I think they need to maybe nerf sniper rifles in this game, or buff other weapons mainly because I've been destroying everyone recently with snipers. Most kills only take about two hits, some take 3 but either way I can still kill you faster with a sniper than you can with normal machine guns and such. Add gyroscopic aiming (which is really helpful) and it's that much easier to score a hit. I've yet to encounter a stealth player though, so they could be the death of me lol. Game is awesome though.
I think stealth players are the only players that can challenge you, as they are terrible at going 1 v 1. I've faced a stealth, they can go nearly invisible. I think as a sniper, while you snipe, the stealth could get the drop on you can bam you're dead. I wish we had more game modes, like CtF or FFA.
Noob question Because of connection problems I've yet to play this game but I'd like to know, do you earn XP during multiplayer ?
Yup you do, and it's relatively easy to level up. I just reached 100 kills and I'm level 6. Took me about 9 matches.
The stars depend on your score and NOT on your experience earned. Have a look at the mission briefings to see which score you need for the stars. And yes, you earn experience and coins in multiplayer, too. Btw, syncing across devices works like a charm in this game, unlike other recent Gameloft offerings.
Is anyone else having as many connection issues as I am? I can't even play training missions without getting booted after a few minutes. On top of that, every time I log back in my progress has been erased
Yea I'm starting to think this too, I'm dreading the round that I encounter one lol. Anyways, same here I'd appreciate a few more game modes. So far I've only been playing domination rounds. That could also be why I've been doing really well as a sniper, I imagine the maps are smaller in deathmatch modes. Idk though
I did all of the stage1 training missions then decided to go multiplayer. Haven't touched the single player since lol.
They are. I've gotten comfortable using the Soldier and Medic. The Medic is magic. See, every class has its strengths and weaknesses, which I like.
I'm adding to the confusion you are trying to cause in this forum? This isn't a very deep or confusing thing. If you want to spend some money to get an early advantage you can. It doesn't make you that superior in game. Eventually everyone can get those weapons by playing, so your advantage will be gone. I spent my 1.99 to early unlock the sniper, cause I like sniping. While snipers seem OP, their low health makes them easy to be killed and anyone with decent aim in range will win a gun fight with them. It's actually pretty balanced. I have tons of gold from playing already. I might spend a few more bucks and unlock some guns because I'm having fun. I don't feel I'm being nickeled and dimed at all.
Yea that last bit is becoming more and more apparent as I play. Gonna try my hand at the stealth class next.
What does the Elite pack do? It says it unlocks the sniper and stealth but I'm level 3 and I just played an online game and played as stealth. So what is it that gets unlocked?
God, this game is so fun!! It's so great when you get a helicopter and a tank and a few jeeps all shooting at each other plus a few players... Brilliant!! My only wish is that vehicles need to be buffed. They have way to little health.
Bit confused here. The Elite pack says it unlocks sniper and stealth. I only bought 1.99 and I can play all classes so whys that? What's the elite pack for then?