I don't mind a little grinding, or a lot. As long as I can kick ass in the end. I'm seeing a good start is plasma turrets, self powered full refund. Great weapon is plasma rifle. Next great turret is orbital, night Vision and whatever. True false?
I just downloaded this game and I can tell it has a ton of content and replayability. I can't wait to really delve into it. I don't mind the virtual dual stick shooter, but please include the ability to move the fire button. Currently it is too cramped with the fire button/swipe to look/building bar all in the bottom right corner.
This... This 'bug' or 'glitch' I hope will be fixed soon. I've had to restart many rounds due to this. Some are okay, while some just- Well, I'm hoping it gets fixed. Y'know foursaken, you could make a lotta cool games using the minecraftesque graphics. Like an ossim zombie game. I'd want a game like that. The weapons and stuff for BF are pretty epic. YAAAH dis game rox
Ok thanks, I'll try that with the hammer. Going to take some time to build up the minerals to add the extra slots for full damage and range. Anyone got any other approaches to taking out elite shadows?
Just a small thing for Foursaken. Even if I have a roof for a house, you will still get rain in the room. Hope you guys can improve that. XD
Blow up a whole group of them once every 20 seconds the below Heavy Plasma is modded 19x for damage and once for armor penetration. Always aim for elite Shadow.
Block Fortress New user Hello, since the thread in the upcoming iPad games is closed and I cannot find one here I figured I would start one. I like this game quite a bit so far, as said before block fortress = Minecraft, tower defense, and some first person shooting action. this is my first ever foray into TD type games so it's interesting to say the least. I am having a bit of trouble advancing. A strategy guide would be pretty helpful to me that's for sure. Early impressions Sandbox: Pretty cool, can build whatever you want(unlimited resources?) and can start and stop attacks at will. Quick start: You start with quite a few resources(not unlimited though), once you have your fortress built, you can start the attacks. The attacks will not stop until you are dead. It looks like your character keeps any special minerals and exp earned which will be avalable in other playthroughs. Survival: Here is where I'm having the most trouble. you start with very limited resources. you build what you can and when ready you can initiate the attacks. The attacks come in waves, if you survive wave 1, another build cycle starts. you earn experience, money and some minerals depending on your setup and how you did during the attacks. I'm not earning enough materials for long-term survival it appears. At most I can last about 3-5 cycles of build-attack. I guess I need to figure out a strategy of switching between quickstart/survival on the different maps to earn exp and minerals to progress enough to make a good stand in survival? Anyway, the game is great, it will be even better once I figure out a strategy.
I kinda hate the forced fps portion of the game with the shadows, some of us just don't like fps, we like it even less on a touch screen. Can't you give us an option to turn off shadows or let us build something that allows us to target them? Perhaps a new turret or an upgrade to target them?
Honestly Shadows are more like the Goblins that chuck grenades over your walls in H&C (Sappers?). You think you are doing great and then all of a sudden "A Gold Mine has been destroyed!" NOOOOO!!!! This game gets my heart rate up.
What if they had a turret that only targetted shadows? I want that >_> Well, not with minecraft-y graphics :3
Dont bother updating hammer unless you've updated the Plasma Rifle first and formost. That is your bread and butter. Hammer is just alternate play style fun. For hammer id also suggest you get the Stim Pack with Move speed and Life Regen and Armor with some of each resistance.
Here we are then, rocky mountains wave 60. Highest legitimate score on this particular survival map. The only one higher is a nobody hacker. I'm on player level 91 now without exp doubler. Plasma rifle can be outshone at these levels (it's still darn good though) by other weapon combinations and some weapons not even mentioned in this thread yet... Or even some talked about which remain underrated, can be very powerful in the right situation and location not necessarily the ones in my screenshots, but I found other combos to be FAR more powerful. Upgrading them all to be good over having one or two über ones while the others sit there doing nothing can be much better long term. One of the guns not pictured in my screens and hasn't been mention here yet in TA is in my opinion one of the best, but more on that later. Also sniper rife turns out to be a good weapon after all contrary to many lines of thought here, it's not an OP gun that much is true... But if you have high priority targets one or two shots on the goblock you want taken down can make a big difference. Achivement screenshot portion of current base Rain of fire from an earlier wave How do I have more minerals in later waves? Well it is actually possible to collect minerals even after the deposits have dried up, they can trickle in with tiny ammounts each wave (which add up) The hints and tips thread is about to expand over the next few days haha!. If you play minimalistically and only build turrets when needed you can stretch games out incredibly far.
@Dreathor, how do you prevent the mass of disintigrators from destroying your turrets because i just got wave 31 on that same map and that was my downfall?
Save the map on every wave. If you lose even one turret quit and load the level again, then make sure if those things (or worse) spawn in simillar places that you are ready for them. It helps to have at least one powerful Personal gun/stun weapon not on cool down ready for the situation. At later waves totting weapons of pure damage is not always the best idea, over arming for utility. But yeah, I have saved and restarted some waves a few times to get each one perfect. Of course if blocks with no guns on get destroyed then that doesn't really matter, but it's the turrets you want to save... each and every one if possible. Also try to work out the direction of each preferred spawn location around the edge of the map and preferred Pathing for mobs. Have one or two powerful guns and try get their fire arc positioned so it can hit things fast in the right places. As well as that, move down to where the goblocks walk and spawn from. look at your base from their points of view, see which guns are more prone to be targeted first and build backups around them, or just generally make sure you pay lots of attention to the most vulnerable areas and walk among/ look at those more often. The other thing you can do (possibly the single best) is create decoy blocks, towers out in the map with reinforcements that provide a distraction for mobs like that to shoot at while your turrets blast them away.