Okay something really annoying is how people buy or "cheat" to get minerals and get the best people in online PvP. Ive been crushed alot which blows. Oh and the range of some units are way too big, my turrets cant even shoot them
not to forget they also develop Mac OSX version of their games , which is staggering , while some developers just dont give a crap of it or simply reply they wont do it on osx / osx game center / icloud sync osx /ios , due to techniqual issue or whatever
Fours4ken Media is easily my favorite Dev team for AIOS! All the games I have played by them are absolutely amazing. Bug Heroes, Block Fortress, Monster Adventures, Bug Heroes 2, and now Block Fortress War.
I don't think anything is better or worse, just different. New strategies and new troops can seem intimidating or better, but it's only because you're not used to facing them or know their counter. If im now anything about Foursaken titles they're very Rock Paper Scissors, except on the fly, if they build all shooty build melee units that can close the gap quick, etc. don't be too quick to assume that someone has a huge advantage on you.
I would add that if you are confident u can kill their hero don't waste too much resources defending forward bases - you are better off digging in solidly on your 2 main power nodes and then focus on killing their hero whenever u can, after their hero is dead then push in. If they are down try to kill their turrets because u can get more value out of -100 minerals worth of stuff rather than get 20 minerals by taking their forward power node. Then they fan just take it back easy and get 20 minerals. In other words don't waste time taking forward node for +20 when they will get +20 later, rather - push for killing their stuff
Not sure how its cheating... Anyone can get all the equipment for a race in a few hours of campaign play. I would wager that most people legitimately unlocked most of their equipment! Versus matches are definitely more about hero play and overall strategic decisions, and even the "best" equipment can be neutralized with the right strategies. As for long ranged creeps, they are a legitimate part of the game (most can be neutralized by building turrets up high, or building a "stair step" pattern so ranged creeps attack the front walls first, or by equipping the right type of equipment like jump packs, etc)... they're almost always very vulnerable and have reduced squad sizes though, so using your hero to quickly take them down is key!
Idk maybe I have wrong defenition of universal, I tried getting on my other device and it showed that I never bought it? Still loving the game a lot though!
As long as its the same iTunes account you can re-download it for free on any device - if not unfortunately that would be an issue on Apple's end
They gave Dungeon Keeper 4/5 and usually give horribly balanced freemium games 3 or 3,5/5 saying "it's good apart from the unbalanced freemium model where you need to pay real money to actually enjoy the game". So yeah.