Universal Black Paradox (by Tiny Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Lull4by, Nov 13, 2018.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #41 Gwarmaxx, Nov 17, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2018
    imo controls are perfect, i have not found any issue in many hours of play... the game is wonderful, better than the "other" one, could easily be its second installment.
    i feel it doesn't need nothing more atm, although future updates with new additions would be always welcome.

    anyway, i have this beauty + Steredenn, Super Hydorah and Hyper Sentinel (also wonderful) installed, waiting for Thyrian Defenders... i am more than satisfied!
    sebgo and Lull4by like this.
  2. dnk

    dnk Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2010
    I didn't enjoy it at first but it really grows on me and I'm loving it now.
    The art style and sound design are just fantastic.
    Don't know how much replayability it has once we finish it but even with no new content it's worth the intro price I paid for.

    To anyone who calls this a bullet hell, you obviously haven't played a true bullet hell.
    I miss those Cave games...
    But true this has some difficulty spikes as well in boss fights, feels harder than it is because of the speed.
    sebgo likes this.
  3. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    Movement and double tapping as well as holding fire work perfect. I'd only adjust how sensitive it is when switching weapons, like, I found myself switching to another weapon when all I wanted to do was slide my right thumb upwards while I was still firing at some enemies that were spawning right under my finger. It's not like it ruins gameplay, and it DOESN'T NEED TO be adjusted, I'm just saying that's something I experienced, and it's not something that happens often. A strictly quick flick ↨ would be more accurate.

    Haha! xD

    Googling what Thyrian Defenders js now... I'm probably gonna love it... I have that feeling...

    Danmaku (genre) games are super cool, right?! I think Cave Co. are the best in the field and I was super excited when I learned about Aka to Blue being directed (I think) by someone who worked at and knows about Cave's danmaku games' quality.

    If I could have at least one of their old games updated for current iOS, it'd definitely be Mushihimesama Futari - Black Label

    About Black Paradox, I'll put some time into it during the weekend since during this week I had a mix of constant sleepiness, online social "life" and dealing with work, so I didn't get to play it for long sessions. Bosses are pretty good because of their long resistance and various attack patterns; upgrading the not-Delorean definitely becomes evident the more you play it, dealing more damage, shooting more bullets, pooping bullets too... I really like the bright visuals and haptic feedback! That other game should be updated with haptic feedback, too!

    The only thing I don't like is it makes my phone go warm and it automatically reduces screen brightness once it reaches a certain temperature, but I can fix that by playing in front of an electric fan aimed at me (works for these hot af days, too... ~90ºF, wth)
  4. etienu

    etienu Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    When is that soundtrack coming out though?
  5. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
  6. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Is that so hard to understand? I work, I get money for that. I won’t give my money for something that I don’t like/need. In 2018 everybody has a chance to get a refund for something he doesn’t like. Why should I give my money easy for something I won’t use?
    The fact that only I wrote this doesn’t mean that I am the only one who requested a refund.
    You my be a person who is fine with giving money away. I’m not.
  7. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    #47 pathogen541, Nov 17, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
    Dude... multiple people have tried to explain the error in your thinking.... can you un-hijack this thread? This game is rad af and your missing out
    sebgo likes this.
  8. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    Just dont come here crying when everytime you buy a game you get a warning that you are not able to get a refund once youve downloaded the game, ok
    sebgo likes this.
  9. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    That's why I said I was a little sorry for typing that long post... because it'd be pointless. I even used a radioactive TV, a pyromaniac toaster and smelly shoes for setting a cool example!

    (ཀ д ཀ)

    Also, I haven't played today because I was outside the house most part of the day and got tired. Now I'm sleepy again.

    (ཀ д ཀ)
  10. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #50 Gwarmaxx, Nov 18, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
    still don't understand you :D:D:D

    you don't need??? and why the hell you buy things that you don't need???
    and sorry, but if you first see gameplay & trailer videos/pics/animated gifs/reviews/etc (yes, we have all that, we are in 2018 :D), don't you realize that you don't like what you are watching to? o_O
    sebgo likes this.
  11. etienu

    etienu Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    sebgo and Gwarmaxx like this.
  12. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    I’m also enjoying it more then Steredenn.
    In addition to most of the reasons you stated, it just feels better. :)
  13. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    After more time with it, I can say I already enjoy this much more than I did that other game that will not be named. It really is loaded with power ups, drones, etc, and our ship by the end can be WAY more over-powered than your ship in the other game that will not be named. When my space whip is flanked by three drones, slinging rockets, grenades, and tesla fire, and said space whip is firing TRIPLE STREAMS OF RAILGUN BLASTS....its a good day.

    I would like to see more! I looked at the devs steam page, and it looks like this release is actually a few behind the steam release. Apparently the steam release also has a "combo system", different weapons, and additional enemy waves. I cannot wait till there are more bosses, etc. If the dev can keep it up, this will have a pretty solid place on my home screen that most games dont get.
    sebgo likes this.
  14. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    So a HUGE update is out!

    Including new weapons, graphics, enemies, power-ups and mechanic (power-ups combo system, certain power-ups will create combos!) with a lot of bugs fixed.

    It seems that MFI function is fixed as well!
    sebgo likes this.
  15. Skall

    Skall Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    Glorious update is here!! Thanks to the dev!
    sebgo likes this.
  16. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    BTW, before the new update dropped, I purchased the vampire chip Lv.8 in the game, but I found the effect chance is same as the low level vampire chips, is that a bug?

  17. reweblind

    reweblind Active Member

    Apr 8, 2011
    Graphic Artist
  18. JindoFox

    JindoFox Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    This game is rad!

    Anyone else think the always-on rumble is a bit much, though? I don't think that's good for my device, let alone my battery.

    I turned it off, but it would be better if it were used more sparingly, like just for emphasis with the boss introductions or weapon shifts.
    sebgo likes this.
  19. Lull4by

    Lull4by Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Actually I think it is just fine, I don’t even hear that who’s iPhone is broken because of too much “RUMBLE”, but I can understand what you are worried about.

    Plus, turning it off could save more battery in theory, so you can play the game longer probably.

    BTW, I hope I can see a JSRF remastered version one day, I really like it when I was young. (Your profile picture brings me a lot of memories.)
  20. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member



    I love it. I actually mentioned liking it in a previous post! Haha

    Wonder if I'll get P~p~P~ark-k~inson's

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