Universal BIOSIS - (by Kostyantyn Salanda)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, May 14, 2014.

  1. Yes, welcome concolor, hope sales match your awesome graphics in this game! Good luck!
  2. Concolor

    Concolor Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Thanks. Hope people will enjoy this game.
    In Biosis you can pull, push, snatch, shoot, accelerate…
  3. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    keep it that way. this game is challenging but not hard(or even impossible) just like i said on upcoming thread. the artwork is so beautiful...and i think its on the same level as machinarium and botanicula(artwork wise). also the animation was crafted beautifully makes each levels looked alive.
  4. Concolor

    Concolor Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Thanks Redribbon for your support.
    Yes i tried to make game looks alive
    because BIOSIS mean Life
  5. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    #25 Bronxsta, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    I'm only on level 17 of Biosis and I have to agree with Connector, it already tops Contre Jour IMO. The art style is key here. Very Giger/Cronenberg-esque, wet, dripping, organic, alive, yet gorgeous in its own way. You feel less like you're simply activating puzzle pieces but rather like you're manipulating this living world to your advantange.

    This element of activity and life is present in the gameplay as well. While Biosis and Contre Jour share the same base mechanics, Biosis is more varied, with interactive creatures offering growths that push or attract, swinging cables, light bridges, and more. Each creature also has a secondary function, and Biosis combines these numerous mechanics in various ways to present interesting puzzle scenarios. Having to activate and deactivate these creatures and switch their states manually makes Bios feel far more involved than Contre Jour IMO

    I can't wait to see what new and inventive challenges await later in the game, as well as what is introduced in future content. I haven't unlocked Pro Mode, so I can't say how much challenge a fourth node adds
  6. Wow, you got really far in one setting! Glad you are enjoying it. I think this game is fabulous, and it is inexpensive too which is great.

    To explain the two functions that Bronxsta was talking about, when it is blue, they attract.


    When they are red, they repel you.

  7. saosijs

    saosijs Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    I enjoy playing this a lot so far! I'm up to level 13 now and see there is a lot more game mechanics ahead. Controls work great. Only difficulty I have so far sometimes is with the "snatcher". That is the yellow creature, the one that tries to catch Mil by shooting out a tentacle. When Mil is in movement, this snatching doesn't always work very well, because the "aim" of the tentacle is the position that Mil used to be and so the tentacle misses. I have to admit, this could also have to do with me overestimating the reach of the tentacles. Anyway, I thought to mention it

    @Concolor, nice to see you are on this forum and congratulations with your game! I have one request, currently I can not see my individual level hi-scores and the game also doesn't show if I have improved a score. Could you include these features in a future update? And possibly include per-world leaderboards, next to the game Total leaderboard?

    Also, I unlocked "pro mode" ($0.99), where you can collect a fourth, pink, plasma blob. Currently the "pro mode" score doesn't add to the leaderboard, which is correct as the two modes shouldn't be mixed up, but as a suggestion, why not give pro-mode its own leaderboards? :cool:

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Well if Saosijs likes the game and Connector and Bronxsta, I will give it a go.

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Just played 8 levels and like it more than I first thought I would, gonna play some more tomorrow.

    Glad it has the full GameCenter treatment that is always a plus.
  10. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Yeah, you really shouldn't form an opinion on the game until you're at least halfway through the first set of levels. My first impressions weren't really all that great to be honest. I was thrown off guard by the swiping and my train of thought was something like "When's the last time I had to learn how to play a puzzler? Aren't these things supposed to be pick up 'n' play?" Thankfully, I didn't delete the game immediately and stuck with it until I got a feel for the controls and whatnot...and to be honest, the game feels more like a hardcore platformer than a puzzler (in the same way that Squirmee and the Puzzling tree did). I'm really, really digging it now. The various mechanics, multiple functionality of the world's objects, the difficulty and of course the music and visuals are quickly putting this game leaps and bounds above all the others in the genre for me.
  11. Concolor

    Concolor Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Hi Saosijs, yes you are right - i will fulfill your wishes.
    Thank you for your support.

    Thank you ROGER-NL

    Metalcasket thank you that you did not delet the game :) I know Biosis is difficult puzzle. This game for people who like think and feel

    I’m swear all levels posible to beat, need only turn on brain and add more speed for your fingers.

    I know, now is more popular games where need only tap-tap on screen.
    Maybe i wrong but i think most important is improve brain and heart
  12. Looks like everyone who has played this game loves it, so it is a slam dunk I think.

    Awesome graphics, awesome music, varied gameplay, what more could one ask for such a cheap price.
  13. Concolor

    Concolor Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    Thank you Connector
    Yes, music is amazing - thanks to very profesional compositor Patrick Rundblad
    And 2d artist not bad too - me:)
    If some one be interesting to check my art - http://konstantinart.deviantart.com/gallery/

    Im tried to make polished game, hope i did that
    if need improve something in game please comment - Any ideas?
  14. Concolor

    Concolor Active Member

    Mar 24, 2014
  15. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Played 30 levels now and its not an easy game some levels I need to restart more than 40 times to get all three plasmas.

    But it's very varied and some levels are truly unique.
  16. saosijs

    saosijs Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    You'll like 2-18 and 2-19 then (or not :D).

    I calculated that Mastakilla46, the #1 on the leaderboard, has an average score of about 5475. I just started world 3 and have about 5375 as average level score so far. I don't know yet how exactly the time bonus works, so I don't know if 100 points extra is a lot or not. And I'll have to see of course how world three will be. Hopefully it gives good points! :cool:
  17. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I'm on 2-8. The difficulty has ramped up. The precision and timing you need to collect nodes is challenging (but at least for me, not in a frustrating way). It's safe to say that Biosis is definitely more varied, inventive, and challenging than Contre Jour ever was. The interesting ways creatures are combined and must be used together makes each new level feel exciting. It's shame that this game isn't getting the attention it deserves.
  18. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Very nice game. The only problem is the rope creature can be a but picky and won't grab you even though it looks like it should, it looks like it touches Mil but won't grab on. Apart from that good game.
  19. saosijs

    saosijs Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    I had the same problem, but I learned that it is because I touched the creature at the moment that Mil is (only just) out of reach. The tentacle then is shot in the direction where Mil is at the moment of touching and it doesn't correct for movement of Mil. Specially when Mil is moving into the circle and you touched just outside the circle, it feels like the tentacle "misses". The smaller circle is quite small, so this happens easily, even more so when Mil is moving fast(-ish). Maybe the tentacle shouldn't shoot out when Mil is out of reach, to make it more clear what is happening.
  20. saosijs

    saosijs Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    The mathematics of gaming

    OK, back to the time bonus, I sampled some data points and it shows as linear with time close to 2950 - 30t. I'm not really sure about the offset 2950, but it isn't important when discussing improving scores. I'm halfway world 3 now and my average score improved slightly. My average level score is now 90 points behind Mastakilla46, which means I'm on average 3 seconds per level behind his or her score. Well, to be more exact, to reach Mastakilla46 I need to improve my average level time from 18.4 to 15.7 seconds (assuming the offset of 2950 is correct). That really seems a lot to me, very difficult or even impossible. Over 328k is really a very impressive score. Hmmm got that 328k a couple of hours after game launch? I start thinking suspicious score ...

    By the way, 2-17 is a nice level to play with the time bonus; 2-7 is too (max score there is ~2900). It looks like the offset really is 2950 (based on time measured from hitting "replay" to getting to the exit)

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