing I noticed: in plus+ one level in 3-12 is called 'Fireballs, Great...' but in the game someone obviously came up with the much more amusing title 'Great, Balls of Fire'. Either way I haven't completed it.
  18. jonaswills

    jonaswills Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Nov 11, 2008
    Game Developer
    We got some Bounce On 2 wallpapers up for your iPod/iPhone! Yay

    Check them out @
  19. Golden Boy

    Golden Boy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Financial Manager
    We need a Ninja Bounce wallpaper! :D Please, supply it haha.

    As for the markers to where TP coins where, I hope to see it soon. It would be nice to know exactly where I got them all at.
  20. Golden Boy

    Golden Boy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Financial Manager
    Don't worry sweetie, you will find them all. You enjoy this game as much as I, so searching for them is fun. ;)

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