Universal bit Dungeon II (by KintoGames)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. buktush

    buktush New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
    Get to level 10 and as son as you change area it goes back to level 9 . Repeat..... Quite annoying. Also needs a map and a fail safe save point. Otherwise it's pretty neat little game.
  2. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    I wanna get this but one thing is holding me back... how are the controls? I'm concerned that tap-to-move might be a problem on a small iPhone screen, which is why I skipped the first game.
  3. KintoGames

    KintoGames Active Member

    Dec 15, 2012
    Save games are broken!

    I made this game. Save games are broken. I am fixing it tonight.
  4. Antimatter

    Antimatter Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    Thanks a lot. I also send you a Facebook message. Keep up the fantastic work.
  5. KBPrinceO

    KBPrinceO Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Awesome game, Kinto. I'm so so close, but I can't find the last dungeon. I'd kill for a map.
  6. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    #66 Echoen, Dec 16, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
    Game Impressions

    I finished the game twice on PC and have played enough of the iOS version to conclude they're identical, minus a few things due to limitations with touch controls. I posted a review on Steam and I'll copy it here with some modifications for the iOS version.


    Bit Dungeon 2 is an endless roguelike with a light Diabloesque loothunt for the ultimate gear. The objective of the game is simple: beat each boss in every area's dungeon to unlock the portal to kill more demons and bring your girl's soul back to her. I finished my first "playthrough" on PC with a game controller in around 2 hours. iOS is limited to one-tap controls but the translation from PC to iOS is fair.

    Final Dungeon and Bosses at level 125+

    Speaking of tap controls, there's just one big glaring issue: your own finger blocking view of whatever is underneath it. The iTunes description says there is controller support but I don't have an MFi controller for iOS. What I do have is the jailbreak tweak Controllers For All but it isn't letting me use my PS4 controller for BD2 (yes, the tweak works on 8.1.x). If this game had even just a virtual stick, it would be outstanding but the control method available to everyone is quite annoying fair enough--just tap in the direction of your enemy to spam attack but it's only worse the smaller your device is. Portrait mode helps to make things bigger on phones like it would be on an iPad and it lets you play while holding your phone with just one hand.

    When you beat the game, you get sent back to where you first started with all your progress intact. The entire map is always the same but the enemies that spawn change each time you enter a room. Once you memorize the entire map, you could probably do runs in half an hour or so. Truthfully, there isn't anything else to see once you've downed the last boss. It's not much of an ending either but it plays to tell how you start over.

    The battle system shows love for Zelda. Tap to slash or shoot your bow and holding it down either blocks or charges your weapon. Simply walking up to an enemy will also make you attack and this proves to be the best way to initiate an attack on iOS since a wrong tap (quite easy to do in this game) will send you trying to walk through your enemy without attacking. It's okay to tap on larger enemies and this is the best way to take down bosses.

    Take your choice of weapons: dagger, 1h sword, 1h spear, 1h hammer, 1h staff, 2h greatsword, 2h katana, 2h axe, bow, spellbook, or shield. You can dual wield any of the 1-hand weapons but my personal preference is a spear for a nice wide cleave together with my best offhand. I tried bows but they consume too much stamina per attack while melee weapons can be spammed and kill a boss without having to rest. Other equipment slots are a helmet, cape, chest armor, boots, ring, amulet, and a rune for a total of 9 slots.

    There's some cheapness to the enemies that have fast multi-hit attacks and this completely blows with a small weapon like a dagger where you really need to aim to hit something. You can get stun locked in place without even being under the effect of stun.

    Weapons come with random stats and that's where the Diablo inspiration exudes. Each item can have up to a handful of affixes with various effects like life steal, a sickly powerful death strike, phase (dodge an incoming attack and teleport away), berserk, and so on.


    I'm a big fan of crazy loot and the system satisfies for what you can do in this game. Quality of items I've found so far: white, blue, orange, purple, red, cyan, and green. There doesn't seem to be any set pieces. You'll often loot black stones along the way and you can use these to purchase equipment from merchants. Hidden rooms also often give good. I have yet to find any unique effects on equipment but I've only looted one red and cyan item so there could be something out there that stands out.


    The developer mentions some love of Dark Souls and it shows. Resting at a campfire restores your health. Sometimes, upon waking, a powerful foe may appear and pronounce "I have found you..". A nice surprise and these fights are fun but you can easily escape to the next room and they'll despawn. It would have been great if they locked you in for a minute and drop loot too. There's an online feature which puts you in game with another player but there doesn't seem to be any real benefit to it at the moment, other than to wreck other players for fun. Note that the online feature is still in beta.

    If you die, it's game over and you lose everything. There's only one save file so try your best to stay alive. Fortunately, black stones carry over across deaths. There is however a softcore touch to this in that if you have a blue heart (you start with it), you can respawn at the last campfire you used. And if you manage to get back to where you died, you can reclaim a blue heart.

    There are some other negatives:
    -There is no explanation of what all the stats and effects do. You can figure what the primary stats do but some of the effects aren't too obvious (i.e. I think of cleave as a wide arcing attack but it's merely a damage multiplier).
    -black side borders with an aspect ratio over 4:3, which means every iOS device will have black borders. The fullscreen option is for PC and does nothing here
    -utterly short, moreso if you play till just the last boss
    -missing pause button that the PC version has (stats can still be displayed by tapping on your health globe)
    -no pause means no going back to the main menu
    -merchants become useless the more you play
    -charged skills need rebalancing, spamming attack does more damage in less time

    iOS version gets a 6/10 8/10 from me. It has the makings of a great action adventure RPG with cool loot but the control scheme could be better. It also ends up being repetitive and gets there pretty quickly right after the "ending". Adding a virtual stick will help a ton.
  7. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I've done a quick map for me but here it is if you manage to comprehend it.


    Also about the complaints for the lack of explanation about the stats, I thinks it's one of the best things for a game like that. Everyone is always complaining about how we are guided too much in new games (like press the Jump button to Jump!) and when we have to discover and figure out what different effects do, you are not happy anymore... In my opinion, it should stay that way and let's be honnest, it's not so difficult to understand the effects. At least it takes me about 5-10 minutes to realize what "Berserk", "Phase" or "Cleave" do.
    Also about the "monsters" spawning after the sleep at the campfire, they are much harder than some bosses AND they drop very good loot (Equipments are written in Red letters with awesome effects like "Super Critic" which is Twice as powerful as "Critic").
    And about the shortness of the game, yes I would agree it is sad but the replay value is the whole meaning I guess. The first Bit Dungeon wasn't so long either but here I'm quite happy to see how far I can get. Or I will be happy when the Save possibility will be repaired.
    I think that most of the bugs are due to a Direct port from a PC version but I'm sure the Developer will fix them.
  8. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Hey people, I think I've found a way to SAVE the game if you want to quit it.
    Here is how you do it :
    - Go to a campfire
    - Click on the campfire ONLY ONE TIME to sit down (technicaly, your stats should appear)
    - Quit and close the game directly after
    - Come back and enjoy your save later.

    But behold, DO NOT click a second time when you're at the campfire. Because here is what will happen. You'll stand up and the stats will disapear of course. BUT if you quit and come back, you'll lose your progress for ever.

    Try it out because it worked for me after many tries. It probably wasn't intended to be that way but hey, you can use that to Save your game while waiting for an update!
    And just in case someone wonder, it works on an iPhone 4s.
  9. anabolicMike

    anabolicMike Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Hmmm. To be honest before the Dev posted I kinda expected the game to be pulled. Doesn't it feel like it was released to early? It's not as polished as the first one at all. The controls were great in the first one, I had no problem with them anyway, however they are simply atrocious in this one. Lots of times it switched equipment on me and I accidently left the room to cause it all to despawn. I screamed a few times! It definently feels like it's missing something. Don't get me wrong, I like it. I loved the first one! It was quick and oh so much fun. Did someone above say they took out sets? Oh I hope not! I LOVED pulling a set! Hehheh. Damn loots is dropped a lot less Eh? The first one you constantly got drops! This one not so much... Also it doesn't seem to scale the loot to your level the farther you go. It should scale the loot and the merchants (costs too).

    Is it not complete yet? Did we get a beta? No complaints on that of course. I enjoy watching a game evolve as I play it!

    One more really important thing! Today I found out my four year old girl LOVES pokemon.... You may call me a nerd but I'm so excited! I have never gotten into pokemon (other then the GB games) and now I get to geek out with my best girl! Haha I'm so excited! Been watching pokemon black and white. She LOVES pika and oshawatt! She chewed ash out when he left oshawatt behind one time lol

    Anyway, yes I am going to keep playing this! Hey! What ever happened with 100 rogues too? Are they gonna remake that?
  10. KintoGames

    KintoGames Active Member

    Dec 15, 2012
    Ok I submitted the new version to apple.

    -SAVED GAMES NOW FIXED! game will auto save on close.
    -level up fix
    -achievements and leader board fix.
    -achievement crash fix.
    -fixed the screen glitches.
    -difficulty slightly harder.
    -normal item drop rate decreased.
    -potion drop rate decreased.

    Now we wait for apple to approve...
  11. KintoGames

    KintoGames Active Member

    Dec 15, 2012
    You are right, I had some steam code that was crashing the save. You map is amazing mind if I post it on steam or you can? e-mail me at [email protected]

  12. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Any 6 plus updates coming?
  13. Xerdoz

    Xerdoz Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Imo it has nothing to do with if you can figure out stats(or as you seem to think that with stats ppl mean procs) or not. Its not that hard to figure out what stats or procs do but its not that hard to add a index in a pause menu or something for those who need it and the complaints is really that the game doesn't feel complete.
  14. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Yes I totaly agree with you. Maybe I wasn't clear enough but I meant "Procs". Or at least that what people are complaining right? If you watch some opinions, people tend to have problems with the "explanation of stats". And just as you said it, I also think that it's not a huge problem or maybe only for people not familiar with RPGs.
    And yes I might agree with you that the game feels short but I really hope that there will be some additions in the future (new maps, worlds, dungeons, etc...)
  15. Xerdoz

    Xerdoz Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Well I did a "review" of what I thought and even if I don't think its that hard to figure out I still have it as a minus due to that it does't really add to the roguelike it just make the game feel incomplete, it should be able to find for those who need it. And no what ppl mean with stats is str, dex etc.
    I think its a good game but I do think some stuf should be added to make the game feel more complete and serious and to get ppl to play who arent that experienced with these kind of games(there are small differences between decent and great games).
    A pause menu with map(of visited rooms), a index with explanation of stats, procs etc and a small inventory so you can save some pieces of gear to be able to change your "build". I think the game would get a better appeal then.
    Also if ppl want to know what the stats give now without index just switch eq when you find something with stats and just check how your stats change by pressing the "hp-globe".
    Also props to the dev for fixing save issue, level issue and more so fast.
  16. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Waiting for the update to buy the game. I'd suggest the dev to upload new screenshots. It seems the current ones weren't sized properly.

    Swordigo is pretty much Zelda 2 done well. AND WHERE THE F IS OCEANHORN.
  17. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Good list indeed but I'm really puzzled : where do you find Queen's Crown?
    Was it pulled from the AppStore or is it just found in a specific country? I've always wanted to try it but I've never managed to find it anywhere...
  18. KBPrinceO

    KBPrinceO Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Good question. It's still in my purchased apps list, but I don't see the English version on the store. That's a shame, it's a pretty solid game.
  19. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    I don't own it... yet. *runs and hides*

    Yeah, like KB said it looks like it was pulled, a chinese version still exists. It's a shame, still one of my favorite rpg experiences on the iOS.

    On topic, what does this add from the original?
  20. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    To answer CygnetSeven, if I understood well, you are asking what does BitDungeon II offers comparing to the first one?

    Well, you should read the impression of Echoen (comment #66). He did a pretty good job describing the main characteristics. To sum it up, here you have an overworld and 7 dungeons with a Unique Boss in each. You also have a larger variety of weapons like Bows, Staffs, magic Books and your stats improve depending of your main weapon (you gain Int if you use a Staff, Dex if you use a Bow and so on). After you beat the game, you can restart a NG+ and apparently do it again and again. And also let's not forget about the Online possibility (still in Beta but it is a reallity)!

    So from the Original, you still have the randomized items, the graphics and the Monsters, some of the old gameplay but we are dealing with a new kind of game that simply uses details (mainly items and monsters) from the First BitDungeon. I prefer the Second game because of this overworld. It may be "small" but it is enough to enjoy the game and hope for some updates in the future.

    PS : I hope I got the question correctly from CygnetSeven...

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