Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King [Now Kickstarter]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by CastlePixel, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. CastlePixel

    CastlePixel Active Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    Pittsburgh & Toronto
    #1 CastlePixel, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
    Hi ToucherArcaders,
    We've begun beta testing our last game, Rex Rocket for ipads. Blossom Tales would follow Rex Rocket but it would be released as a Universal app instead of just ipads.

    Trailer Video

    A delightful mix of "Zelda" and "Princess Bride", Blossom Tales' narrative will unfold in the form of a fable being passed down from grandfather to granddaughter. Unable to resist her adorable plea, the old storyteller weaves a tale where a heroic warrior named Lily finally becomes one of the esteemed Knights of the Rose. However, that same day the evil wizard Crocus places the King into an everlasting sleep with one of his dreaded spells, forcing Lily to go on a grand quest in search of a remedy.

    Of course, the spirited listener can't resist occasionally chiming in with her own ideas that almost always affect the story and gameplay. This will result in a unique storytelling experience as enemies and allies show up out of nowhere, quests take a radical turn, and even dungeons change-- all due to a spontaneous suggestion or two from the granddaughter.

    *EDIT* I just saw in the rules that we should not prominently display Kickstarter. I've attempted to edit the title of this post but it won't change the title. If a mod could rename it for me that would be amazing. Sorry for not noticing the line about Kickstarter before posting.

    We're currently Kickstarting!
    While we can't offer iOS copies as a rewards, we would appreciate any pledges the iOS community would like to send our way, we have lots of great Backer rewards you can nab up. We are able to give out 1000 free testflight apps though, so that would go to you guys. If you do pledge on the kickstarter, be sure to message us and let us know and we'll add you to the beta tester ios list.

  2. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Looks really good
  3. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #3 JCho133, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
    A friend showed me this last week. Looks flippin phenomenal ;)

    Really excited, especially since it's universal. I'm gonna have to pick up RR elsewhere. (Ever thought about porting to 3DS? ;))
  4. CastlePixel

    CastlePixel Active Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    Pittsburgh & Toronto
    Thanks guys!

    Don't give up hope for Rex on iPhone, it may just happen yet.

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