Ok, so I was just plodding along with city 8 but I think I'll just prestige in the middle of it now that the moon is here. Looks like some serious keys will be needed
If you can, I'd recommend at least going to the moon and using the starting money to purchase 2 properties, and then prestige. The reason being is that if completing city 8 gives you around 531 keys (without key bonuses), you will get an additional 258 keys or so just for buying 2 properties on the moon.
Bit City (by NimbleBit LLC) Kids away for the week end, time to play some video games I'll try a speed run of BitCity on my iPad while posting screenshot updates on my iPhone here I have bought the 2x permanent IAP, and twice the piggy bank (107k and 250k Bux) I had 14013keys before the Moon update. Here's where I am before prestiging : To be updated
Bit City (by NimbleBit LLC) 10:30 Prestige 10:35 City 4 completed 10:38 City 5 completed 10:41 City 6 completed 10:46 City 7 completed 10:52 City 8 completed 10:57 Moon city 1 completed 11:07 Moon city 2 completed 11:35 Moon city 3 completed Edit : end of speed run. It took me 22' to do the first 8 Earth cities and 1 hour 5 minutes to go from city 1 to end of city 11 (aka Moon city 3 (I did always full city upgrades, and banks to a reasonable level, so I could have moved on a bit faster I guess) I gained 6139 keys and got 11k Bux in the piggy bank more, only 400 more Bux though.
Hi Lorena, I would go first with some permanent city upgrades, specifically: - the large car/plane/boat bonus chance increase (not all the way, depends on how many Bux you have) because it's the only way to gain Bux when you finish the missions (it also increases nicely your coins) - keeper of keys (helps prestige) And maybe one of each special buildings large/small of service/residential/business, preferably on a daily sale. The special buildings help a lot when the city is small but are irrelevant later in the big ones.
Wow...I didn't realize that game upgrades were permanent. I could have so many more keys now! Oh well.
In city 11, when the big buildings come up, do you still wait until you are actually able to afford it? Or start small? And if you start small, do you demolish them before you buy the big one so that it's cheaper? I bought my 3 halfway through the city, but it's such a grind (6300%).
You probably just need to prestige some more. I'm at 200k+, and city 11 goes pretty quickly. When you make it to city 15, you start to see 50k prestige available. Basically anytime you find the game feels like a grind, prestige and start over.
or leave the app open and the device plugged for an all nighter (if you have a city with auto build) [emoji51]
Yea, well, I was kind of hoping to double my keys before I prestige, and it was nearing bed time, so better to get to auto build and hold on for a night. And I find it a grind cuz I usually just leave it on auto and check in every few minutes, so when I have to keep pressing the yellow button, I find it troublesome LOL yea that's what I did, but getting to the autobuild was a nightmare. >.< I just prestiged with 11k keys, so hopefully it's going to go faster.
If you don't have a nearby plug, the game will last until you wake. Depending on how much sleep you have, anywhere between 30% down to 10% from 100%. Of course that will depend on your device and age of your device. Mine is an iPhone 6, not quite a year old as it was a replacement
Anyone else getting a bug where it's not saving your city upgrade progress? It reverts like I never bought them after a while. These are the 4 upgrades you get per level
Perk Cost Does anyone know the total amount of cash it takes to buy all of the permanent perks under the city tab? I'm wanting to buy the pension pig but want to wait until I have enough to purchase them all. I'm currently at $291,307. Hoping that after I purchase them it will help with the progress on the moon cities, they seem to be taking forever with how expensive everything is. I've prestige to 9121%, I know I need to keep prestiging but it sucks leaving the moon where you get so many more keys when building.
City upgrades This has happened to me too. Support said to not forceclose the app when leaving the game, but the problem still persists. This last time I couldn't even go back and redo the upgrades. Everything (including the ones I completed) were grayed out.
Not to be a Debby downer, but I'm at 180,000% prestige and the later moon cities are STILL taking a long time. 9k probably isn't nearly enough for what they intended on for the moon cities