Universal Bitcoin Billionaire (By Noodlecake Studios Inc)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    On the iPad Air I've just yesterday started to get real slowdown issues when I enable banner ads. Never had it until then. Everything becomes very jerky and laggy

    Ironically the ads now all seem to be for an investment firm
  2. racz

    racz New Member

    Nov 12, 2014
    #182 racz, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
    The one betwwen the box and 1337 is
    Sudden Philantropist: Lose 5 Investments
  3. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    Thank you! I probably wouldn't have found it on my own as I always avoid such things.
  4. diegohostettler

    diegohostettler Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    I ran into a issue that I can't get any video ads whatsoever. I dint watch any videos except to avoid the coin halfer. I'm sitting on couple of hyperbits and won't be able to buy out of the next punishing card.

    So my question is did you suddenly stealth nerf the videos to get more iap sales?

    I'm on my 2nd play tough now and this hasn't occurred since i used to watch videos all the times just at the beginning of my first game. Tough not using up my daily contingent of videos (I think??? Using them very sparsely ) I'd like to know from u devs if u tweaked anything.

    Right now it does not seem to be able to make any profit without buying additional hyperbitcointhings;(
  5. fizzpowgames

    fizzpowgames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    We did not nerf videos but we have been running into an issue with our video providers running out of inventory at times. Sometimes also restarting the app helps if it gets stuck thinking there are none left.
  6. xx99

    xx99 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    IT Help Desk
    Not bad at all. Knowing what I know now, here is what I think the optimal path is.

    Game 1:

    1) Save up enough Hyperbits to buy the cat.
    2) Focus on upgrading your taps. The tap multipliers make taps more valuable than investments until you get to Time Machines.
    3) Whatever your highest investment type is, keep only one of them at a time.
    The card that makes you lose an investment always takes your most advanced investment. Keeping only one at a time minimizes this loss. I recommend taking the hit until you have lost 5 to get the secret achievement. After that, you should still take the hit until you are working on 50 Time Travel. Late game, it's easy to replace any other type of lost investment.
    4) Stay in your first home. (I saw this achievement before moving, so I did actually pull this off on my first play).
    5) After the cat, Hyperbits should only be spent to double the Hyperbits card or upgrade your investments up to level 5. Keep 2 Hyperbits on hand at all times for doubling the Hyperbits card.
    6) Videos should only be used to avoid losing Time Travel, 1/3 of your bitcoins (when you have a lot), or 1/2 of your bitcoins (when you have a lot). Unless you're saving up for the billion, losing a Time Travel is probably the worst penalty.
    7) Once you get up to BitMiner 25.0, you could immediately reset the game. The 20% bonus for resetting would be nice for getting the billion and getting 50 of each investment. That said, how fast you get Hyperbits is your biggest limitation. If you're willing to buy a stack of Hyperbits, you should reset now. If not, you should stay in your first game a while longer. Getting to BitMiner 25.0 is going to be slowest on your first game, so you'll have more Hyperbits at this point than you will if you reset and get back to BitMiner 25.0.
    8) Buy 50 of each investment. Time Travel takes a while, but everything else should go super fast.
    9) At this point, you should have every achievement except the billion, moving Downtown with no investments, getting BitMiner 25.0 with <50 taps, and resetting the game X times. Your bonus rate is 35%.
    9) Get every investment up to level 5. Unless you buy Hyperbits or the Hyperbit doubler, this will take at least 10 days from when you started the game. You will inevitably reach a billion during this long stretch.
    10) Reset the game!

    Game 2 and 3 can be done in either order:

    1) Move downtown with no investments.
    2) Get to BitMiner 25.0 and reset.

    1) Get to BitMiner 25.0 with <50 taps and reset.

    The remaining games are to get as many resets as you need to finish Tier 3 of the reset achievement.
  7. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    #187 TRB4, Nov 12, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
    Great strategy write up. I have a few more tips for players.

    The first time you reset the game at Bit Miner v25.0 you unlock the ability to skip tasks. This ability is beyond useful. Here are my suggestions for how to best utilize task skipping.

    The first thing I want to explain is that you aren't really "skipping" the tasks, but more like shuffling them. There are 6 different types of tasks:

    - Open X Boxes
    - Own X Investment
    - Mine X Bitcoins
    - Upgrade BitMiner to v.X
    - Tap X Times
    - Unbox X Hyperbits

    Each task increases in difficulty as you complete them, for example you may have a task to open 2 Boxes for a 250x Coin Blast, once you complete this task your next Open X Boxes task might be 6 boxes for the same reward.

    A few notes about the different tasks. The Unbox X Hyperbits task will no longer appear if you have hit your daily limit for Unboxed Hb. The Tap X Times task maxes out at 2100 taps for 250x and 4200 taps for 500x. The Open X Boxes task maxes out at 25 boxes for 250x and 50 boxes for 500x. The Open X Boxes task is the slowest task and should always be skipped. The Tap X Times and Mine X Bitcoins tasks are also pretty slow and should usually be avoided as well.

    Speaking of Rewards each task has 2 different rewards, a 250x Coin Blast or a 500x Coin Blast. The 500x Coin Blast reward task is always twice as difficult as the 250x Coin Blast task. For example the Upgrade BitMiner task will require you to upgrade it once for the 250x reward or twice for the 500x reward. However, there is 1 type of task that has an incredibly low chance of offering a third reward, the Own X Investment task has 3 different levels. Own 2 Investment will reward 250x Coin Blast, Own 4 Investment will reward 500x Coin Blast, but on rare occasion you can get Own 6 Investment that will reward 2 Hyperbits. That is what we want to use the task skip for.

    Whenever you feel that your current income rate is at a level where you can with slight effort start purchasing a new type of Investment you should keep skipping tasks until you get the Own 6 Investment task. I find it easiest to just keep an eye on the rewards until you see the Hyperbit icon instead of the coin icon, that way you can skip as fast as possible. Sometimes it might seem like the Own 6 task won't ever show up, but it will, just keep skipping. By using the Own 6 task for every Investment you will earn 50 Hyperbits per game reset. Believe me it adds up quickly, after only a few games I already have over 300 Hb saved up. You can very easily climb to BitMiner v.25.0 with only 6 of each investment, so there is no need to purchase anymore beyond the 6 needed for the task. You definitely want to make sure that you're buying investments as soon as you can afford to do so because almost every source of income in the game besides tapping is based on your total investment income, such as task reward Coin Blasts and Boxes.

    With so many extra Hyperbits I tend to use them a bit more often, I always double the 70x taps for 20 seconds card because the resulting Bitcoins are usually enough to propel me 2 or 3 upgrades of BitMiner or allow me to buy 6 of the next investment at once.

    However, that's not all the task skip ability is good for. Whenever you're planning on upgrading your BitMiner version make sure you have the Upgrade BitMiner as your current task. You were planning on upgrading anyway and now you'll get some money back. If you have a 50x taps for 20 seconds email offer reward ready don't click it until you've set your current task to the 500x reward Mine X Bitcoins task. You'll be able to complete the task very quickly.

    You'll probably be able to reach BitMiner v.25.0 before you even need 6 Time Machines, but i prefer to get the 2 Hb reward before I reset my game. Also every time you reset your game you get a free daily spin at the Casino, DO NOT use this right when you start, the rewards will be paltry. Instead what I like to do is hang on to my free spin until I have purchased my 6th Stargate Technology and am about to start working on 6 Time Machines and maxing out BitMiner. At this point pretty much any reward is going to give me enough Bitcoins to do both, so it speeds up the last longest part of the game. Then I can reset and begin again.

    Using this strategy I can start a new game and reach BitMiner v.25.0 in less than a day, and with each reset adding a 20% permanent bonus it just keeps getting faster and faster. I also finish each game with an extra 20-40 Hyperbits.

    I hope these tips help.
  8. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    Hey fizzpowgames, I was wondering were you guys slightly inspired by Pixel People at all? When I first started playing the game I got a lot of strong Pixel People vibes.

    There are several similarities:

    - 25 free premium currency a day (Hb from boxes vs. U from trees) can be doubled to 50 in each game.
    - Holding boxes to open them feels like holding the hearts in Pixel People.
    - Both games have amusing news tickers.
    - Both have a pixel art style
    - The most telling though is the Casino odds charts are eerily similar, right down to text color, odds, and premium prizes being identical.

    Bitcoin Billionaire:

    Pixel People:

    Don't get me wrong, I love both games and I am not insinuating that you copied Pixel People, I was just wondering if they provided some inspiration or if some of the people who work at Fizz Pow Games are previously from Lambda Mu?
  9. fizzpowgames

    fizzpowgames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Haha, yes. We love Pixel People here, so we definitely were inspired by them for sure. We also used similar premium number values because they felt right. The casino in particular :D

    GAMESHARQ Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Anyone know of a way around that card swipe minigame that pops up? I keep getting bad cards and when I try to skip for free, it tells me there are no current offers, so I either have to take the loss or spend 2 hyperbits. I don't get why there are no offers. It's been telling me that all day.
  11. fizzpowgames

    fizzpowgames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Try fully closing the app and restarting it while on a data connection. I have made some server adjustments that may help with more offers being available.

    GAMESHARQ Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Thanks for the response. Does WiFi count as a data connection? I'm playing on a wifi only iPad 2. I tried restarting the app, but still no video offers found and it's really eating away at all the hyperbits I earned.
  13. fizzpowgames

    fizzpowgames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Yes WiFi does count, but we are also limited by our video providers inventory as well. In a future update we will be changing how this system works so that playing the cards are optional.

    GAMESHARQ Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Thanks again. Can't wait for the update! :)

    GAMESHARQ Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Achievements aside, is there anything I should know/be aware of before I buy all of the upgrade items and investments?

    What does Time Travel do? Could using it potentially result in losses?
  16. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    None of the investments do anything other than passively produce income. There are no surprises like there are in Cookie Clicker.

    Once you reach BitMiner v.25.0 you'll unlock the ability to upgrade your investments all the way up to level 20 (Offline income).

    Also if you decide to reset your game at BitMiner v25.0 you'll receive the following bonuses:

    The very first time you reset you'll get:
    - task skipping.
    - +20% permanent bonus to coin production
    - A free spin at the Casino

    Every subsequent reset you'll get:
    - +20% permanent bonus to coin production
    - A free spin at the Casino

    GAMESHARQ Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Thanks. On the last page, someone mentioned that videos should only be used to avoid losing time travel and I was curious to know what that meant exactly.
  18. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    When you are forced to draw 1 of 3 cards during the "Something Happened" events there is a chance that you may lose an investment. It will always be the most expensive investment that you currently own. So early game you may lose a Comic Book that you can replace easily, but late game it will be your Time Machine that just took you 10+ minutes of saving up to buy. So the previous poster was suggesting that you only use your video skips to protect your Time Machine investments because they are expensive, time consuming to buy, and produce lots of income.
  19. Kingjustinus

    Kingjustinus New Member

    Nov 12, 2014
    No, it's the "You win some, You lose some" secret achievement
  20. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    is this in development #?!!?

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