Universal Boom! (by 1Button) PvP battles in pixel art

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by 1Button, May 14, 2023.

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  1. 1Button

    1Button Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013

    We haven't posted on this forum for ages, but we are back!
    Btw, 1Button just turned 10. Anyone still remembers us? If not, our biggest hits so far: Mr Jump, Mr Bullet (we remade it in 3D lately to train ourself with 3D development)

    In this thread I'm going to present Boom!
    Many things to tell, so I'll do it in several posts.


    Boom! is a turn-based PvP game in pixel-art.
    Two players face each other in destructible 2D battlefields, using original weapons and strategies to win. It's a Worms-like but different.

    200 cute characters to unlock
    150 handmade destructible battlefields
    60 original and well balanced weapons
    100 custom emojis for in-game communication
    50 achievements
    Leaderboards, Private Arenas, Challenges, XP + LVL...
    Launch date: May 25
    iOS + Android
    (with optional IAPs and optional video ads)

    Development: 17 months, 3 devs
    Marketing plan: luck

    I'll post more details soon. In the meantime, any feedback is appreciated!
  2. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Looks great, I do love a Worms style game!

    How’s the pvp going to be handled? There was lots of crying out for an asynchronous mode in the discussion regarding the latest Worms release. I think a lot of us consider it to be basically essential.

    It’s a bold design decision that’s led to half the screen being controls. I get that it’s going for that handheld look but is that set in stone? I’d love to see a zoomed in landscape option with configurable on screen controls.

    Looking forward to it.
  3. 1Button

    1Button Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    #3 1Button, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023

    Boom is our first multiplayer game (if we exclude the mini pvp mode in Mr Bullet). We will develop realtime multiplayer games in the future, but it was better to start with a turn-based game. Of course you see your opponent's moves and reactions in realtime, so it doesn't feel weird I think. And this way it is strategy- or tactics-oriented, which is more interesting and less messy than a pure action game.

    At each turn: 1 optional jump, 1 optional power-up, 1 weapon, 1 optional jump

    I'll explain later, but power-ups are the items that don't affect the HP bars (teleportations, brick potions, shields...)
    Weapons are, of course, the items that can affect the HP bars (rockets, bombs, heart...)

    I agree that the controls are big and maybe not sexy. We might try something else in future updates, but for now it's the most convenient solution we found... We like the portrait mode and the fact that there is no scroll or zoom.

    If you guys want to have a try, I have some promo codes for the iOS version :)
  4. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Look very interesting, i'm on ios so you can pm me if you want.
  5. AnginSepoi

    AnginSepoi Member

    Mar 1, 2018
    Hi, Dev :)
    Glad to hear that you made (hopefully soon be released) a new game since Mr Jump World several years ago.
    Honestly, i'm not a fan of that Mr Jump things, but i really love your Quetzalcoatl, PILE, ON/OFF & SEQ.
    Those 4 are gems for me, thanks for creating that amazing & engaging puzzle games.

    Cant wait to to see your take on that Tactical PVP games. Its scratch my itch XD
  6. 1Button

    1Button Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    I'm glad you like our old puzzle games! SEQ was our first game...
    After Mr Jump World we made several games! Just Draw and the Mr Bullet series (Mr Bullet, Mr Ninja, The Superhero League, Mr Bullet 3D...) published by Lion Studios. It's a good mix of puzzle and action. In flight mode they are fun :D
  7. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    #7 Wicked8146, May 18, 2023
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
    It’s out now. Giving it a go.

    After playing for a day, I really like this game. It is 1v1 PVP in a worms-like environment. It's fun. The weapons are cool. I've been watching ads to get new weapons and skins. I really like it. Great job!
  8. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    I couldn't find it on Japanese AppStore ;;
  9. 1Button

    1Button Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    #9 1Button, May 19, 2023
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
    We just finished the new App Preview video! We are a bit late for the launch...

    It always takes a lot of efforts as Apple requests 3 different sizes. As you can see it's very similar to the previous trailer, but I think it shows the game well.
    If you watch carefully, you'll notice several changes, and this will allow me to introduce some concepts:

    We created about 150 battlefields (by hand of course) in various colorful environments (plain, desert, volcano, castle...). We still have many ideas, and we already developed new elements (crates, barrels, 'pow' blocks...) that we'd like to add in a future update.


    LVL and XP

    I don't think I need to explain, you go from LVL 1 to LVL 100+ and it's a very long way.

    The LVL is used to unlock the Arenas (and many other things in the game).
    You start in the Training Arena (bots only).
    LVL 5 => Noob Arena
    LVL 10 => Pro Arena
    LVL 25 => Master Arena
    LVL 50 => God Arena
    Each Arena has its own set of battlefields and slightly different rules.
    In addition to the normal Arenas, there are also Private Arenas that allow to play with friends or communities. And Challenges, which are kind of special arenas with twisted rules and prizes to get.



    Each Arena has a Leaderboard that resets itself every day or so.
    The winner gets a prize (big amount of currency + weapons). Of course the prize is better in the more challenging Arenas.
    As the Leaderboards reset often, there is always a chance for everyone to be #1.
    The country flags (that we drew in pixel art) are displayed next to the nicknames.


    Aiming system and damages
    We replaced the gauge by a curve. It's better for the beginners and casual players.
    The curve shortens as you progress in the Arenas to satisfy the experienced players.
    We also display the damages to make it easier to know the effect of each weapon.

    We created about 200 characters. Each of them has an idle animation.
    As everything else in this game, some characters are common, rare, very rare, legendary or secret.
    In the current version we don't really display this information in the game, but we are working on it.
    Some characters can be found in the chests or in the Shop. Others will be unlocked with achievements (reach a LVL, number of victories, number of times you used a specific weapon, number of days playing the game...). We are glad that even during the soft launch several players found how to unlock some secret skins.

    Many other things I'd like to show, but this post is already too long :)
  10. AlexWild

    AlexWild Active Member

    Aug 9, 2018
    Looks great, specially the characters art style!
  11. 1Button

    1Button Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    Boom! is now available on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store!!
    I'll post another thread later in the forums dedicated to released games.

    Boom! on the App Store

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