Universal Blitz Brigade (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. putermcgee

    putermcgee Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2010
    I play this on and off, and when it connects fast, I almost always have fun. Looking forward to checking out the new mode.

    My biggest complaint about the game is that it doesn't obey the silent switch on my phone.
  2. Gameloft_Ryan

    Gameloft_Ryan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    Community Manager
    San Francisco
    If you're having connection issues we definitely want to hear about it. Making sure players are able to connect is something we are constantly working on trying to improve so that players don't get frustrated!

    Let us know! :)
  3. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    Loaded the game again. Took awhile had to make sure Facebook and my gameloft id worked. First time didn't have my old stuff. Logged out and back in and it work.

    Played one game no problem.

    I deleted this game before because of connectivity and needing space.
  4. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    I re-installed this game today & didn't recieve my progress back after I'd log in with my gameloft ID so I deleted again. I'll try once more if that doesn't work then I'm done with this game.
  5. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    Was it attached to your facebook?
  6. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    I don't have a Facebook account
  7. {SQUEEK}

    {SQUEEK} Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    Ok im out of suggestions lol. I had to log in gameloft then fb then log out of gamloft and relogged to get it to work. Aorry to hear it doesnt work.

    I havent even had time to olay since the last time
  8. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    It's stored on the Gameloft live servers so it should have worked.
    The Facebook element is not required at all.
    Can't think of any reason it wouldn't.

    If you get on to Gameloft support, they should be able to help you.
    If you pm Ryan (Gameloft Ryan) he'll get you the address or might try and send it on for you.
    You'll get his proper username in the GT racing 2 upcoming thread or Asphalt 8 thread.
  9. WCFields

    WCFields Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    steel worker
    Thanks Rip73, your ALWAYS very helpful.
  10. Lift the Camel

    Lift the Camel Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2013
    Would love this game with iOS 7 controller support ;)
  11. meitantei

    meitantei Member

    Jul 27, 2013
    I keep accidentally upgrading my weapons and wasting diamonds....
  12. Gameloft_Ryan

    Gameloft_Ryan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    Community Manager
    San Francisco
    Or just find my name here! Realized after way TOO long that I had been missing out on all the Blitz action taking place on this forum. Sorry folks!
  13. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Does this have a cloud save feature like gangstar vegas? I'd like to delete it without losing my data TO download gangstar vegas in fact. I only have 8gb available.
  14. Gameloft_Ryan

    Gameloft_Ryan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    Community Manager
    San Francisco
    Your online profile should be saved, since you use a sign-in of some sort to get into the game :)
  15. iPadCary

    iPadCary Active Member

    Apr 17, 2012
    Civil Servant
    New York City
    *** W A R N I N G ***

    Delete this POS.
    It's been broken for months, meaning you can't get online: it constantly crashes
    Gamer's pleas about lost & unreplaced IAPs have gone completely ignored for months.

    I'm asking you not to believe what I'm saying:
    go to Gameloft's "Blitz Brigade" messageboard & read things for yourselves!

    These people are the worst in gaming history, moreso the Electronic Arts in the last decade.

  16. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I thought you'd had enough of Gameloft last November when they delayed MC5.

    Anyway, I'm a daily blitz brigade player.
    Never have a problem logging in since second update and hasn't crashed in about six months.

    As for lost or unreplaced iap, I'm pretty sure that's an iTunes refund process.
    I'm pretty sure they can't give all the hackers back their hacked iap anyway.

    I did once have some tournament rewards not awarded and support ended up giving me a substantial amount as an apology for the inconvenience so I have great difficulty believing that anybody who legitimately lost iap items didn't get them back and couldn't get a refund from Apple if it was an iap processing problem.

    A lot of iap hackers lost their items but, well, they hacked them so they weren't entitled to them back anyway.

    And its hard for them to be the EA of the last decade.
    This one is only out a year and before that we had EA.
    Anyway, as EA are one of, if not the most successful publishers of all time, I don't know if that really even qualifies as a bad thing anyway. Considering the number of games they sell, the market seems to support them enough.
  17. iPadCary

    iPadCary Active Member

    Apr 17, 2012
    Civil Servant
    New York City
    Well, I suppose, then, that all of these similar complaints that I'm reading on Gameloft's messageboard
    are all from disgruntled hackers, right?
    Whatever, man ....
  18. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011

    As it is iap related according to what you say, Gameloft has no ability to refund or compensate.

    Apple, through the App Store, is the retailer of in app purchases and as such is the only one with the access to refund those in app purchases that were allegedly lost.

    If they were in actuality lost, Apple would have a record of the attempted purchase or the procedure or the payment stored on their system and would have no issue whatsoever giving a refund.
    Something I have tested and can validate in actuality works.

    However, hackers complaining about lost iap can't use that system because well, they hacked it, there would be no record, therefore Apple would not even consider giving someone a refund for something they didn't get.

    As that avenue is not open to hackers who have had their in game accounts stripped because of their hacking, they resort to looking for gold back from Gameloft.
    However if these people cannot provide a proof of purchase for the gold or standard in game currency they have alleged to have in app purchased, Gameloft is not going to just grant them premium currency for nothing.

    So yeah, basically, all those similar complaints are from hackers who know Apple won't give them refunds for lost iap that they never legitimately purchased and Gameloft won't just give away gold equivalent to in app purchases to those that have used iap hacks to get that gold in the first place.
    If they can't produce evidence of purchase, they didn't buy it and are not entitled to it.

    It's really that simple and very obvious.
    If they had lost iap, Apple would refund them for the iap purchase and they wouldn't have to resort to chancing their arm by complaining on Gameloft's forum.

    But as you say, whatever, man....... Believe it or don't, its of little consequence because there is plenty of redundancy in the system to prove whether they hacked it or legitimately purchased it and the legitimate ones will always get it back and the others won't.
  19. iPadCary

    iPadCary Active Member

    Apr 17, 2012
    Civil Servant
    New York City
    Just how, exactly, does one go about contacting Apple to start the IAP refund/restore process?
    That Apple'd have the record of an IAP on thier servers is patently obvious.
    But from what I'm led to understand via Apple's own support messageboard,
    to actually get a "Lost IAP Refund/Restore" is a nigh but impossible task.

    And for the record, I find it extremely stalkerish that you reference some obscure post I made about "Modern Combat 5" ....
  20. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #540 Rip73, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    Incorrect, it's not a problem.
    That's why the "report a problem" tab is there on receipts, in purchase history in iTunes for desktop and has its very own separate Apple support website.
    Iaps do show up as a separate purchase in all those places and do have the report a problem tab present.
    That's why it's there, if you do hit a problem with a purchase.
    It doesn't solve it if you have deleted an app in the old days (and probably the older pages or older information you're reading) and not backed it up and lose your iap that way, that's your own responsibility and the loss is your own fault for not backing it up and not a system/processing/app error but if its cloud saved (as this one is) or backed up correctly either on iCloud or iTunes, it's never a problem that one will come across.
    It's really very simple if you have proof of purchase and proof of loss or non receiving.

    Abusing the system will lead to a rejection of refund requests so do not think of it as a way of getting iap for free.
    It is monitored and repeated use of it will simply lead to rejection as it becomes very obvious quickly as to toes that are abusing it and you'll never again get a refund and run the risk of removal of your account.

    Of course none of those things apply to hackers. Hacks are detected and removed on the servers or accounts reset.
    That is part of the security system an online only game accommodates.
    Those hackers complain but they are entitled to nothing.

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