Due to Android development, Apple's two week review time and their holiday App Store freeze, it may not be until after the New Year, but because of that, it should be a big update with lots of neat stuff beyond bug fixes.
how 2 unlock Achievement ???? Tap Really Fast! HINT: Patience Is a Virtue HINT : You Win Some, You Lose Some i'm stuck 3 Achievements only
Guys how to get bitcoin bourgeoisie achievement? That's the second to last I need to complete, the last one is 1 bb achievements.
At least one of these has been discussed in this thread if you look for it. Tap Really Fast is pretty self explanatory, can help to use two hands, and you must maintain the speed for 5 seconds. Edit: Patience Is a Virtue, you should have gotten this already just by playing if you are this far in the game. It's based purely on random chance while playing.
Ya I know that lol,that's the description of the achievement what I want to know is do I have to start from the first version all the way to v25 or from v24.6 to v25 with less than 50 mining taps and what if I have the auto miner.
I don't think the way you upgrade makes a difference as long as you hit 25 with less than 50 taps. You can check out my strategy for it on the previous page of this forum. Edit: Be careful if you have auto-miner, It ruined my first attempt at this achievement. I was still in a pre-coffee morning haze and blew by 50 taps before I remembered that I wasn't supposed to be mining.
You win some you lose some Love the game, absolutely addicting, as previously stated by others there's some minor bugs with offline currency not popping, but other than that great! As for the save system idea I'd love that FizzPow, great idea! I wish, however, that you could some how purchase extra hints for an achievement. I have been on the game since the second day it came out and I am still only on my first play through, but I have hit a plateau. I have all possible achievements for a first play except "Reach a maximum bitcoin Balance of 1B" and "You Win some you Lose some Secret Achievement", and it is this last achievement that has me desiring the additional hints, would it be possible to include an additional hint which one would purchase using something like 50 Hb gems or so? I am happy with the game for sure, but I have no clue what this achievement may be, and an additional hint which you could purchase would be quite useful and I'm sure others would like the option as well. Then again I guess that's the point of it being secret, so if you dislike the idea ohh well Thanks for hearing me out, Ace.
Thank you but wierd... Thank you so much for the help, however I have already lost well over 5 time travel investments by now, after reaching 50 I stopped caring if I lost them. Maybe it's just a temporary glitch? Regardless if it just hasn't occurred yet then I'll get it next play through so thanks!
Just encountered a bug. Started my game today (after playing for several days) and it gave the whole "Welcome to Bitcoin Billionaire", create your character, start of game tutorial again. It kept most of my progress though. I kept: my bitcoins, hyperbits, investments and achievements I lost: my 20% reset bonus, my ability to skip tasks and my cat Not as bad as losing all saved data, but I have no idea how this happened!
Sounds like one of your save files is missing or corrupted. I will be looking into anything I can do to minimize chance of that, but there also will be a cloud save option in update. Sorry about that. Note: if you bought the cat with IAP, you can restore in settings.
Thanks for the response! I both love and hate you at the same time...this game is so addictive and I have exams now. Just....one....more......investment.....
I can't watch video ads now, it always closes the app whenever I try to watch one. Though banner ads are working perfectly fine. This problem started this morning even though it was perfectly fine yesterday. I'm using iPhone 5s and I'm on my second game reset. Just wondering if anyone has similar problems with video ads as I do.
Known issue, sorry guys. See this for some more info: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=3399665&postcount=176
What is the max balance of 1Bb? I'm on my 4th reset, have 42 of everything and maxed out bit miner. I have a balance of about 250 Yb. I thought it would have popped by now - some previous strategy posts suggested it would pop through natural play?
I'm pretty sure that you're a quarter of the way there. 1Bb is equal to 1000Yb. So just let your coins pile up for a while and use Hyperbits or videos to ignore the lose 1/3 or 1/2 of your coins cards.