Hi everyone, I'm looking for some beta testers for my game Trench Racer, a fast paced 3D racing and shooting game. Any feedback would be useful, particularly how difficult you find the early levels. You'll need to have/install apples TestFlight. Just follow this https://testflight.apple.com/join/0kU8cQD8 link to become a beta tester. The game supports controllers or on screen buttons (tilt control for steering is available but not recommended). You steer left and right and aim your weapon fire so you can shoot up at attacking craft or left/right to attack enemies while avoiding their fire. You earn coins and can upgrade your craft and temporarily pick up extra weaponry in game play. There are 30 levels to play at the moment, then levels 10-30 are cycled through again so you can keep playing. After level 30 you will be able to upgrade your craft which will increase the speed of the game slightly and you can pick up some extra upgrades. I'm intending to have a boss ship every 10th level, that needs to be destroyed before you can move onto the next level. Hope you enjoy it. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
Thanks cooper, you're pretty much the first tester, so I appreciate you playing it. Just trying to get the android beta release done, then I'll concentrate on getting a few more playing it.