What in the hell is going on... What's with all of the people I've seen lately giving games 1 stars, and saying they're not going to buy a game, just because it doesn't support their fancy new display that's ONLY been available for the last 3 months?! What happened to appreciating good games with good gameplay? Why are these people making such a big deal out of a few extra pixels? Bloody hell...
While the retina display is beautiful (and I mean absolutely GORGEOUS) I don't think it is a necessity for all games myself. And certainly wouldn't deter me from buying a good game if it didn't have it. But that goes along with everyone bitching that they want the best of the best I suppose. Not sure what it is.
But why though? Yeah, I have a 4th gen iPod touch. And yeah, games with retina support do look a little shaper. But the games without retina support don't look that bad.
All non-retina games should be -0.99c. I get funded the money just for downloading that pixelated mess. /typical App Store customer
Hahahaha. A lot of people don't have the sense to understand that you can't upscale most graphics. You can downscale them, but to upscale them you have to redo them! And that takes a lot of damn time and work.
Well, you can if you don't mind pixels, but they'd never stand for that. I play SNES games upscaled on my Macbook though and they still look just as beautiful to me Maybe it's just the kids who moan... spoiled by their 16xFSAA. Back in my day you could count each individual pixel on the screen!
Not to mention the fact that OpenGL GUIs need to be recoded in order to use the new coordinate system. Also people don't seem to understand that we developers don't get to see or touch the new hardware untill they do. We can't make changes till we have the hardware to test against, unless they want buggy broken apps just for the sake of pretty graphics on day 1. Just my 2 cents.
Right. If you were to upscale jpegs or gifs for retina display, they'd look the same as they did on a regular display. You'd have to go through the trouble of retrieving every graphical element and either reprocessing it to fit the new size and aspect ratio, or, if the elements weren't available, you'd have to redo everything. Most of the time all of this work isn't worth the trouble, especially if the game is only $1.99 and under to begin with. These chicken nugget eating kids need to stop being so nitpicky about old games having retina display, and maybe, kinda-sorta, hope the new games will have them. But even if they don't, it shouldn't be a deal breaker if the game itself is good.
oops actually they look a lot sharper and far more crisp. however I do agree that's not a necessity. my favorite game on the iPhone has no retina display support
I base everything in life on aesthetics, I also believe everyone agrees with me. I am not egocentric.
It was supposed to be rabbits writing at desks, but I know f**k all about ascii, so I was too lazy to delete it, and now that you called me out I'm keeping it up out of pride, or spite, or stubbornness - idk haven't decided yet. How do people make 4 line ascii art? It's beyond my feeble mind.
I can see it now... sort of. I don't have a clue how people come up with some of this ascii stuff, it's inspired. Especially the ones with foreign characters, I just get lost looking at them.