The goal here is to generate a comprehensive list of all the notable games on sale for Black Friday. Click the link to pull up the corresponding page in the app store, but be aware that some sales won't trigger until Friday, so check the stated price before you click buy! Big Fish Games, Inc [app]Atlantis Sky Patrol[/app] $0.99 [app]Civil War: Hidden Mysteries[/app] $0.99 Bootant [app]Crazy Choppers[/app] $0.99 [app]Pirate Waters[/app] $0.99 Chillingo [app]Defender Chronicles - Legend of the Desert King[/app] $0.99 [app]Jules Verne's Secrets Of The Mysterious Island[/app] $0.99 [app]Super Shock Football[/app] FREE Cobra Mobile [app]Dam Buster[/app] $0.99 [app]Dots[/app] $0.99 [app]Fore by Cobra Mobile[/app] $0.99 [app]iBomber[/app] $0.99 [app]Low Grav Racer[/app] $0.99 [app]Mouse About[/app] $0.99 [app]Numba[/app] $0.99 [app]Zombie Chav Hunt[/app] $0.99 Com2Us [app]9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2009[/app] $0.99 [app]Chronicles of Inotia: Legend of Feanor[/app] $0.99 [app]Crazy Hotdogs[/app] $0.99 [app]Homerun Battle 3D[/app] $0.99 [app]Sniper Vs Sniper: Online[/app] $0.99 [app]Trapped: Undead Infection[/app] $0.99 [app]World of Tunes[/app] $0.99 Electronic Arts (EA) [app]American Idol: The Game[/app] $0.99 [app]Anytime Pool[/app] $1.99 [app]Auditorium[/app] $1.99 [app]Command and Conquer: Red Alert[/app] $6.99 [app]Connect 4[/app] $2.99 [app]FIFA 10[/app] $6.99 [app]Madden NFL 10 by EA Sports[/app] $6.99 [app]Mass Effect Galaxy[/app] $1.99 [app]Monopoly[/app] $2.99 [app]Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition[/app] $2.99 [app]Mystery Mania[/app] $0.99 [app]Need For Speed: Undercover[/app] $2.99 [app]Pandemonium[/app] $1.99 [app]Scrabble[/app] $2.99 [app]SimCity[/app] $2.99 [app]Snood[/app] $1.99 [app]Spore Origins[/app] $0.99 [app]Star Trek[/app] $0.99 [app]Sudoku[/app] $0.99 [app]Tetris[/app] $2.99 [app]The Sims 3[/app] $4.99 [app]Tiger Woods PGA Tour by EA Sports[/app] $2.99 [app]Trivial Pursuit[/app] $2.99 [app]Wolfenstein RPG[/app] $1.99 [app]Zombies & Me[/app] $0.99 Gameloft [app]Blades of Fury[/app] $0.99 [app]Brothers in Arms Hour of Heroes[/app] $0.99 [app]Castle Of Magic[/app] $0.99 [app]Gangstar: West Coast Hustle[/app] $4.99 [app]Hero of Sparta[/app] $0.99 [app]NFL 2010[/app] $0.99 [app]Real Tennis 2009[/app] $0.99 [app]Shrek Kart[/app] $0.99 [app]Terminator Salvation : The official game[/app] $0.99 IUGO [app]Cliffed[/app] $0.99 [app]Freeballin'[/app] $0.99 [app]Spy Bot Chronicles[/app] $1.99 [app]Star Hogs[/app] $2.99 [app]Toy Bot Diaries[/app] $0.99 [app]Toy Bot Diaries 2[/app] $0.99 [app]Toy Bot Diaries 3[/app] $0.99 [app]Toy Bot Diaries Compilation[/app] $1.99 [app]Toy Bot Mini Missions[/app] $0.99 [app]Zombie Attack![/app] $0.99 [app]Zombie Attack! Second Wave[/app] $1.99 Konami [app]DanceDanceRevolution S (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]DanceDanceRevolution S+ (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]Field Prowlers Police Rush! (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]Frogger[/app] $0.99 [app]Krazy Kart Racing (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]Metal Gear Solid Touch (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]Power Pros Touch[/app] $0.99 [app]Silent Hill The Escape (US)[/app] $0.99 [app]Silent Scope (US)[/app] $0.99 Manomio [app]C64[/app] $2.99 [app]Flashback[/app] $1.99 Namco [app]Alpine Racer[/app] $0.99 [app]Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima[/app] $2.99 [app]BurgerTime Deluxe[/app] $0.99 [app]Dig Dug REMIX[/app] $0.99 [app]Galaga REMIX[/app] $0.99 [app]Garters & Ghouls[/app] $2.99 [app]I Love Katamari[/app] $2.99 [app]Inspector Gadget[/app] $2.99 [app]Mr. Driller[/app] $0.99 [app]Ms. Pac-Man[/app] $2.99 [app]Pac-Man[/app] $2.99 [app]Pac-Man REMIX[/app] $0.99 [app]Pole Position: Remix[/app] $0.99 [app]Star Trigon[/app] $0.99 [app]Tamagotchi: 'Round the World[/app] $2.99 [app]Time Crisis Strike[/app] $2.99 Origin8 [app]AirBear[/app] $0.99 [app]MonsterKill[/app] $0.99 Pangea Software [app]Billy Frontier[/app] $0.99 [app]Bugdom 2[/app] $0.99 [app]Cro-Mag Rally[/app] $0.99 [app]Enigmo[/app] $0.99 [app]Enigmo 2[/app] $0.99 [app]Nanosaur 2[/app] $0.99 [app]Otto Matic[/app] $0.99 Tapulous [app]Dave Matthews Band Revenge[/app] $3.99 [app]Lady Gaga Revenge[/app] $3.99 [app]Metallica Revenge[/app] $3.99 [app]Tap Tap Coldplay[/app] $3.99 [app]Tap Tap Dance[/app] $3.99 Various Publishers and Developers [app]2079[/app] $0.99 [app]3D Penguin Bowling[/app] FREE [app]3D Super Brick Breaker[/app] FREE [app]9000 BC EP2: Magical Spears and Unlimited Volcano Bash!! Burn them All!![/app] FREE [app]ABM Command[/app] $1.99 [app]Alchemize[/app] $1.99 [app]Animals of Mass Destruction[/app] $2.99 [app]Animalz - Matchem[/app] $0.99 [app]Annihilation Undead[/app] $0.99 [app]Apache Storm – The Killing Spree[/app] $0.99 [app]Aqua Globs[/app] $0.99 [app]Aqua Moto Racing[/app] $0.99 [app]ArchRobo, Robotic Annihilation[/app] $0.99 [app]Asteroids vs Planet[/app] FREE [app]Backstreet Cat[/app] FREE [app]Ballz![/app] $0.99 [app]Ballz! - Pro Version[/app] $0.99 [app]Bereg Chess[/app] $0.99 [app]Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered[/app] $0.99 [app]Block Knights[/app] FREE [app]Blockee[/app] $0.99 [app]BMX Cunning Stunts 3D[/app] $0.99 [app]Cassandra's Journey: The Legacy of Nostradamus[/app] $0.99 [app]Caster[/app] $0.99 [app]Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant[/app] $0.99 [app]Click Deluxe 2[/app] FREE [app]Creepytown[/app] FREE [app]Cubes, Love and Diamonds[/app] $1.99 [app]DaVinci's Secret Machines[/app] $0.99 [app]Dexter the Game[/app] $3.99 [app]Diamonds Mania[/app] FREE [app]Dinky Ball[/app] $0.99 [app]Doom Resurrection[/app] $2.99 [app]DoubleDrop[/app] FREE [app]Dragon Portals[/app] $0.99 [app]Draw 'n' Go![/app] $0.99 [app]Elven Chronicles[/app] $0.99 [app]Enjoy Sudoku[/app] $0.99 [app]Face It![/app] FREE [app]Finger Sling[/app] $0.99 [app]Flickitty[/app] FREE [app]Flock it![/app] $0.99 [app]GL Golf[/app] $0.99 [app]Gravity Well[/app] $0.99 [app]Harry Potter: Spells[/app] $2.99 [app]Hi, How Are You[/app] $0.99 [app]Hive[/app] $0.99 [app]Home Sweet Home[/app] $0.99 [app]Hot Dog Down a Hallway[/app] FREE [app]Hybrid: Eternal Whisper[/app] $2.99 [app]iFlyer[/app] $1.99 [app]Invisible Links[/app] $0.99 [app]iTotem Idol[/app] $0.99 [app]iTreasure[/app] FREE [app]Judgment Day War[/app] 0.99 [app]KidZillion Games Pack[/app] $0.99 [app]LabyMania[/app] $0.99 [app]Libra Balance[/app] $0.99 [app]Lines of Mania[/app] $0.99 [app]Lucha Libre Matchups[/app] FREE [app]Mezopuzzle[/app] FREE [app]MiniSquadron[/app] $0.99 [app]Monkey Jewels[/app] $0.99 [app]Napsters[/app] FREE [app]Occuro! - The Game of Stellar Combat[/app] $0.99 [app]Palm Heroes[/app] $5.99 [app]Parallelus[/app] FREE [app]Pazzi[/app] $0.99 [app]Pentanimals[/app] $0.99 [app]Pheasant Hunt 3D[/app] $0.99 [app]Pheasant Plucker's Christmas[/app] $0.99 [app]Pop-A-Tronic[/app] $0.99 [app]Pro Surfing (Wildcard)[/app] $0.99 [app]The Reel Machine[/app] FREE [app]Rogue Touch[/app] $0.99 [app]Rolly[/app] FREE [app]Samurai Puzzle Battle[/app] $0.99 [app]The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition[/app] $3.99 [app]Sheeple[/app] $0.99 [app]Sheepstacker[/app] $0.99 [app]Slotz Racer[/app] $0.99 [app]Smashing the Opponent[/app] $1.99 [app]Snowferno[/app] $0.99 [app]The Stone of Destiny[/app] $0.99 [app]Super KO Boxing 2[/app] $2.99 [app]Sweetwater Defense[/app] $0.99 [app]Synth Racing[/app] $0.99 [app]Target 3D[/app]$0.99 [app]TargetTap[/app] $0.99 [app]Touch Pets Dogs 10 food[/app] FREE [app]TowerMadness: 3D Tower Defense[/app] $0.99 [app]Trak4[/app] FREE [app]Turn Episode 1: The Lost Artefact[/app] $1.99 [app]Video Poker Deluxe[/app] FREE [app]Volley[/app] $0.99 [app]War 3100[/app] $0.99 [app]Warfare Incorporated[/app] $0.99 [app]Zentomino[/app] $0.99 Recent entries BOLD, since everything is now alphabetized. Originally reported by PocketGamer UK, but many games have been added since then.
There better be more sales tomorrow because ATM I still have a good $5 left...may just get Enigmo 2 or something.
Chillingo Super Shock Football – GET IT FOR FREE THIS FRIDAY! Secret of the Mysterious Island – You will be able to get this great game for 0.99 USD for 24 hours …..
Is world at war: zombies going to be on sale? I've been thinking of getting it, but the $10 price seems a bit high for me.
Ahhhhhhhhhh I just bought Beneath a Steel Sky the other day! Dang! Jules Verne for .99!!! Steal! It's not on sale yet..... I wish they would put the new one on sale.
Sure thing! LOL, I've only bought Zombie Attack: Second Wave, actually. I wish Skater Nation was on this list. There are plenty of good games on here, but I have most of them.
Pandemonium is $1.99 Zombies and Me is .99 Here is a link to the EA sales
MonsterKill and AirBear from Origin8 will be $0.99 until Sunday night/Monday morning - as of posting MonsterKill's price change hasn't filtered through, but AirBear's has so it should be ready soon.
Yeah, I bought it when it dropped, but it was worth it. Your purchase sounds more recent, though, which does feel lame-o. Secrets is the new one. If that sale is real, I'll be picking that one up too.