To be honest i actually like the idea that it's more an overworld view. I dont really like to move around with a character to build stuff, and the overworld view seems the perfect solution. All i can say is that this will be another Foursaken jaw-dropper, and i havent even picked my jaw up from H&C!
I'd think with the release of Heroes & Castles,You'd guys be really busy. But I'm glad to hear about the beta testing. Can't wait for this to come out.
I actually agree, but we understand some people like that element - which is why we've created a neat blend between the two. Most of the building is done in the overworld view, inbetween the action sequences. However, your avatar has 4 slots to put ANY block into. So you could go pure offense with all weapons, you could go "standard" with some weapons and some equipment, or you could go "builder", where you put turrets and wall blocks into your slots, allowing you to build on the fly and adapt better to incoming enemies. Trust me, we are - on all fronts! The beauty is we've set up a system and have a team that allows us to work on a few things at once without slowing any one thing down
Hey guys, just got finished with a short teaser to show off some of what to expect... I know its been a while since an update, but we're making HUGE strides and are really getting close to release! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
holycrapholycrapholycrap... That trailer just blew my mind!!! Agh! Insta-mother-flipping-buy!!! Music was awesome, gameplay looks awesome! Can't freakin' wait!!!
Oh my GOSH!!! I so freaken can't wait for this game! If you need any testers I am more than happy to help out!
Awesome, awesome, awesome... I was keeping an eye to this game since the announcement but after the video i cannot wait!!!
I don't know how I missed this before, but Block Fortress looks amazing. I haven't played many iOS games lately because I've been occupied with my other game systems, but it's games like this that pull me back in every time. I can't wait to try out the final release!
We had to delay it... but only by about a week New release date is March 7! All devices. The beauty of this aesthetic is that it uses minimal RAM