iPad BIT.TRIP BEAT - by Namco

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Yes, I've only had my 2nd Gen Touch for about a year. And this is ridiculous. This is basically an 8-bit game that should very easily run even on a 1st generation iPod Touch. It's just lazy on the developer's part and they'll lose a lot of purchases as a result.

    I can definately see games that push the limit like Epic Citadel being only 3rd generation and up. And I strongly encourage developers to push that limit. I don't mind if I can see why it won't run on earlier devices.

    But it's pretty clear what my 2G can do with some of the incredibly graphic-intensive games that I already run on it with no issues.
  2. sammysin

    sammysin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Government Official.
    Swansea, UK
    Exactly, just a game.
  3. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    There must be a reason that the devs do it 3rd gen and up only, as it's not like they'd deliberately only sell it to a fraction of a market.

    On a side note, anyone complaining about this with a 1st gen touch needs to shut up as fair enough if it's 2g but when you've had a device that has had 3 successive iterations you can't complain about not getting some games. I upgraded - and so should you.
  4. swervdriven

    swervdriven Member

    May 16, 2009
    Lets not forget Pac-Match Party, which released a bit before the iOS4 update and has NEVER worked properly on any iOS4 device. They haven't even made ONE ****ing update to try and address the problem. I bought this the day before iOS4 came out, so needless to say I have never played the app without game breaking bugs.

    Personally, Namco doesn't give a shit about their consumers and I will NEVER buy an app from them again.
  5. kitehimuro

    kitehimuro Active Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    No, please shut up, you don't even understand half of what you're talking about. The number of apps that actually make good use the "next gen" hardware in iDevices is very near to exactly ONE. Ok, more like three, to be honest. Epic Citadel, and the two Bullett-Hell games from Cave. ALL the other games which can only run on 3GS+ are basically proof of their crappy programmers who suddenly become incapable of optimizing their shitty code since NOW they can get away with it (there exists a range of devices that CAN still run it). We're talking about quite simple sprite based games and the likes. On the other hand we have titles like Rimelands, Aftermath, Skies of Glory, Zen Bound 1-2, Chopper 2, with actually GOOD graphics that can actually be made to run on the old series.

    It's a bad practice, it's good -ONLY- for Apple (why do you think iOS4 made all phones below 3GS run like shit? It's not like those machines got ANY NEW WORTHWHILE FEATURES WHATSOEVER), good for lazy devs but NEVER for us users. If you don't agree, have fun buying a new iDevice every year just like Steve Jobs wants you to.
  6. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    What, so you're thick enough to think developers would deliberately close off a large proportion of the market? There has to be a reason that is perfectly legitimate. One possible reason could be that like a bullet hell shooter there is too much on the screen and so there is a bit of lag, and this sort of game requires no lag or it is impossible.
  7. swervdriven

    swervdriven Member

    May 16, 2009
    Try reading what you quoted. He said the cave games were two of the three that it was excusable on.
  8. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Oh the irony. I'm trying to think of some simple way to put this but I said 'LIKE A BULLET HELL SHOOTER', which meant I was comparing it to one for the reason this game is limited to 3rd gen and higher. *facepalm*
  9. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    No, I won't shut up Mr. 20 posts. If you had spent a bit of time here, you'd understand that posts like yours just show your ignorance. This tends to be a "big boy/girl" forum where we can discuss issues without personal attacks. Perhaps we can disagree on an issue and I can still understand what I'm talking about. Have you considered that? Anyway, this is only marginally related to this game, so I don't want to hijack. I understand that this game probably isn't the best example of utilizing next gen devices, but I was making a larger point. You can agree or disagree with that point. Whatever. I think if you're posting on a forum discussing APPLE gaming, you should probably understand the platform. It changes. It updates. Constantly. If that's not for you, choose another platform.
  10. markx2

    markx2 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    It changes, it updates.

    My daughter had The Impossible Game on her 1st gen Touch. Someone at school deleted it. But it had been updated and was now not compatible with a 1st gen Touch. I'll say that again:

    The Impossible Game worked on a 1st gen.
    They updated it.
    The Impossible Game did not work on a 1st gen.
    That had nothing at all to do with hardware.

    I had an archived version so she's still okay but I completely blame the dev for that. And given that the App Store will let you buy an app that you might not be able to run you need to be careful. (iTunes knows precisely what machines have connected to it and could therefore prompt you). But they don't, the update process does not alert you and the only loser can ever be the user. No-one else can lose here, just us.

    The more models appear the more fragmentation will happen.
  11. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    No developers would do this deliberately. Surprised in that case unless you had wrong firmware or something. The fragmentation is a problem, but generally every 1st gen touch owners should have upgraded by now, but 2nd gen guys are just unlucky I guess.
  12. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Exactly! Same here! This is going in the right direction! Video games and systems naturally are evolving. I agree with you! There's always going to be children out there who are upset that they don't make any more Game Boy games! Like you said, the market isn't designed for children. I get excited to get the next generation devices and play the better games like a kid, though!
  13. magihiro

    magihiro Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Really? I missed the part where we talk about bit.trip being a bullet hell shooter.
  14. articulate

    articulate Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    He meant that lag being in either a bullet hell shooter or beat tapping whatever type of game would be impossible to play.

    And everyone needs to stop this nonsense about "oh I have a first gen device and I am excluded", or "oh I have a fourth gen device and I laugh in your face". Both please stop typing rubbish and talk about THIS GAME please.
  15. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    "this market isn't designed for children"

    Honestly, what are you trying to pull????
    I´m utterly disgusted with this kind of argumentation and what it implies.
    It is a slap in the face for everyone who values money, especially these days.
    But, i must say, it reminds me of that technique where you put others down to lift yourself up.
  16. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Great news:
    just found this on the comment section of PocketGamer:

    BIT.TRIPPER | 29 September 2010

    Support for older devices will be coming.
  17. swervdriven

    swervdriven Member

    May 16, 2009
    My mistake. So you are comparing bit.trip beat to a bullet hell shooter in terms of processing power? The very name BIT.trip beat implies 8 bit simplicity and similar games have been done in the app store since it has been around. I'm not sure how well your processing power comparison works in defense of this game not working on all devices.
  18. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    What am I trying to pull?
    You're utterly disgusted?
    It is a slap in the face?
    I'm putting others down?

    You need to pull it together. You obviously don't understand my point, and therefore have somehow tried to connect it with the state of the global economy. I was simply stating that this platform is not marketed for, designed for, or intended for, children. That's it. The DS and PSP are marketed to children. This is marketed to adults. These devices are several hundred dollars, and in my case, supplimental with my PHONE. I have no problem updating my hardware, because I make that financial decision. But to think that developers somehow "owe" people who have older devices is ridiculous. You sound like whiners IMHO.
  19. markx2

    markx2 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
  20. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Hmm... technically, I think that bit.trip beat can definitely treat older devices, I don't see much stuffs while playing. Anyway, this game is just great! :)

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