Like many people, I don't keep emailed digital reciepts. The rightness or wrongness of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is, failing a reciept, yet, again obviously, having proof of your purchase on Apple's server, how does one report lost IAP to Apple since, in the PURCHASED tab, or anywhere else in the App Store for that matter, there's no REPORT A PROBLEM (for IAPs or whatever else) button?
It's actually very relevant. Keeping those receipts facilitates the procedure in a much more simplified fashion. And when I referenced purchase history, I was not talking about the purchases tab in the App Store App on a device. I was talking about the purchase history in your account as viewed through iTunes on a desktop or as viewed through the report a problem support website. The comma was a typo that I have now corrected and I specifically excluded mention of App Store on a device. If you type in "iTunes report a problem website" in to google on any web browser, the link to the Apple support website will be right there. It's really as simple as I previously described.
Eureka!!! What I meant was, let's not dwell on whether I should've/shouldn't've kept the reciept and move on in the knowledge that I, in point of fact, did not keep it. But, alas, it seems I'm too late for that .... Right, right. From now on, in the interest of clarity, let's just limit everything to: iPad Usage Only. Dude, I give you my right hand to Christ in Heaven above that nobody, and I do mean nobody, told me that such a thing existed. As a matter of fact, I was explicitly told just the opposite: that there was no such service available for the App Store & that I was SOL. I cannot thank you enough for telling me about this!! And boy oh boy, are they gonna get an earful about "RipOff™", aka "Gameloft". Thanks again!
Okay, but I have to strongly recommend against giving them an earful about any issue you may have with another party in Support (Apple). It won't be their issue or area of relevance in relation to the support person that will deal with it and generally certain types of refund request can raise red flags. Just state the basic facts of your case.
Oh no no no no NOOOOO!! lol I don't mean that I'm gonna give Apple Support an earful about-- well, Apple Support! lol I do mean that I'm gonna give Apple Support an earful about Gameloft! Here, take a looksee at this: Gameloft "Blitz Brigade" Messageboard Even read a few if you like. Look at all the topic titles .... Hardly anyone's talking about swapping strategies, exchanging gamer IDs, clan trash talking, etc., etc. No .... They are almost all exclusively complaints about Gameloft's rip-offs. Now surely you don't believe that all of these people are merely disgruntled hackers rather than what I believe them to be: legitimate customers with very legitimate complaints, do you? And by tbe way, I passed on your advice you gave to me to the messageboard. There's strength in numbers, and if Apple Support hears enough of the same reports, maybe, just maybe, this will spur Apple into some sort of punitive action against Gameloft. Here's hoping.
I'm familiar with the page and unfortunately some of those complaining about lost accounts are indeed hackers that hacked the iap, got detected and had their accounts deactivated or reset. Sorry, but that is the case with some of them. All of them, I couldn't say for sure but some clearly are. As an example, one person claiming to be from China has had an account, that they claim they spent 300 dollars in, reset. Their other two accounts with nothing purchased in are fine. Why would they have three accounts and only the one with claimed iap had been reset. I dunno, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If they were legitimate, Apple would refund them and Gameloft wouldn't have a problem with that at all. I dunno, three separate accounts and one only with iap and iap at a very high level for that matter, it all smells as though they had backups and knew they'd eventually get banned. It just doesn't seem legitimate and for more the just that reason. And a lot of similar examples because the last update tightened up security a lot in relation to cheaters and hackers. I'm sure some are legitimate but the majority of them look and smell fishy to me. I've had one or two problems but I've always found Gameloft support acted upon them. Maybe not as fast as some people would like, but they always got resolved and were always much smaller than that claimed 300 dollar iap game. It's unfortunate but a lot of iap hackers are out there and a lot of them think they can get away with it. That is not the case though and I think I'm definitely standing by my earlier assessment. One gets used to reading the types of stories that hackers put up and a lot of those guys are following that pattern. I also have a lot of confidence in Gameloft support so I do believe if any of them were legitimate, they would have resolved it for them. They can check their account history and save points and legitimate purchases will have an iTunes receipt certificate present. If it was a legitimate purchase and not a hack. I would say that certificate is not present for those that have not had resolutions. I should be taken as a clear signal that if you choose to hack iap, expect to get caught. And ignored. As I am very anti hacking, I definitely support security and resetting or deleting of their accounts. And Gameloft support has never let me down yet. Assuming I use the customer care option that is built in to the game and under the settings tab. They've always contacted me by email and resolved it so I can't be unique in that scenario. As to those complaining of app crashes, well, I haven't had that problem so I can't say but the report a problem route is not the way to go with that one. And if there is a consistent pattern of crashes with certain devices, I'd imagine they are working on it. Crashing would be a legitimate complaint that would be addressed by the dev team. But the best process for that is the ingame customer care option (under settings). It does create a report that goes directly to the dev team. And they do see them all. Also, the report a problem I outlined is just a process to request a refund for failed purchases. Its not a complaints procedure. It is solely to be used for that purpose. Complaints can be sent with the troubleshooting feature in Apple Support pages and that would be the appropriate means if me has a complaint.
I agree 1000%: hackers suck eggs. They ruin an otherwise great experience for everybody & they almost make you end up hating the game because it's "not working right". I haven't contacted Apple Support yet, so, as per your suggestion, I'll instead go the BLITZ BRIGADE/SETTINGS/CUSTOMER CARE route since the constant crashes in the multiplayer game is my main complaint. Wish me luck.
** update ** Well, I redownloaded BB & the EXACT same thing keeps happening: try to play a MP game/Crash to desktop. So, off to SETTINGS/CUSTOMER CARE I go. Oooooo, look! A FAQ! Hmm, let's see what it says .... Here are some issues that have already been reported by other players. We are currently working on solutions for each of them. * Cannot invite neighbors * Various connection errors * Can't buy in-game currency * Havenpass not working * Progress reset following crash after updating the game Now I understand you've had success with Gamelost-- er, Gameloft's CS. But it's been almost SIX WEEKS now & no apparant progress is being made. No tweets, nothing on Facebook, nothing in the forum. Don't you think I have a legitimate gripe here?
I think I'm flogging a dead horse here but anyway, I'll go again and see if there's any bit of life left in said horse. I'll gonna in reverse. Point 5, progress reset after last update and crash. Hack detection, simple as. The game detects a known hack has been installed or used at some stage, send auto log to server, crashes game, resets progress on server. Job done, hacker punished. End of. Whether Gameloft state this or not, that is the reason for it. It can be appealed and anybody that had it reset and turns out not to have hacked will have account progress reinstated. However, the majority won't because they hacked. And I have zero sympathy for them. Now as far as I'm concerned, we are finished with that point as it can be explained no further than I've already tried. Point 4, Havenpass not working. The Havenpass weapon was nerfed and had splash damage removed because a previous update massively overpowered its splash damage to the extent that it was killing through walls and without even hitting an enemy. It still works but has no splash damage. One just has to aim and actually hit an enemy with it now. Point 3. In app purchases not working. Not working and not getting bought currency are two different things. I've already pointed out that not getting currency one paid for will always result in a refund from Apple, not Gameloft. Again that part has been asked and answered. Not working ones that don't process at all can be down to security, passwords, connection strength, in app restrictions, no iTunes credit and multiple other different reasons. However, if it doesn't process and you don't get charged, it is most likely a connection issue between the game and you and the game and Apple. However, to test it out, I made four different purchases on four different devices at various different times. Three went through seamlessly. One failed at first try on an iPhone 5 but was not charged to my account and went through when I tried again half an hour later. Connection issues are not exactly unheard of in this area, it happens but it won't result in someone losing money if they follow any of the procedures I've already outlined in this and previous posts. However, in my history of purchasing iap for the game, one of two failed attempts that then work later are not exactly what I'd call a big issue. Playing hackers all the time would be more of a problem for me. Which leads to point 2. I've already said its a legitimate complaint if someone is experiencing that so I've nothing more to say beyond I'm experiencing no connection issues anytime I pick it up to play. As its online multiplayer, i have a certain expectation of connection drops at certain times and over time so when it happens, I don't have a fit. If it fails to connect more often than it connects, well, then that is something they need to work on and fix. Can't say more than that. As to point 1, I imagine its related to a connection issue as above. As I've never tried it, I really have nothing at all to say on it. There has been no tweets or Facebook updates on that list because it is computer generated by a keyword algorithm based on people's reports. Simple as that, there is nothing to say on them beyond what I've posted above and they do have their own answers put in with them anyway and in order to get an answer, contacting support directly is what needs to be done. That list is simply a list of the issues other people are reporting. As for example the Havenpass does actually work, its just not overpowered anymore and requires that classic FPS skill of aiming to function, well its a non point, if people stop complaining about having their overpowered weapon nerfed, it wouldn't even be on the list. And while connection issues seem to be a valid complaint, I doubt very much that I'm the only person in the world that can connect in with no issue. And as most of the other complaints are actually linked to connection, well, then those four other points are really just the same thing worded in different ways. And I never said you didn't have a legitimate gripe. But it is solely connection related and bringing the rest in just looks like an angry reactionary rather than someone with a legitimate complaint. Sorry but if you just had focused on the issue you had rather than bringing other people's complaints in, it would have been better and it's not like you can't visit any developer site/forum for any online multiplayer game and see exactly the same connection issues complaints appearing on any other support pages. However, I'm sure if they are experiencing server load issues, they will resolve them. It it is not an issue that I have experienced personally in a fair few months. Others obviously have had different experiences but I wouldn't imagine its as widespread as some would have you believe. On that, I think we have covered and discussed this as much as possible and I have nothing more that I can contribute so I'll wish you luck with your issue being solved and leave it at that. Best of luck.
All this talking about it made me go back and play. Man it is just flooded with hackers. I still like the game but man just want to play against bots at this point.
If you're having legitimate problems with the game, I'm happy to see what's up and try to help. Feel free to PM me if you have a ticket with our customer care support team and haven't heard back or if you just want to share your experience with the game!
What kind of hackers? It's iap hackers that I mainly come across. Their the guys that have hacked iap and bought all premium and a ton of that invulnerability potion. Which I'll have to admit I despise greatly, sorry Ryan. That thing badly needs a cool down period or a limit per match because the iap hackers have a ton of em and just constantly use them in every match and make it pointless to continue in that particular battle. They use it for the instant respawn and jet packs as well so in reality its the iap thieves that are the biggest problem. I haven't come across any perk hackers recently. The leaderboard hackers for tournaments are the next annoyance but I'm told they get removed when it finishes so removal before it finishes would be a better demonstration for other players. The last update sorted out all the other hacks, flying ones, infinite ammo and the like and it did reset a lot of the iap hackers so I'm happy bout that. Some survived but I'm sure they'll get to them in the end. Were there other types you came across? Because reporting them guys is pretty important to tracking individual hacks in order to ban them server side. If you did find others, I would ask that you report them and what hack they used to support. It would be very handy and helpful. Cheers.
I didnt have time to play longer since my daughter was next to me... About 4-5 games. The last game i played was at the docks. First round was a guy in between the floors of a bldg shooting so you cant shoot him. Next one( the one i quit on). Was begining of the round and before i ever turned i got shot by the a guy. So maybe 2-3 secs. I know you cant get that far that quick.... So either its a glitch/hack or just bad spawning. Seing i didnt play that long Im going to try maybe tonight or this weekend again to play. Just need to play the larger map more.
Ah, yeah, I know that building one. There's a glitch in the map where people use helicopters to land in it. First thing I do on certain maps is destroy the helicopters or go to the building and destroy them as they are attempting the glitch. Then I pwn the guy that tried it for the rest of the match till they quit It is a map glitch though on the Malta Fort one that I have experienced, not a hack. It got fixed in one patch and then came back in another. Swings and roundabouts. I have communicated extensively about it so I am expecting a fix to that one. It sounds like the Malta Docks one you had though so I'll try out that map more and see if I can catch a screenshot of it that I can send it to support to see if they can fix that as well. The second one seems like a respawn glitch but I'm not 100% sure. It happened a couple of times but when I looked at the match clock, I'd come in to the game about 30 seconds to a minute in to it so I assumed that was where the problem there was. I can't be that sure though. And exposing your daughter to that level of violence in a video game, dear oh dear. (I kid of course). Man, way over use of smileys, what was I thinking.
Yes more glitching then hacking but since code9 killed my favorite game i call all glitchers pretty much hackers. Lol Also played Cathedral which sucked because its a spawn killers dream. So between that and my 19th month old swiping me around as i play it kinda suck. As for having her watch... Im trying to raise a future gamer.
Played last coupke days and stayed away from that map. Lots of fun. Now beed to get some free diamonds for a better gun. Tapjoy