Awesome! I posted a walkthrough on the official forums here: To put out the fire: Spoiler Get the items from the weapons locker upstairs next to the couch. Use the gravity boots on Ammut. Get the mop, Turn off Gravity by interacting with the Environmental controls, use the mop on Tatenen. Now use the oxygen mask on Ammut and then turn off the oxygen in the lower level.
I loved the old Sierra games and I love it when Devs make a game as a complete experience with no iaps! Well played, I'm buying this now ^_^+!
Sweet Well, what a sweet little game. I've only played about 30 mins so far but I love it - it's got a lot of heart. The music is fab and the art style is wonderful. Bravo!
bought it when i've read that it's a sort of tribute to old Sierra games, and... guys, is more than that, this is a new Space Quest chapter!!! thanks to the devs for bring me back to the sweet old days of Roger Wilco first adventures!!!
What a great game! Minus the whole thing being voice acted (I know that can get expensive) this is on par with the Monkey Island series! I'm enjoying it a lot!
Thanks so much! We did think a lot about voice acting, and I even built the functions into my Adventure engine, but ultimately it would have been to costly to get quality voice acting. Maybe for the next game if this one does well!
LOVE this game! I can definitely see how much hard work and passion was put into this project. The music is awesome, and the storyline and the many different planets really give a sense of freedom and exploration. Great job. One of my favorites.
Nice game! Love the music, pixel graphics and the humour. Tried to shoot one of the socks, that was a stupid thing to do apparently Looking forward to all the stupid decisions I will make.
Ditto. I've completed the first two scenes and I'm hooked. The music is incredible, and the sense of foreboding is really quite... foreboding! Can't wait to play more 2nite. Will post again when I've finished game.
Sadly, it does not. I actually had syncing in an earlier build using dropbox (still do on other platforms). But I was having trouble getting it through apples approval process, so I decided to take out the feature just to get the game out there. Dropbox has recently told me they fixed the issue, so in the next update there will be syncing. I can't quite give an estimation yet when that update will be though. I want to wait till I get more players and feedback to see what else might need to be fixed. Thanks for the interest!
I feel nasty carrying around raw bologna all the the time. I hope I find somewhere to cook it quick! This looks/feels like a labor of love... liking that it's so lo-fi and full of heart. I love that the checkpoints are so frequent... I like trying all the options, even if I know they're wrong. Reminds me a bit of McPixel (a good thing!). I too, blasted the sock. So that's where they all go when they disappear in the dryer... Nice work @mikepinto, looking forward to finishing this one, but taking my time and enjoying the world you created.
I'm so in love with everything about this game. Pure genius! Edit: that's how to put out the fire?! Oh man, seems I'm gonna need some hand holding but I must go on. It's too good lol.
Just check (and inspect) your inventory a lot - particularly when you add multiple items. Oh, and make sure you've inspected everything in the rooms. The solution is usually somewhat obvious once you have everything you need (and you've died a few times). The puzzles so far seem to be around the same level as the fire.